Second-hand little prince

Chapter 836 The Prophet

Chapter 836 The Prophet
Every family has a prophet. These people are called divine fortune tellers in the secular world. Those who are like national teachers are also divine fortune tellers. However, ordinary divine fortune tellers will not join the national dynasty, but travel in all directions. The national teacher of Yunmeng Kingdom is a special case.

Gu Yueru represents the Gu Yue family. Now that the five major families are gathered on the sea, people like Qi Ruobai are really not enough in front of the five major families, and no one takes them seriously. Qin Zixuan stands at the stern and watches closely. A group of people, I don't know who will be the first to attack.

With Gu Yueru's explanation, Qin Zixuan recognized the opposing forces clearly, and at the same time, the expression on his face became more exciting. He asked Gu Yueru if he also believed the rumor, and Gu Yueru's answer was so refreshing.

letter!Qin Zixuan, who was shocked by the simple word, opened his mouth wide and asked why he believed it. Gu Yueru gave a simpler answer, because the prophet in the clan said that since the Yanhuang Continent ushered in a great unification, whether it is the Great Qin and Great Chu or a small country established elsewhere Win the world, this is not clearly stated.

After hanging around with Qin Zixuan for a while, Gu Yueru felt that it would be Daqin who would eventually unify the world. The reason was that they had a wise and multi-star Qin Zixuan.

Moreover, Qin Zixuan was never lenient when he cheated people. He was a specialist in digging pits, and of course he was also a professional in filling pits. Who made him have an eldest son who was too naughty.

Qin Zixuan held his chin to convince these people, everyone has a prophet, why didn't he see these people jumping out before, but now they are jumping out to perform, treating themselves like Tang monk flesh, Qin Zixuan's mood is very complicated, at the same time Also flattering.

The advancing boat suddenly became chaotic, and saw the group of Gongliang family disciples in white clothes attacking Qi Youbai's boat suddenly, and the white-clothed men floated down on Qi Ruobai's boat, and started killing without saying a word.

What Qi Ruobai brought was considered a good soldier in the army, but it's a pity that it's not enough to meet this kind of martial arts master. For a cup of tea, no one, including Qi Ruobai, survived, and the big ship was also broken by the opponent and sank to the bottom of the sea.

Qin Zixuan watched Qi Ruobai and others disappear into the sea, and sighed, that stupid girl is really stupid, she didn't even look at what's going on here, and she brought people forward, she was courting death.

After the Gongliang family took action, the disciples of the Donghuang family, Shangguan family, and Fengwu family also began to attack other ships. Before they started fighting with Qin Zixuan, they cleaned up the miscellaneous fish first. Qin Zixuan clicked his tongue.

This is the confidence of the big family. You can fight whoever you want, without considering the opponent's strength and background. They are the biggest background. As a dynasty, Da Qin has to think a lot before sending troops. Thinking about it like this, Qin Zixuan began to admire This gang is gone.

It would be great if the Qin family can develop into this kind of family in the future. I don’t know if the royal family will develop like this. Qin Zixuan hopes that his branch will develop in the direction of a big family. Future generations should work together to make it happen.

In the few boats behind, only the ships of the four major families were left sailing. Qin Zixuan raised the corner of his mouth and asked Gu Yueru, if he killed all these people, would he be hunted down by the four major families? Gu Yueru said that she was not afraid.

Why are you not afraid that Gu Yueru didn't say anything, and Qin Zixuan didn't ask, if you're not afraid, don't be afraid, and let the craftsmen work in three shifts to speed up the production of cannons. mine.

After hanging the four boats like this for another three days, Qin Zixuan met Tang Shiqiang's navy and immediately raised a semaphore, telling Tang Shiqiang that the other party was a master, keep the distance at 200 meters, don't let them approach, don't give them a chance to board the ship.

This battle will be a long-distance battle, and all the people will be left behind, and they will not be left alive. If the four major families come to the door, they can push [-]. The big ghost of the sea knows where they went .

Of course, this kind of reason is just a temporary deception. Anyway, if it can be delayed for a while, it will not be too late to fight again. Qin Zixuan feels that Da Qin needs time, and he also wants to buy time for Da Qin.

After everything was ready, he started beating him like a few big families, Qin Zixuan blinked his phoenix eyes and smiled evilly, this sea is the place where these people will die.

"Hey, the boat on the other side, please stop, I won't be polite if I catch up again." Qin Zixuan shouted, Shangguanying stared at Qin Zixuan and gritted his teeth.

"Qin Zixuan, you are dead." Shangguan Ying shouted back, this time he did not catch up with someone, but to kill someone.

"What about you, are you also here to kill me?" Qin Zixuan looked at the Gongliang family. It is understandable that the Shangguan family broke up with him, but the other three families have never dealt with each other.

"Brother Gongliang, don't you believe in the nonsense that the one who wins Qin Zixuan wins the world?" Shangguanying asked, with a mocking look on his face.

"Brother Shangguan, you don't need to be aggressive. I don't believe those nonsense, but I have to be on the safe side. I've heard of the cruelty of the Daqin people. Hehe, I'm here to kill people." Gong Liangjun said coldly , staring at Qin Zixuan with murderous intent in his eyes.

Qin Zixuan pointed in the direction of Gong Liangjun and asked, "Does the Gongliang family have any enmity with Da Qin?"

"The forces outside the Great Wall once invaded Daqin, but they were repulsed by Daqin in the end. We Daqin people have our own backbone, and even if we die in battle, we will not be lackeys of foreign races." At that time, his back was straight, and a sense of arrogance emanated from his body.

The soldiers around also straightened their spines. They were all Daqin people, and they were all proud Daqin people.

"Brother Feng Wu, what about you, do you also have the purpose of killing?" Shangguanying looked at the Feng Wu family in colorful clothes.

The other party nodded with a cold face, full of arrogance, and his voice was loud, as if responding to Shangguanying, and also seemed to be responding to Qin Zixuan, "Can't be used by my clan, kill!"

Qin Zixuan stared at the arrogant disciple of the Fengwu family, "Kill your sister, I really think he is a descendant of Phoenix, even if he is a descendant of Phoenix, he is still a birdman."

"Friends of the Donghuang family in Cangbei, what about you? I ask myself that I have never offended the Donghuang family." Qin Zixuan looked at the purple-clothed Donghuang family's boat again. The royal family and the Gu Yue family have a good relationship, and they don't want to accidentally injure the friendly army.

"Prince Cheng, you didn't offend my Eastern Royal Family, the only fault is that you were not born in the Eastern Royal Family." That cold voice was also telling Qin Zixuan his choice.

That's right, Qin Zixuan had to die because he was not born in the Eastern Royal family. Looking at the four teams, Qin Zixuan was so angry that his liver hurts. These people are not here to rob him, but to kill him.

(End of this chapter)

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