Chapter 839
The next day, when the army was dispatched, the rebel group of natives, who had been beaten so hard by the attack, lay on the ground and cried. They were desperate and regretted rebelling. They should dig honestly, especially those who were assigned to work as leaders. The intestines of regret are green.

Before hundreds of people landed on the island, they raised their hands and surrendered when they were beaten. Now a group of black people came, and they saw that there was no limit. So many people landed on the island.

All the previously occupied sites were taken within three days, and all the previously excavated mines were taken back. These mines were useless to the aborigines, but they were not destroyed, and the aborigines were quick to get started in order to survive, and continued to dig their buttocks .

Li Han accepted Qin Zixuan's proposal to promote the natives who were loyal to him before, and some even mentioned that they would lead the way in the army and give others a chance to make meritorious deeds. They will also have a chance to rule the natives in the future.

Every time a place is laid down, the master will be left to continue teaching and spread the goodness of Daqin. This time, no matter it is mining or children, they will follow suit. No one can pass the test. Daqin language will become the only official language on the island.

In the Kejia tribe on Yingxin Island, the elder clan leader is sitting at the top and listening to the report of the tribe members. The content of the report is Qin Zixuan and his group. This group of people is like a heavenly soldier, with extremely high combat effectiveness, and has already occupied the southern part. Most of the territory is close to the Kejia tribe.

Patriarch Jia Munan frowned and grimaced, listening to the report and clenched his fists. He couldn't figure out where these outsiders had the courage to provoke the entire island. Did they think they were made of mud?

"Patriarch, according to the old man, it is better to unite with the forces of other tribes earlier. We can't sit still. Think about the turmoil a hundred years ago, and a large area of ​​land in the north has not been taken back." Jiamu Bei interrupted the pensive patriarch, rather Pay attention to this matter.

What happened a hundred years ago made the faces of Jia Mu Nan and the elders extremely ugly. Their tribe originally lived in the central part, but a group of strong men landed on the island a hundred years ago, burned, killed and looted, and occupied their living place. Relocation, farther and farther away from the central plains, and finally living in the mountains in the south.

Today, this group of people landed on the island from the south. This is to force them to death. There are strong enemies to the north, and death to the south. Where do they go in the middle?
"Forget it, according to Elder Bei, hurry up and send someone to deliver a message and unite with the nearby tribes. We can no longer retreat, and there is no place for us to retreat." Jiamu Nan sighed, survival is really difficult.

Just when the Ke Jia tribe wanted to unite the various tribes, Li Han arrived with a large army. At the same time, Li Han also sent many locals who were loyal to him. These people have now changed their surnames to Fu, and they can call them whatever. Pick it up by yourself, Qin Zixuan didn't pick someone's name for you.

After the army was stationed, Fulu led a team of hundreds of people to disperse. They wanted to sneak into the central area to inquire about information. As for the Kejia tribe, Li Han didn't pay attention to it. He heard that they wanted to unite all tribes, and Li Han even stationed in the army. Wait and see how many people they can unite.

There are only five tribes living in the southern mountains, and each tribe has a population of less than 2000 people. Even if they unite together, they will not harm Li Han. This guy is very proud now.

Of course, the consequence of arrogance is to be mercilessly attacked by Qin Zixuan. Qin Zixuan knows the truth that an arrogant soldier must be defeated, so he has no place to shelter Li Han from the blows, so he can only salivate and beg his lord to keep him. If you have any good ideas, please come up with them. Action is it.

Only then did Qin Zixuan let Li Han go, and warned Li Han not to be so careless again. Li Han nodded again and again, what the husband said was right, the journey went smoothly northward, and the resistance he encountered was all local chickens and dogs, really drifting away.

Now that the army was stationed, Qin Zixuan didn't think about launching an attack immediately. Instead, he asked Li Han to send troops to attack the rear of other tribes. Since they wanted to send troops, let them join forces.

After hearing this, Li Han praised Qin Zixuan for being too treacherous, and Qin Zixuan who praised him stared at him. Is this a compliment or a scolding?Li Han cheerfully said that he was praising Mr. Qin, but Qin Zixuan was speechless. Is there such a thing as a compliment?

The prince came over and saw that Qin Zixuan and Li Han were flirting, he felt helpless and asked, "Brother Xuan, do you just let the sea wander around like this? This is not Yujing."

"It's okay, Seven Fairies and Yuemeizi are following, and the little poisonous girl is protecting him, what can he do?" Qin Zixuan looked indifferent, the prince looked up at the sky and rolled his eyes, the sea is so big, this father is Not too relieved.

"Aren't you afraid that the sea will grow crooked?" The prince couldn't help asking.

"Crooked building, already crooked building, don't you see him cheating on me every day?" Qin Zixuan asked back, seeing Qin Zixuan's serious face, the prince couldn't help but burst out laughing, Hai Hai is indeed cheating on him every day, but this, hehe, doesn't count Crooked, very good.

"You guys talk, I'll arrange military affairs." Li Han bowed to the prince and strode out. She should arrange the sneak attack on the enemy's rear.The crown prince has no objection, Li Han is in charge of military affairs, and he has nothing to do with it.

The prince also knows how good he is at leading troops. Back then when he fought against the Great Chu, the prince thought he would not be able to fight such a beautiful battle without Qin Zixuan's assistance. It is the same now. The prince never thought of seizing power. Both of them are fighting The good players, let them lead the prince to rest assured.

So Qin Zixuan sat down with the crown prince and the two brothers drank a little wine and chatted about Xiaotian. The topic of the two was still the aboriginal people in front of them. reward.

Although they did not continue to discover gold mines, they discovered iron mines. Iron mines are now more important than gold mines, and they have played a huge role in the future military power of Daqin. If anyone is disappointed, that person is probably Dahai.

What Dahai ran to the island to look for was a gold mine, but unfortunately he didn’t find it, but Dahai was attracted by other things, that is, playing with drugs. He was learning how to use poison with the little poisonous girl. He was in the shaping period at a young age, and his learning was also diverse.

Pirate Saint hangs behind Dahai every day, watching Dahai learn a new skill, Pirate Saint is anxious, when will he be able to practice his flying on the grass, but he dare not let Qin Zixuan know about it, Thief Saint can only do it in a hurry.

Entering those poisonous areas, let everyone gain a lot. Of course, these gains are for those who practice martial arts, because many treasures of heaven and earth are found in them, and a few guys are not polite, so they share them on the spot and put them in food Cook it and eat it clean.

Da Hai is a child of Qin Zixuan's true biography, that is, good things don't stay overnight, and they are his own only if he eats them. It would be even better if he could improve his strength along the way.

(End of this chapter)

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