Second-hand little prince

Chapter 810 Observation

Chapter 810 Observation
Falcon [-] started to move forward, and there were two soldiers on the mast. They held up binoculars to observe the situation on the island and reported down at any time. Someone below took notes, and Qin Zixuan also held up binoculars to observe. The sea sat on Qin Zixuan's neck Same goes for above.

Everyone is interested in this newly discovered island. It's not that they haven't seen the island. In fact, they have seen too many islands. It's just that there are not many people living on the island, and they see more deserted islands.

Qin Zixuan felt that he did something wrong when he went to sea this time. He should invite the little poisonous girl, because there are too many dangerous things on these islands, which prevent him from exploring freely. It is not because of insufficient force, but because he is afraid of the above. poisonous snakes and ants.

There are several new ships entering the sea above the sea. These people appear to be Daqin people, but in fact the owners of the boats are not. They have a purpose in entering the sea, which is to find Qin Zixuan, and it is best to arrest Qin Zixuan.

After the emperor got the news, he immediately sent troops to encircle and suppress them. No matter what kind of power they were, they would die if they died on the sea. What did they have to do with Qin Zixuan? Killing the mouth, and then snatching the boat back, is making money back and forth.

It's actually very easy to kill them at sea, just snatch their boat away, there is no one to rely on at sea, it's too difficult to survive, and there are unknown dangers in the sea, people who don't know the sea enter the sea almost It's a date with death.

Tang Shiqiang received the order to set off with the navy. This was their second battle after training for so long. The first time they fought on Panlong Island. Every navy that participated in the battle made a lot of money. This time, everyone is gearing up for a big fight. .

The battlefield wealth is not only made by merchants, but also by soldiers. Tang Shiqiang and the others set off with such a good wish, chasing and killing ships that went out to sea to find people in the East China Sea.

"Princess, I feel that this trip is not good. We don't know anything about the sea, so we take these sailors out to sea?" Lan Bing looked at Meng Ziqing and felt that this was unreliable, and they should wait until the king sent a helping hand before taking action. .

"Is there any other way for us not to go to the sea? The Emperor of Great Qin has already found our traces. It is too difficult to hide from Great Qin, and Qin Zixuan's going to sea is our chance. His protection in Yujing is too strong, and we can't get close at all." , let alone take him away."

Meng Ziqing felt a headache when she said this, this Qin Zixuan was not slippery, and he was also a well-known coward, afraid of being killed, he always brought guards with him wherever he went.

Lan Bing sighed, she felt that she could sneak into Huajie, Qin Zixuan liked to drink flower wine, as long as she had the chance to get close to him, she would have the chance to take Qin Zixuan away, even though the Great Qin Emperor was too ruthless, I don't know how many spies he has spied.

The few people sitting there were relatively speechless. Meng Ziqing felt dizzy thinking about the mission of this trip. Her father thought that men were all lustful and wanted her to serve them with lust, but she had never had the chance to get close to her. Han, seduction is useless.

"Princess, do you think Daqi and Dachu really don't act? After all, whoever wins Qin Zixuan wins the world, don't they want to be the co-lords of the world? Yunmeng is in a remote place and wants to dominate the world. Are you not tempted at all?" Lan Bing asked again.

Meng Ziqing sneered, how could she not be tempted, as a daughter, she was tempted when she heard the news, otherwise why would she have traveled all the way to Daqin to find someone, and she is not the only princess in Yunmengguo.

"I think they will definitely be tempted. If Qin Zixuan can't be captured, maybe they will destroy him." Smurf interrupted, and several people nodded. If this happens, even if they can't become the co-lord of the world, it's good to keep the current situation , Few people want to be subjugated nationals.

If Qin Zixuan was here, he would definitely ask Meng Ziqing if the beauty trick would work?Damn, he didn't show up when he was moved by him, and he kept chasing and killing him. He really thought he was number one in the world, and his brain was full of holes.

Qin Zixuan didn't know what Meng Ziqing was thinking, and it was impossible for him to appear here. He was turning around the island, and his eyes were fixed on the residents on the island. Qin Zixuan couldn't agree with what he was wearing.

Some people are actually wrapped in leaves. How poor they are to live in leaves. I have seen primitive people like this in history books before, but that was only the beginning. Later, they were also wrapped in animal skins. Animal skins are made into clothes, what is this leaf?

"They are so poor, do they really have mountains of gold and silver?" Dahai also saw it, he was still thinking about mountains of gold and silver, seeing a group of people who didn't even have clothes, Dahai was very disappointed, this is an uncivilized orc .

"Have you waited until you snatched the island and checked it out? Why are you so anxious, and why do you like gold and silver so much?" Qin Zixuan couldn't understand why Dahai was so interested in gold and silver. Same mania.

"You don't understand even after talking about it, so you are responsible for getting me gold and silver mountains. Anyway, you are my father, so this request is not too much, right?" Dahai put forward his own request with his eyes hanging.

"Yes, yes, I don't understand. I eat more salt than you walk. I don't understand, you know how to do it." Qin Zixuan was hit and didn't want to talk to Hai Hai.

Dahai lowered his head and smiled, "Father, that would kill you. It's too salty, are you sure you can swallow it?"

Pfft, a few laughs sounded from the side, Dahai's brain circuit is similar to that of Qin Zixuan, he always sees things from an angle that others can't think of, and suddenly blocked Qin Zixuan's mouth, Qin Zixuan thought about this famous saying that has been said for thousands of years , Is it too much to be blocked like this?

"Father, I love you." Dahai bowed his head and hugged Qin Zixuan's head and kissed him, which blocked his heart, and he had to be responsible for unblocking it, otherwise his father would be so angry that Dahai would feel distressed.

"I love you." Qin Zixuan gritted his teeth and answered two words. This brat didn't know who he learned from, so he slapped a sweet date, and he couldn't get angry even if he wanted to, and he couldn't bear to slap him.

Li Han turned his head and stared at Hai Hai, this baby is not real, he is playing with his father in the palm of his hand, if it is not born by himself, Li Han really wants to drag it down and beat him to death.

“娘,爱你哦。”大海比个心,送上飞吻,母亲大人刚刚的眼神大海怕怕的,是想把他拖下去揍一顿吧,这个真有可能发生,母上大人是夫奴,只要Dad nodded, Mother can do anything.

Li Han raised his eyebrows, the baby is too smart, it's not good, he can't beat and scold him, and his heart is panicked again, alas, Li Han sighed in his heart, and continued to observe the situation on the island, Wang Rui looked at the direction of the sea with envy , he also wants the same child.

(End of this chapter)

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