Chapter 806

Qin Zixuan took out the crossbow with a telescope, but he couldn't believe that he couldn't shoot with the help of a telescope.Dahai was envious again when he saw it, Qin Zixuan decided to go back and buy a sniper rifle again, and play with guns instead of arrows in the future, so as to save the trouble of not having a front sight.

More than 100 wolves were shot down to the ground before they got close. Qin Zixuan looked at the gratifying record and raised his middle finger towards the distance. Think of it as a different hunting target.

This proposal was supported by both hands of Dahai, and then Dahai was retaliated by Qin Zixuan, a kid, why join in the fun, Qin Zixuan stuffed Dahai's head back into his arms, and rode forward, but Dahai turned his head and opened his mouth to bite Qin Zixuan's little boy Strawberry.

"Dahai, you bastard is going to die." Qin Zixuan protected Dahai with one hand, and then pulled Dahai's head out. Dahai said with a smile, "I'm going to eat grandma!"Qin Zixuan wanted to beat this bastard to death.

Poor Qin Zixuan controlled the horse and the sea at the same time. This brat was very good at torturing Qin Zixuan, but he would be much more honest with Li Han, but Qin Zixuan spoke so fiercely that he couldn't even bear to slap him.

Looking at the rushing team, Meng Ziqing knew that something was wrong, their position was once again revealed to the opponent, she didn't care about driving the beasts to create difficulties, and ran away with the few remaining men.

"Damn it, let them run away again." Li Han led the team to catch up, leaving only a mess of footprints on the ground. Obviously, the opponent escaped again, which made Li Han very dissatisfied and hateful.

"Sir, why don't we go back." Li Han suggested.Qin Zixuan didn't answer, Dahai shook his head first, anyway, he just didn't want to go home, and the opponent wasn't very strong, so why be afraid of them, Dahai couldn't figure it out.

The last group of people still did not cross the sea, and continued to hunt in the royal hunting ground, but they did not meet the man in black again, because the emperor sent the imperial army to support them.

The news here was reported to the emperor by the people in the hunting ground shortly after it happened. If King Cheng did not report this matter, they would have to report it. If something happened to King Cheng, these small officials would not be able to bear the responsibility. They had no way to extinguish the emperor's anger.

The leader was Jiang Yunji, and the five thousand forbidden troops scattered in groups to find the whereabouts of the men in black. Where could they find them at this time? The men in black withdrew shortly after the five thousand forbidden troops entered. Only fools will continue to stay and take risks.

After playing in the royal hunting ground for ten days, until the emperor and concubine sent someone to invite him, he went back to the house. On the way back, the big eyebrows were beaming, and he counted how many prey he had shot with his fingers. Qin Zixuan was overwhelmed.

Because every time Hai Hai counts one, he will say: "Father, I hunt more than you."

Dahai wanted to use this method to motivate his father to practice hard. The idea was good, but it was doomed to fail, because Qin Zixuan got into the team of craftsmen after returning to Prince Cheng's mansion. rifle.

When Qin Zixuan was holding up his rifle and squatting on the school grounds, Dahai's eyes turned green. Do you want to play like this? You will have no friends. Kill him with a single shot at a distance of 500 meters. no good.

Qin Zixuan tested it for a while, but he was not very satisfied, because Qin Zixuan knew that there was still potential for development. If I remember correctly, the furthest one can shoot more than 2000 meters. Of course, it is not a rifle, but the entire 1000 meters is fine, 500 meters is too close .

Listening to Qin Zixuan's muttering, Li Han looked at the sky with her hands behind her back, and the husband started to put on a fork again. She had to look at the sky, so as not to be struck by thunder from the sky.

Dahai called me to play, Qin Zixuan handed the gun to Dahai without saying a word, with a smirk on his face, Li Han looked away, looked down at Dahai, and then saw Dahai fired a shot and fell a buttock.

Qin Zixuan laughed at the unlucky Hai to his heart's content, the recoil of the gun was still huge, the unsuspecting Hai was hit, Hai looked up at his father, it was too bad, he had to go to the palace to file a complaint, and his father started to drift again.

Hai Dahai came into the palace with a gun in his hand, Qin Zixuan frowned when he heard it, and hurried forward to say good things, this eldest son is fun in everything, but his habit of complaining can't be changed, Qin Zixuan doesn't want to be accused by the emperor Swearing.

"I'll take two guns with me when I go out in the future, and I'll give him a shot if he doesn't like it." Qin Zixuan took another small pistol from his arms, raised his hand and fired a shot at the front.

Li Han looked around and said, "The distance is too short."

"It's okay, it's 50 meters." Qin Zixuan looked at the target and felt pretty good. You must know that the range of the pistol in the previous life was only more than 100 meters. Qin Zixuan is really satisfied that the improved product he made can achieve this effect.

The key is that this thing is light, and it is easy to take out and shoot when you put it in your arms. It is not as long as a rifle, which is inconvenient to carry.Li Han tried two more, the power is good, get closer, it's good for self-defense.

"Dahai, my son, do you know what it means to be weak in strength and intelligence? Your father and I are." Qin Zixuan stretched out his thumb for a while, his name is destined to be famous forever.

"Father, you are the best, give me the pistol." Dahai stood up, and said good things if he wanted something, Qin Zixuan nodded, this request can be satisfied, let Dahai wait, and there will definitely be his one.

"Let's go, go to the palace to find my uncle emperor." Qin Zixuan put away his gun, he had to report such a good thing to the emperor, otherwise the emperor would think that he rebelled and it would be troublesome.

"It's very good to use in the army, but we have to see who can stop it." Li Han held the gun, thinking about forming such a sharp gun battalion, hehe, even a master like her can't beat this team, Can only avoid the limelight.

A group of people entered the palace. The emperor saw the results of Qin Zixuan's three-day research, and wondered if he had created a crisis for this kid. If he didn't encounter a crisis, he would not move. Of course, if this kid moved, he would be a big killer.

The production method is left to the emperor, how to act is the emperor's business, and then Qin Zixuan sat next to him, eating fruit and chatting, watching the emperor wearing a shining dragon robe and holding a rifle and shooting right and left.

Until the bullets brought by Qin Zixuan were exhausted, the emperor still hadn't enjoyed the game, which proves a truth, no matter in the previous life or in this life, men like to play with guns, this is simply a standard for men

"You're not bad, what do you want? Tell me." The emperor sat in front of Qin Zixuan with an excited expression on his face. Qin Zixuan picked his nose and wanted nothing. He had everything and was not short of anything.

The emperor looked at this silly boy, if someone else heard what he said, he would definitely want money and land, but this boy said that he has everything, so he was too satisfied, so the emperor took advantage of the opportunity and gave Panlong Island to Qin Zixuan , and at the same time reminded Li Han to cover up a little and protect the secret of the fake dragon veins.

(End of this chapter)

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