Second-hand little prince

Chapter 819 You Are Treacherous

Chapter 819 You Are Treacherous
The person who sang the song was not the Smurfs. The Smurfs had seen Qin Zixuan before, but they didn’t dare to show up. Instead, they were led by Lan Bing, who was singing with his brother and sister standing on the bow of the boat. Almost, provocatively.

"Daughter-in-law, they are seducing me." Qin Zixuan complained shamelessly, Li Han hummed, took the bow and arrow from the soldier, drew the bow and released the arrow, mother, you can still seduce me in front of you, give it to her pair wear.

Li Han was so angry that the distance of 200 meters was neither too far nor too short, and he was shot through the air by a sharp arrow. Lan Bing's voice faltered in fright, and he lowered his head to dodge. Meng Ziqing swung his long sword and chopped off the sharp arrow. He looked up at Li Han.

This general has a really bad temper. It was obvious that the other party asked them to sing a ditty, but now they sang a ditty and greeted them with sharp arrows. Superior.

First of all, in terms of status, she is the little princess of Yunmeng Kingdom. Secondly, in terms of strength, Meng Ziqing thinks that she is not weaker than Li Han.

Although her figure is not as tall as Li Han's, she is well-proportioned, and her appearance is watery and exotic, with a tall nose bridge, deep eyes, curved willow eyebrows, and sexy red lips. Meng Ziqing is really narcissistic. The more I think about it, the more I feel full of Advantage.

I don't even think about whether her advantage is really an advantage in front of Li Han?No matter how Li Han gave birth to three children for Qin Zixuan, no one can compare to this. Qin Zixuan is a man who cares about his family, otherwise he wouldn't make the backyard so clean.

No matter how beautiful a woman is at Qin Zixuan's place, they are all poisoned beauty tricks. This kid's brain circuit is different, and he avoids beauty tricks like a snake's blood. Constantly, Qin Zixuan was always on the defensive.

Meng Ziqing looked at Li Han, and Li Han also looked at Meng Ziqing. After watching for a while, Li Han recognized who it was, the strong men from Yunmengguo, the group of prostitutes who wanted to capture their husband alive.

Qin Zixuan squinted his phoenix eyes and looked at the beautiful woman opposite him carefully. He had to admit that the beautiful woman opposite him was really beautiful. If it hadn't been for the previous attack, he might have become friends. Unfortunately, he was destined not to be friends in the future because Qin Zixuan spared his life.

Gu Yueru sat at Qin Zixuan's feet, poked Qin Zixuan with her hand, and asked, "Is the boat approaching? Can I show my head?"

"Don't worry, there are still more than 100 meters away, you can't jump over that far." Qin Zixuan replied while looking at the beauty, Gu Yueru muttered that it was really slow, so he had to continue to be a guest.

Qin Zixuan was worried that there were too many experts on his side, and the other party would not dare to approach, so only Li Han, Bai Jing and Liu Yi showed up, and everyone else was sitting below as guests, fiddling with the weapons in their hands.

If Meng Ziqing had clairvoyant eyes, she would have turned the bow of the boat and fled. Damn it, how can a boat of masters still fight? They had so many masters in the past that they couldn't ambush them well. Now that they are still so many masters after losing troops, Meng Ziqing knew that she would definitely run away.

"Father, you are really treacherous." Dahai hugged Qin Zixuan's neck and said, obviously the speed of the boat was faster than others, so he just sat on the Diaoyutai and took the other party as a fish, but the other party was still a no-brainer, I really thought they were traveling Without manpower?Ouch, naive.

"Nonsense, it's called being extremely clever. Your father and I are kind-hearted and don't want to see people die. If we don't release the news, how can we get them all over the sea? If there is a fight in Yujing, God knows how many civilians will be affected."

Qin Zixuan raised his chin and trembled for a while, feeling that he was really too smart, who could come up with so many clever schemes, made money, wiped out the enemy, and most importantly, did not hurt the innocent.

"That's right, father is amazing." Dahai stroked Qin Zixuan's head and praised, "If this brain is extremely large, he will be bald."

Pfft, the few people sitting below burst out laughing, really convinced Hai Hai, all of this can be imagined, the level of counterattack is top-notch, Qin Zixuan's face is black, can they still have a good chat, is this brat praising himself or hurting himself.

Li Han turned his head and looked at the father and son with a smile, stretched out his long arms to hug Qin Zixuan, this is her husband, whoever fights to beat the other.

Meng Ziqing, who was on the opposite side, didn't know what was going on here. Looking at the family of three who were tired of being together, she sighed that Li Han was nothing more than that, and his vigilance was too low. If it was her, she would never give him a chance to get close.

Instruct the boatman to speed up, must be the first to board the Falcon [-], capture Qin Zixuan and then flee back to Yunmeng Kingdom, whoever wins Qin Zixuan wins the world, and only waits to return to Yunmeng Kingdom to marry Qin Zixuan, and win Qin Zixuan to fight for the world, Let Yunmeng Kingdom become famous in Yanhuang Continent.

100 meters, 50 meters, 30 meters, Gu Yueru can already jump over this distance, this guy can't help poking out a pair of eyes quietly, watching the other party still rushing forward, with a smirk on the corner of his mouth, fools every year, Especially this year.

"Hi~" Gu Yueru stood up straight and waved hello. Meng Ziqing was so frightened that she realized that Li Han was not the only expert on the boat, but the big black guy was also there. I'll go. The news is wrong. If you travel with your family, only your own soldiers accompany you, why is the big black guy also there?
Seeing Gu Yueru standing up, the Seventh Fairy also stood up slowly, smiling and looking at Meng Ziqing with sympathy, she didn't know that this idiot had been plotted against, then Wang Rui and the two also stood up, and the masters showed up one by one.

"Hahaha, so what, little lady, are you surprised?" Qin Zixuan smiled like a little fox. This fishing was the most successful, and I don't know how many times he caught it. Affordable.

"The vast sea is your burial place. This place is full of wind and water, which is a rare treasure of geomantic omen. Are you satisfied?" Li Han folded his hips, imitating Qin Zixuan's shyness and laughing up to the sky, taking Qin Zixuan's image Learned ten percent.

your sister!Meng Ziqing scolded her mother angrily, who would be satisfied with this kind of Fengshui treasure land, besides, there is wind and water here, yes, the treasure land really didn't see it, Meng Ziqing gritted her teeth and forced a smile, and said that she didn't have any malicious intentions, she was really lost, and asked Lord Chengwang to help a lot They do.

What this said is that she is full of charming charms, and the tenderness in her eyes is like water. She seems to have been with Qin Zixuan for many years, and she will let her charming side bloom to the fullest. Whether she can succeed depends on whether she can confuse Qin Zixuan.

Meng Ziqing thought clearly about this meeting, as long as Qin Zixuan was confused, others could ignore it, and Meng Ziqing was full of confidence in her appearance, this meeting was also a performance with all her strength, just to catch Qin Zixuan's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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