Second-hand little prince

Chapter 831 Wealth?

Chapter 831 Wealth?

Qi Ruobai thought about the money he still owed Qin Zixuan, and wondered if he would take this opportunity to get close to Qin Zixuan. This idea just came up, but was rejected by Jiang Yi. If he took this opportunity to show up, wouldn't it be telling Qin Zixuan that she, the spy, is back? up.

Qi Ruobai thinks about it too, Qin Ziming hasn't seen her true face, but Qin Zixuan has, if he shows up, he will definitely be exposed, she doesn't know that Qin Ziming has seen through her little Jiujiu a long time ago.

"There are also people monitoring Cheng Wang over there. I don't know what kind of power it is?" Jiang Yi squinted his eyes to the front right, and Qi Ruobai followed him, but he couldn't tell who the other party was. He was dressed in ordinary clothes, but his gait It's different, it looks like Lian Jiazi.

"That person is not a simple person, let's pay attention." Jiang Yi whispered, Qi Ruobai nodded, and the two of them held hands like a loving couple shopping, and passed the suspicious person.

Jiang Yi's eyes fell on the back of the opponent's hand, his pupils shrank, and he quickly returned to normal, as if he hadn't noticed anything, he took Qi Ruobai and left quickly. Under Jiang Yi's guidance, Qi Ruobai was no longer so white. , I also knew that there might be new discoveries about things, so I didn't ask in the street.

The two returned to the inn, Jiang Yi wrote a line with a pen, Qi Ruobai looked at it, his face turned pale with fright, and asked, "Are you sure you are the direct descendant of Thunder God Cliff?"

"Sure, I read a record in the secret book of the Shendaomen, that is, there is a lightning bolt on the back of the hand of Lei Shenya's direct descendant, this cannot be faked, no one knows how to get it, it should be a special secret method. "

Jiang Yi quickly put the note away, put it on Huiyao's lap, carried Huiyao out of the inn, got into a carriage with Qi Ruobai and drove towards Yuquan Mountain outside the city, but they didn't go up the mountain, but I swam around and let the gray harrier fly.

Qin Zixuan played at the Duke's Mansion until late in the evening, and then he took Hai Hai on his way home. Li Han glanced around, cursed in a low voice, and jumped into the carriage.Bai Jing and Liu Yi followed outside the car on horseback.

Qin Zixuan spread out in the carriage, Huang He rode on Qin Zixuan's chest and continued to have fun, this will not look like a fool, he is very good at playing with his father, pinching Qin Zixuan's chin, picking Qin Zixuan's nose, there is no time to be honest.

"A boy is Pi. If it was a daughter, he wouldn't torment me like this." Qin Zixuan grabbed Huang He's hand and muttered. I don't know, but Li Han knows that it is a contender for favor.

Dahai is not convinced, saying that he is honest and not skinny at all, Huang He can't speak, and he can't understand what his father is saying, he can only be silly.

The carriage stopped suddenly. Qin Zixuan hugged Huang He and looked out. He saw a young man standing in the middle of the road.

Qin Zixuan looked at the other party coldly, did not recognize He Fangshen, but saw the other party said to Qin Zixuan: "Come with me, I will send you a fortune."

Rich?Qin Zixuan smiled, do you need others to give you your wealth?At the same time, I was also curious about who this person is, and asked him where he was going?The young man said to go to the Dachu Palace.

Pfft, Qin Zixuan was overjoyed, feeling like another one robbing him of his power, is the Great Chu Emperor out of his mind?He is not afraid of killing them by himself.

Dahai stood beside Qin Zixuan with his little hands behind his back, tilted his head to look at him, he didn't look like Qin Zisheng, this person didn't look like Qin Zexi at all, and he didn't look like that Mrs. Lu, it seemed that Qin Zisheng didn't come back after killing him.

"Get out!" Li Han shouted, if he hadn't sensed the other party's murderous intent, Li Han would have made a move long ago.

"Woman, you are so arrogant!" The young man put on an air of superiority, stretched out one hand and said a word of please. It seemed that he was about to challenge Li Han. If you agree, you must carry out what you say.

Liu Yi and Bai Jing retreated to the side of the carriage, closely guarding Qin Zixuan and his son, Da Hai watched the battle with his little hands behind his back, his face showed no fear, but an expression of interest, to see how good this arrogant young man's martial arts are .

As soon as the two sides fought each other, they knew the depth. Li Han found out that this young man is not young, but his martial arts is not low. Where did this monster come from? Could it be that he came from the five major families like Gu Yueru?

Where would he be?He said before that he wanted to bring Xianggong and Dachu Palace, could it be Thunder God Cliff?Li Han's eyes flashed, and the sword in her hand was more aggressive. She wanted to let the other party understand that even if she came from an ordinary general family, it was not something they could bully at will.

Um?A surprised expression flashed across Shangguanying's face. She never expected a general in Shigu to have such high abilities. Could it be that this person is a secular disciple of the Gu Yue family? It seems that the Gu Yue family is also interested in the emperor of the world.

In the blink of an eye, countless thoughts flashed through Shangguanying's mind. The five major families live in seclusion. They pursue martial arts, and they are rarely born. Only the Gu Yue family, who was born in the territory of Daqin, would occasionally send disciples to intervene in the world's emperor's hegemony.

However, the five major families check and balance each other. The Gu Yue family can only intervene in the land of Daqin, but cannot lead Daqin to conquer the four directions.

But this time is different. The prophet has predicted that the world will be divided for a long time, and a super empire will inevitably appear in the future. This makes the Shangguan family no longer arrogantly hide from the world, because the establishment of a great empire will definitely harm their interests.

Combined with the rumors in the world, Shangguanying wanted to bring Qin Zixuan to Dachu. Unexpectedly, Li Han had completely suppressed Shangguanying as soon as he met an expert. Xianggong said that if he wanted to beat the other party so that his face was full of peach blossoms, then he would beat him Face.

Poor Shangguanying was only slightly distracted, and got two slaps on the face, and two five-finger mountains swelled up on both cheeks. Li Han was very satisfied when he saw his masterpiece. Prepare to be slapped.

When did Shangguanying, who was the proud son of heaven since he was a child, suffer from this anger, his eyes were red with anger, and he tried his best to fight with Li Han. The fame is ruined once.

"Wow, what a great wife." Qin Zixuan touched the small pistol in one hand, and hugged the baby in the other, without stopping. Dahai's little hand behind his back was clenched into a fist, and his face was full of smiles. His mother's martial arts is really high. .

"Looking for death!" Murderous intent arose in Shangguanying's heart. Anyone who saw his embarrassment deserved to die, and Qin Zixuan couldn't run away. Suddenly, Qin Zixuan's heart rose to vigilance. Move slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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