Second-hand little prince

Chapter 835 Gathering in the Sea

Chapter 835 Gathering in the Sea
In the inn at the pier, the little poisonous girl was already getting ready to go. Ever since she received Qin Zixuan's letter, she had been preparing to go to sea. After receiving the departure letter, she came to the pier with a salute and waited.

After the prince and his entourage arrived, they went to the boat first, and each of them was very mysterious. The little poisonous girl was also invited into the cabin. The reason was that King Cheng was about to arrive. In the cabin, the little poisonous girl saw His Highness the prince, and felt strange Ah, why is the crown prince traveling in secret?

The prince didn't say why he was traveling, and the little poisonous girl didn't ask, but she greeted the prince politely, sat in the room to rest, looked at the decoration in the room, and the little poisonous girl lamented that Prince Cheng just pays attention to enjoyment.

Qin Zixuan went out to sea with great fanfare, and the journey was safe and sound. There was no unsightly person who bumped into King Cheng's convoy. When they entered the pier and the convoy arrived on Falcon One, Qin Zixuan's family stepped out of the carriage.

Qin Zixuan stood on the pier stretching his waist, with a lazy look, twisted his body to look around, for fear that others would not see him, and the spies in the distance would naturally see him clearly, then Qin Zixuan and his gang boarded the boat, hunted Eagle One started a new round of voyage.

The convoy was brought back to the shipyard by Qin Fang to park it. This is King Cheng's car, and it will be used when returning to the city.

Not long after Qin Zixuan and his party went to sea, a few waves of people came to the shipyard, and they were very happy to sell. The 100 million silver note was delivered, and then they took their men on board. There was no redundant communication between the two parties, as if they had traded many times.

Qin Zixuan went into the cabin and saw the prince, and then greeted the little poisonous girl, and told her to continue playing mahjong. The little poisonous girl was not addicted to mahjong, but asked the seven fairies to inquire about the affairs of the sea, and the girls went to chat.

"Uncle Prince, why don't you bring Yu'er with you?" Dahai asked while rubbing the mahjong, and the prince answered with the mahjong in his hand. Successor, if the teaching is wrong, he will be beaten to death.

Qin Zixuan played a card with his eyes wide open, Gu Yueru called out and took the card away, listening to Qin Zixuan calling out to Yuemeizi, the corner of the prince's mouth kept twitching, that is a living ancestor.

On the deck, Bai Jing was interrogating Wang Rui, and on the other side was Liu Yi holding Wang Rui's ear for interrogation. The two women felt that something was wrong, and they both laughed like fools. They didn't know anything.

"Jing, don't, don't hit, I'll confess." Seeing Bai Jing raised his hand to hit someone, Wang Rui immediately surrendered, and after telling the story, Bai Jing snorted angrily, he really knows how to take time.Pick the time when she is not in the palace to visit the palace.

"This matter was discussed between my mother and Concubine Cheng. The mother and the concubine felt that I was too old, and other people's children would run away. We had to deal with our affairs quickly, so we discussed the date of marriage." Wang Rui was very spineless. Push Wang's mother to block the gun.

No matter how muddled Bai Jing is, it's not easy to confront her mother-in-law, so she had to pinch Wang Rui a few times to express her dissatisfaction. .

In another two years, maybe his son will be able to play mahjong with him, just like the sea, a thief, even watching Qin Zixuan pit in the sea, Wang Rui still feels happy, and just wants to have the same son.

Bai Jing was not really angry, but just took out a stack of papers for Wang Rui to sign, if she dared not to sign, she would not marry, even if she chose a date, she would not marry, Wang Rui read the contents of the paper from beginning to end, mouth The inside is full of bitterness, saying that there is no human rights.

Then I saw Wang Rui yelling that he had no human rights, while writing down his name and pressing his fingerprints. Fortunately, Qin Zixuan didn't see it, otherwise he would have to sign the deed of sale.

Putting away this unfair agreement, Bai Jing put it in her arms in satisfaction, now she doesn't have to worry about the difficult life in the future, hehe, if it is difficult, just get out of the way, I have the confidence in my heart.

But she didn't see the light in Wang Rui's eyes. She wanted to escape after marrying into Wang's family. It was a dream. At worst, she was like a general studying, pampering her hard, pampering her hard, and she couldn't do without herself. The two fought each other Good idea.

Over there, Liu Yi also put away the agreement. Wang Rui's ears turned red from being pulled, and he rubbed his ears while grinning. This could be regarded as selling the back half of his body. Look at Wang Rui, it's nice to have someone to accompany him.

The speed of the Falcon is not fast, and there are several boats falling behind the Falcon. These boats are rowed by boatmen, and they are desperately paddling at this time. No matter how hard they try, they can't catch up with the speed of the Falcon. , has long since disappeared.

Standing on the deck, Shangguanying watched the distance getting farther and farther, and couldn't help but cursed that the boatman she bought was not strong enough to catch up with Qin Zixuan's Falcon.

Bai Jing stood at the stern and held up the binoculars to observe the situation on the other side. Seeing that Shangguan Ying was actually present, she couldn't help frowning. Did the other party recover from his injury too quickly? It's only been a few days.

Wang Rui explained next to him: "Warrior's physical fitness is high, and Shangguan Ying is a person who came out of Thunder God Cliff, so he must have good medicine with him, and he won't heal his injuries slowly like ordinary people."

The same is true for Bai Jing after thinking about it. If there is a good medicine, it will recover quickly, but I don't know if the other party's luck will continue to be so good this time. It is not easy to escape in the vast sea.

The Falcon has been walking for a day and a night, and is still moving forward, while the speed of the following ships has slowed down, and the boatmen are all exhausted. It is useless even if Shangguanying beats and scolds them. Very tired, coupled with not eating well, where is the strength.

Qin Zixuan finished playing mahjong, walked out of the cabin, walked to the stern and looked at the ships following in the distance, with a smirk on his face, let them follow for another two days, the vast sea is their death place.

The crown prince looked through the binoculars for a while, and said: "There is Daqi's spy inside, it's your old friend Qi Ruobai, and next to her is her husband-in-law Jiang Yi. It seems that they also want to snatch you away."

"They, cut, they won't be able to turn around again, but where did the purple-clothed forces come from? Why have I never seen them before?" Qin Zixuan looked at Thief after finishing speaking, and asked about those people. Are the masters these people?

Thief Saint looked at it for a while, said no, and then continued to observe other ships. The master he saw last time was not in purple clothes, but in white clothes. His whole body was spotless.

Gu Yueru said beside him: "The five great families gathered at sea, the one in purple is Cangbei Donghuang, the one in white is the Gongliang family outside the Great Wall, the snow mountain is their god, the entire Gongliang family only wears white clothes all their lives, and the ones in other colors They never wear clothes, and those who wear colorful clothes belong to the Fengwu family, who claim to be descendants of Phoenix."

(End of this chapter)

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