Chapter 837
The crown prince was standing beside Qin Zixuan, his face was livid with anger. Could it be that he was born in the Qin imperial family with a low status?Damn it!Qin Zixuan clenched his fist and killed them first!
"Get ready!" Qin Zixuan yelled, and immediately a flag bearer issued a semaphore, and Tang Shiqiang's boat was also slowly turning around. We must not give those people a chance to escape, and they must be completely wiped out. This is an order from King Cheng.

"Shoot!" Qin Zixuan fired at the big ship of the Shangguan family. The Falcon was equipped with ten cannons, and Qin Zixuan moved them all over. Qin Zixuan has more cannons than the emperor, which shows how afraid this guy is of death. .

The prince stood beside Qin Zixuan. He had seen the power of this cannon before, but it was the first time it was applied to the battlefield. Clenching his fists nervously, the three cannons fired at Shangguanying's direction.

Boom boom boom, after three booms, Shangguanying died directly in the artillery fire. The big ship he was on was dismembered, piece by piece here and there. Like a dead fish.

The other three boats were dumbfounded. They didn't expect that Cheng Wang's Mansion was so strong, and they fought as they said, without any ambiguity. Was it too ruthless? Some people called to retreat, and some called to advance.

Qin Zixuan's Falcon started to move. If he wanted to retreat, he had to ask the cannon in his hand. None of the four ships were spared. As for those that fell into the sea, it was easier to shoot them one by one. This method hit four The family members were dumbfounded, how could they win Qin Zixuan.

Qin Zixuan clasped the crown prince's neck with a proud face, pointed to the bloody red sea and said, "Brother prince, look, bull!"

"Cow, that's awesome!" The prince was sweating coldly on his forehead. Fortunately, this person was born in Daqin. If he was from another country, Daqin might have become history. With that skill, he performed flying on the sea by stepping on a wooden board, but unfortunately he couldn't fly Qin Zixuan's bullet.

Sharks appeared on the surface of the sea. These sharks opened their mouths and bit the corpses on the surface of the sea. The clear sea surface became disgusting. Qin Zixuan turned around and sat on the deck. It is better not to see such a disgusting scene. One point, if you watch too much, you will have nightmares.

Gu Yueru hugged the sea and stared at the surface, feeling sympathy for the disciples of the four major families, why don't they even need to investigate?He was very arrogant when he killed others one by one. When he met Qin Zixuan, he was finished. He was wiped out without even using a single move. It would be embarrassing to spread the word.

The navy led by Qin Zixuan and Tang Shiqiang hovered in this sea area for a day and a night, and only after confirming that no master emerged from the sea surface did they leave by boat.

As for why he was so cautious, there was a reason. Just a few days ago, Qin Fang sent someone to send Qin Ziche a message that there were sword marks under the chrysanthemum boat, and someone should have been lurking under the boat.

After investigation, they also found strange footprints. The reason why they were strange was because the other party's feet were too small.And the direction of walking is also a small road, not going back to the village or going to the dock or shipyard.

Qin Zixuan knew who this person was as soon as he analyzed it. Besides the person from Yunmengguo, who else could it be? Of course, Qin Zixuan was more in admiration. He was able to lurk under the fast-moving boat for three days. What's the point? Perseverance.

Anyway, Qin Zixuan asked himself that he couldn't do it, he couldn't last a day, he must have been washed away by the sea early, as for whether he rushed into the stomach of a bastard or a shark, I really don't know, this reminded Qin Zixuan, that is, to confirm the other party You have to die to leave.

Qin Zixuan and his party left quickly when the sea surface became clear again. Who would have thought that the group that chased Qin Zixuan aggressively would end up like this, they were all wiped out, leaving no one alive.

When the fleet arrived at Yingxin Island, Qin Zixuan couldn't help grinning as he looked at the national flag of Daqin on the shore. This will be the territory of Daqin from now on.

A group of people got off the boat, except Qin Zixuan and the group who had been to the island before, the others saw everything new, even the low stone houses couldn't help running over to have a look.

"Is this where Xiao Chengming's relics were discovered?" The Prince twitched his mouth a few times as he looked at these low houses. It was hard to imagine that a generation of Confucian scholars would die in such an unknown place.

"That's right, that is, the big seal is still intact, and everything else is broken. These aboriginals don't know what a good thing is." Qin Zixuan said while shaking his head, "It's a pity that those books were taken away by the great Confucianism. There must be many unique copies by my side."

The crown prince nodded in agreement. It was indeed a pity. The group of people watched for a while, leaving some soldiers to garrison. They continued to advance with a large group of troops. When Qin Zixuan and his group arrived at the stockade, Qin Zixuan saw that the Daqin flag on the stockade had disappeared.

He couldn't help shaking his head, it seemed that those people had rebelled, but luckily no man was left behind to guard him, otherwise he would not be able to save his life, the people in the village also found Qin Zixuan and his party, and ran into the village screaming.

Li Han waved his hand, and immediately the first echelon of heavily armored soldiers attacked the gate of the village. This time Li Han did not take the lead in the charge, but there was a vanguard in this matter. If she took the lead in the charge again, it would be credit for others.

After a short while, the gate of the village was opened, and the two sides began to fight in close quarters. They knew who was strong and who was weak. These soldiers were well-trained and fought in formations, while the natives fought alone, and the strong and weak were judged.

All those who resisted were killed, and there were also those who lay on the ground honestly. These people were lucky. Qin Zixuan and his party came to the island not to slaughter them, but to give them a new life. Qin Zixuan had a toothache when he said this.

It's too hypocritical, Qin Zixuan told Li Han more than once that Uncle Huang is too hypocritical, how can he talk like this, rob someone's home and don't talk about giving him a new life, what did he do?

Li Han was so teased that he couldn't straighten up. After laughing, he told Qin Zixuan not to say in front of outsiders that the emperor wanted to meet, and it's not good to spread the word. Qin Zixuan is not stupid, so of course he wouldn't spread the word.

The old man who led the way for Qin Zixuan and his party was rescued, and the old man and a group of people were imprisoned in the prison. After questioning, they found out that the former Second Village Lord had returned. Because of his charisma, the old man and a group of people who were loyal to Qin Zixuan unlucky people.

Of course, there was a period of bad luck, and I will definitely live a good life in the future. This is something the old man is very sure of. Last time, only a few hundred people came and swept hundreds of miles. It's all over.

As the first batch of people who followed the prince, how bad would their lives be, even if they were natives, there were smart people.

The prince looked at the old man who communicated with Qin Zixuan, and opened his mouth wide in shock. Didn't he say that these people were just babbling when they opened their mouths?The reality is not.Asked: "They can actually speak Daqin dialect."

(End of this chapter)

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