Chapter 811

"The size of this island is not small. Although we can take it down with our little force, if we want to occupy it for a long time, the emperor must send people." Li Han pointed to the map and walked around the island for three days. The situation is clear.

But the specific situation on the island is not clear. This requires sending people into the island to investigate carefully. Language is a big problem. They don't understand the language, and it is too difficult to check things. Qin Zixuan rubbed his chin and thought for a while.

Dahai stood in front of several captives, holding one fruit after another to communicate with each other, chattering for a while, and sometimes made various small movements with his little hands, and the movement there caught Qin Zixuan's attention.

Standing behind Haihai are Xiao Yan and his daughters. They also looked at Haihai with surprised expressions. This child is actually learning bird language from him, but they didn't understand it at all after watching for a long time. Dad is still smart.

"Daughter-in-law, you gave me a little pervert." Qin Zixuan put his arms around Li Han's neck, looked at the dancing sea, with a proud expression on his face, to be able to learn a language so quickly, it must be talent, wow haha, my own The second is strong ability.

Qin Zixuan yelled out what was in his heart, Li Han covered his face, the husband is too narcissistic, is this really okay?The Seventh Fairy turned her head and covered her mouth and snickered, while Dahai stopped dancing, and he was quite happy to hear his father praise him.

"Father, I'll go to the island to check the situation, I'm smart!" Dahai raised his eyebrows, pointing his thumb at himself, Qin Zixuan gave a thumbs up, the eldest son is too smart, even smarter than himself.

"Study again, and then let's go to the island." Qin Zixuan directly assigned the task. Since his son has a talent for learning, let him learn. He can be lazy, but Li Han doesn't worry about it at all. Just look at the scenery.

Everyone stopped the boat at the edge of the island and rested for three days. After the sea learned the language, they packed up their things. Several masters brought weapons and hundreds of personal guards and went ashore. The emperor's request to Qin Zixuan was to bring something along for the trip. The number of guards must not be less than 500.

With swords in their waists and guns on their backs, these guards followed Qin Zixuan and his party with neat steps. The others stayed on the boat and waited for orders. Qin Zixuan and his party caught their attention as soon as they landed.

They observed the island for a few days, and why didn't they observe them for a few days on the island? understand.

Dahai was held in Qin Zixuan's arms, waving his small hands to say hello, and said bird's language, Qin Zixuan didn't understand what it meant, Dahai said hello by himself, and said that he and his group had no malicious intentions, just came to see what was new, and exchanged good things .

Qin Zixuan snickered at what he said. They didn't have any malicious intentions. They just wanted to develop this island into a colony and a domain of Daqin. good life.

Thinking of this, Qin Zixuan began to suspect that those great leaders thought the same way as himself when they expanded their territories. What a fucking hypocrisy.

After walking for a while, Qin Zixuan felt that the front was very dangerous. He wondered if Dahai really learned the other party's language, or let the other party deceive him. Qin Zixuan stopped and reminded the people around him to get ready to fight, feeling something was wrong.

Gaba milk.
A voice sounded from the opposite side, Dahai widened his eyes, and then covered his face, as smart as he seemed to be cheated, Dahai is not a fool, looking at the other person's reaction, he knew that what he said before was not a greeting, it seemed to be sending a signal.

Seeing the people rushing over, Li Han didn't yell to fire at the first time, but charged up with Luoshui. She wanted to test the force of these people. Luoshui was Qin Zixuan's weapon in Baibaolou. Since the Excalibur couldn't be brought out to meet people all the time, Li Han took Luoshui with him instead of the Azure Dragon Sword.

"I'm also going to try the other party's martial arts routines."

Wang Rui screamed and rushed forward, Bai Jinghu was silent beside Qin Zixuan, Qin Zixuan tilted his head to look at Bai Jing, and asked softly: "Do you want to organize a wedding for you as quickly as possible? I think Wang Rui It seems that I can't hold it anymore."

Pfft, Wang Rui sputtered while listening to Qin Zixuan's unsparing words. Was this to a girl who hadn't left the cabinet yet?Bai Jing rolled her eyes, don't expect the prince to say anything good, the prince's mind is going crazy.

From Qin Zixuan's side, Li Han and Wang Rui were dispatched, and the two rushed into the ranks of the natives, their sword lights gleaming like a silver dragon flying around, they were meeting death and death, like the god of death descending into the world.

"Pallu." Dahai yelled with his mouth open, which meant cheering. Dahai felt that he had understood correctly, but the person on the opposite side became even more angry, and he rushed upwards desperately.

"Son, what did you mean just now?" Qin Zixuan asked.

"Come on cheers." Dahai blinked, he could speak bird language, but hehe, I don't understand what it means, this needs to be learned, but Qin Zixuan suspected that this babalu is a swearing dialect, otherwise the other party wouldn't know the expression .

"My son, I will kill those captives when I go back. They must have scolded you." Qin Zixuan remembered that he used to teach foreigners to learn Chinese. His son must have fallen into the pit.

Dahai has no objection to his father's proposal. Since he is shameless and doesn't cherish the opportunity to escape for them, he naturally has no choice but to keep them. had a toddler.

Finally, the aborigines found a situation, that is, the group of people coming from the opposite side was too powerful, they were not opponents, and began to retreat, not daring to attack again, Qin Zixuan led the people forward, wanting to see the living environment of this group of people.

The aborigines retreated all the way to their base camp, but they still couldn't stop Qin Zixuan and his gang from advancing. They were really desperate, and they really couldn't beat this group of magical soldiers. Who knows where these people came from.

After realizing the reality, the aborigines on the opposite side knelt again and paid respects to Qin Zixuan and his group. Dahai squinted his eyes to observe the other party, listened to the simple words from the other party's mouth, and secretly figured out what it meant.

Li Han took out a handkerchief to wipe off the blood on the Luoshui, and then withdrew his sword. Yaya's strength is average, and she dared to attack the ships of Prince Cheng's mansion with this level of strength. She is not small.

Qin Zixuan hugged the sea and walked into the base camp of this group of people. Looking at their living environment, Qin Zixuan thought of the pigsty. They lived in a pigsty that was not even as good as the pigsty of Prince Cheng's mansion. How low is the house made of low stones? Woolen cloth?Qin Zixuan stood in front of the house, one head higher than the house.

(End of this chapter)

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