Second-hand little prince

Chapter 818 Encounter

Chapter 818 Encounter
On the sea, two boats were heading towards the coastline of Daqin one after the other. One day Liu Yi and Wang Rui stood at the bow of the boat looking at the stars, and by the moonlight they saw a large boat sailing alone. The bow of that boat was engraved with A big flower is said to be beautiful, but it is actually a secret sign.

Any boat carved with this kind of flower is problematic, it's not her own boat, and it's the latest boat to go to sea. When Liu Yi saw the boat, she thought of those who wanted to catch the prince and make him a prince. She suspected that there were bad people on this boat. .

Putting away the binoculars, Liu Yi ran to the cabin to report to Li Han, Qin Zixuan regained his energy when he heard it, don't miss it when he meets, see if he doesn't snatch the big boat back and sell it for another 100 million, seeing Qin Zixuan's eyes glow, Liu Yi felt helpless, The prince still doesn't know the danger.

"Father, being handsome is troublesome. You can be found across thousands of mountains and rivers." Dahai pretended to be sad, and said cheap words, Li Han flicked Dahai, put on his coat and left the room Go to the deck.

Qin Zixuan then walked out and came to Wang Rui's side. He grabbed Wang Rui's shoulder and said, "Brother, it's hard to hold back. Say something nice, and I'll choose an auspicious day for you guys when I turn around."

"Brother, you are my real brother, and I will be your eternal little brother. You let me go east and I will not go west, and you let me beat dogs and never go chicken. Brother, give me a date." Wang Rui's face was thicker than expected , directly impoverished.

Liu Yi turned around and kicked Wang Rui's ass, saying something indecent, was the date given?Li Han stood by and watched the joke, and did not stop the two from flirting. Wang Rui quickly left Qin Zixuan and went to coax Liu Yi, showing his wife and slave side to the fullest.

"That boat is approaching us, but their speed is too slow, should we tease them twice?" Li Han asked.

"Don't, you're teasing Zhang Xiang and the others together. The speed of that boat is about the same as that of Zhang Xiang's boat. If they attack Zhang Xiang's boat, we will turn around and rescue it." Qin Zixuan calculated Speed, save effort.

"That's true." Li Han felt that he couldn't play with his own people, so he should save his energy and prepare for the battle, but he didn't know who was on board.

Under the moonlight, Meng Ziqing was called to the bow of the boat. After walking on the sea for three months, it was considered to have encountered a boat. Meng Ziqing wondered if she was going in the wrong direction, but she didn't even encounter a boat.

It was also Zhen Ziqing's luck that he was not encountered by Tang Shiqiang and his group, otherwise they would have sunk to the bottom of the water at this time.

Although Li Han didn't play with Meng Ziqing's boat, the speed was kept at an average speed. The light at night was not good, and Li Han didn't want to fight, so he waited until dawn before sending them to the west sky. bad guy.

After watching for a while, Qin Zixuan announced that he would go back to sleep and see who came tomorrow. Everyone had no objections and went back to the room to rest. Only the soldiers on duty stared wide-eyed in all directions, fearing that someone would approach.

The sea is boundless, with no wind and three feet of waves, Qin Zixuan sleeps on the bed as if sleeping in a cradle, it is very comfortable to rock, so he sleeps until the sun is three, and when he wakes up, Li Han and the sea are both gone.

Lin Xi was waiting at the door, and when she heard Qin Zixuan's cry, she hurried in to serve Qin Zixuan.

"What time is it now? Has there been a fight?"

Lin Xi shook her head, the prince didn't get up, how could the general fight with others, the general likes to show off his strength in front of the prince, and also likes to receive the praise from the prince, so naturally he has to wait for the prince to come out to watch the show.

"Waiting for the prince." Lin Xi said, helping Qin Zixuan tidy up his clothes, asked Qin Zixuan to wash up, and asked Qin Zixuan what he would like to eat. After breakfast, it was time for the battle to start.

Qin Zixuan called Xiaolongbao, he was going to eat on the deck, Lin Xi had to go out to prepare, when Li Han heard that Qin Zixuan woke up, he ran over to serve Qin Zixuan, but of course he stood by and watched Qin Zixuan wash, and then handed Holding the towel, he drove the maid out.

"Sir, the people who came here are the girls who appeared in the hunting ground last time. They are all very beautiful. Do you want to snatch them back and become bed warming maids?" Li Han joked, knowing that Qin Zixuan would not accept anyone, she often opened the door. Similar jokes.

Okay, just take a few if they look good, one for feet and two for hair.Qin Zixuan responded casually, the two walked out of the room holding hands, breakfast was already set up on the deck, Qin Zixuan sat at the table, Dahai crawled down from Gu Yueru's arms and came to join in the fun.

"Sister Yue, have you eaten yet?" Qin Zixuan called out. Gu Yueru rolled her eyes. What time is it? Is this breakfast or Chinese food? , is studying how to integrate the sound of this instrument into the song.

These seven people really like musical instruments. If they are allowed to study, they might become masters of musical instruments. Just looking at the camera in front of them, it is hard to think that they are the seven fairies who specialize in killing heartless people. Some people call them witches.

"The distance is getting closer and closer. Shout out to them and warn them not to get any closer, and see what the other party will say." Bai Jing shouted, and a soldier shouted immediately.

Seeing Qin Zixuan eating breakfast, Wang Rui came over with a salivating face, and asked in a low voice, "Brother, have I set a date with Bai Jing? I want to get married early."

"Hey, you are so anxious, does Bai Jing know? Do you want me to ask her?" Qin Zixuan said with a smile, Wang Rui hurriedly cupped his hands, said a basket of good words, and begged Qin Zixuan to hold his hands high and not toss him, I'm afraid.

Dahai opened his mouth to bite off the buns on Qin Zixuan's chopsticks, smiling like a little fox, the food he snatched was delicious, Qin Zixuan didn't care, he hugged Dahai in one hand, and while farting with Wang Rui, Wang Rui was so funny Kneeled.

Meng Ziqing heard the shouting from the Falcon [-] ship, and sent someone to reply, which meant that they were lost and wanted to return to the voyage with a few people. If you have something to say, they are all from Daqin, and please take care of them when you are away. a bunch.

During the reply, the boat didn't stop, and the speed was a little faster. Bai Jing stared at the other party's small movements with cold eyes, and laughed at the corner of her mouth.

After eating and drinking, Qin Zixuan put down his chopsticks, stood up and came to the bow, looked at the big boat getting closer, and then looked at the chrysanthemum carved on the bow, Qin Zixuan smiled unkindly, this is Qin Zixuan's little bad taste, Small vengeance against the bad guys.

"On the other side, sing a tune. I'll wait for you to have a cup of tea." Qin Zixuan shouted with his hands on his hips, making an unreasonable request, but when this unreasonable request was passed to the other side, the people on the boat were delighted, and they immediately agreed. Really sang the tune.

Qin Zixuan rested his chin and looked at the approaching boat, and asked Li Han, are there really smart fools in this world?Li Han nodded, isn't the opposite is a big fool who pretends to be smart!

(End of this chapter)

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