Second-hand little prince

Chapter 832 Dad, Exaggerated

Chapter 832 Dad, Exaggerated

"You're looking for death!" Li Han stabbed out with a sword, Shangguanying raised his sword to fight each other, and slapped his face loudly again, Li Han used his strength to tell Shangguanying who was looking for death, and the corner of Shangguanying's mouth was bleeding, It also made Shangguanying understand the fact that she is no match for the person in front of her.

The crazy Shangguanying turned his eyes to Qin Zixuan, looking at Qin Zixuan who was holding the baby in one hand, murderous intent surged in his eyes, whoever wins Qin Zixuan wins the world, if he kills Qin Zixuan, we want to see who will end up in this world hand.

Shangguanying dodged Li Han's sword, and rushed towards Qin Zixuan. Dahai's small fist had already been raised, but Qin Zixuan unhurriedly drew his gun and pulled the trigger. After the gunshot, Shangguanying spurted blood on his chest, and his expression changed drastically. Dare to believe that you will be recruited.

As early as the moment Qin Zixuan struck, Shangguanying knew that Qin Zixuan had a hidden weapon in his hand, but he didn't expect the speed of the hidden weapon to be so fast, so fast that he only had time to avoid his heart. Li Han's long sword attacked from behind, and Shangguanying twisted Body, throwing a smoke bomb to block everyone's sight.

When the smoke dissipated, Shangguanying's figure appeared in the distance, followed by a purple signal flare. Li Han looked into the distance, raised his sword and chased after him. After chasing ten meters away, a masked man appeared in front of him.

These people are dressed in colorful clothes, men and women. They were passers-by standing on the side of the road before. Now they will all become assassins, blocking Li Han's way. When Li Han and his personal guards kill each other, they will kill the same bloody road , where is the shadow of Shangguanying.

"Daughter-in-law, reap the rewards and go home." Qin Zixuan drank, sat back in the carriage, raised his pistol and blew at the muzzle of the gun, then raised his eyebrows at Hai Hai, "Hai, did you see that he was knocked down with one shot. "

"Father, that's an exaggeration. I didn't knock him down. He ran away." Hai Hai broke the stage again, loosened his fists, and admired his father so much.

Li Han didn't clean up the battlefield, but directly handed it over to the city guards, got into the carriage and continued to move forward, to see if any blind guy dared to block the way.

"Sir, do you think the other party is Qin Zisheng?" Li Han asked.

"Probably not. If Qin Zisheng knew his background, he should have gone to the palace to make trouble. The other party came to rob people, not to seek revenge. However, the other party's character has not been cultivated well, and two slaps slapped him with murderous intent." Qin Zixuan thought about it. The other party's appearance is black and ghost-like, not like the Qin family's.

Regardless of the species of the Qin family, their looks are top-notch, and their skin is as delicate as a child's. Looking at the other party, the skin is thick as if swept by a strong wind and sand. There is no trace of the Qin family, even if a genetic mutation changes. Not like that.

Qin Zixuan stepped on the other person to lift himself up, and even touched his small face narcissistically. Li Han nodded frequently. The husband is good-looking, and Dahai sat next to him happily teasing the Yellow River. His narcissism towards his father has long been It has become a habit, and it would be strange if you are not narcissistic.

When the group returned to Prince Cheng's Mansion, Concubine Cheng was already waiting in Fenglin Courtyard after receiving the news. Seeing the four of them returning safely, Concubine Cheng let out a sigh of relief and asked if she should send someone to the Duke's Mansion to protect the Yangtze River.

Qin Zixuan didn't think it was necessary, the Yangtze River was protected by an old man from the Duke's Mansion, and two pistols were given to him, if he couldn't beat him, he could shoot with a gun, who stipulated that fists must be used when fighting against a master, and a pistol would also do.

Li Han also knew that the protection around the Yangtze River was not weak, so he persuaded Concubine Cheng to reassure her. Concubine Cheng picked up Huang He and asked if they wanted to eat more. Qin Zixuan felt that he was not hungry now.

On the other hand, Dahai said hello, he digested quickly, and he was also hungry, Princess Cheng immediately ordered the kitchen to bring food, and asked who was responsible for it, Qin Zixuan and Li Han agreed that they did not tell the truth, and only told Princess Cheng not to worry .

Can you not worry about this?But the two didn't tell the truth and the concubine did not recruit. Fortunately, his son brought a large group of people every time he went out, and told Qin Zixuan not to slip out to play alone, and it was best not to go out.

Qin Zixuan pinched his nose and admitted that it was like this every time. He was the one who suffered when others made trouble for him. Qin Zixuan had no choice but to restrict his freedom.

Besides, Shangguan Ying slipped away relying on his family tradition, came all the way to the city wall, and jumped off the city wall amidst the yelling and killing of the city guards. He didn't dare to stay in Yujing to heal his wounds. How powerful are the spies of the Great Qin Emperor Shangguan Ying knew it well.

Of course, Shangguanying couldn't figure out what Qin Zixuan was holding in his hand. The hidden weapon was as fast as lightning, and it hit his chest in the blink of an eye, leaving him no time to dodge. What's more hateful is that the hidden weapon seemed to be a medicine betel, which exploded as soon as it entered the body. A hole exploded in the chest.

Shangguanying dived headlong into the mountain, and then healed himself with the help of the lamplight. His face was twisted in pain, and he scolded Qin Zixuan's ancestors once, vowing to show Qin Zixuan a good look.

And the emperor in the palace has already received the news, combined with the news sent by Gu Yueru, the emperor knew that it was the Thunder God Cliff's forces, and angrily clenched his fists and scolded the other party for being too arrogant, don't let him seize the opportunity, or he will destroy the Thunder God cliff.

Wei Dehai advised the emperor not to be angry, because it is not worthwhile to be angry, he should invite King Cheng into the palace tomorrow to ask him what he meant, Wei Dehai felt that King Cheng was not a person who suffered a loss, and there must be countermeasures, so the emperor suppressed his anger and continued to read the memorial .

The next day the eunuch came to Prince Cheng's mansion early, and waited until the sun was three. Then he waited for Prince Cheng to get up. Qin Zixuan rubbed his eyes and came to the courtyard, and sat there watching his daughter-in-law practicing martial arts. breakfast.

While Qin Zixuan was eating, the little eunuch told Qin Zixuan that the emperor had invited him to enter the palace after the meal. Qin Zixuan nodded in response. Thinking about it, he knew what the emperor wanted from him. Of course, this matter will not end like this, but we should not rush to start a war .

After returning yesterday, Qin Zixuan inquired about Gu Yueru's strength as Lei Shenya. Now that the war is going to send Da Qin to the tiger's mouth, it is not worth it. Qin Zixuan will not do that stupid thing. If he wants revenge, he must have a plan, and he cannot drag Da Qin to hell.

Da Qin is the big backer behind him, and also the capital of his descendants in the future. If he wants not to be bullied, he must have a background. The royal family is a good tree, and he can enjoy privileges without having to go to court, which is very good.

Qin Zixuan was about to enter the palace, Dahai called to go with him, Dahai has a lot of eyes, there are guards in Chengwang's mansion, it's very safe, but it's hard to say outside Chengcheng's mansion, he has to accompany his father to protect him secretly, who doesn't have eyes If you dare to hurt your father, let's see if he doesn't kill him with his small fists.

Qin Zixuan had no objection to Dahai's request. Li Han ran to change after eating and drinking, and Dahai also changed into clean clothes to accompany Qin Zixuan. The little eunuch led the way. was driven away.

(End of this chapter)

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