Chapter 840
Although Dahai didn't find a gold mine and couldn't absorb the source of gold essence, but with the treasures of heaven and earth, his small strength is also improving suddenly. Not only Dahai has been improved, but also Seven Fairies and Gu Yueru and others are like this. The group of people are going crazy .

Deeply aware of how abundant the sea resources are, this is an untapped treasure. In order to thank Qin Zixuan for his invitation, they very conscientiously left a copy for Qin Zixuan and Li Han.

As for keeping up with the big army, hehe, the Haihai gang doesn't have this awareness, and they are still immersed in the huge harvest. No matter where the big army hits, a group of them slowly search for the treasures of heaven and earth, and when they find them, they can't eat them. overnight.

Gu Yueru touched Dahai's belly, doubting how strong Dahai is now. As a top expert, she had to digest the treasures of heaven and earth, and Dahai's little belly was never idle. I haven't seen how the sea digests it, and it doesn't matter how much you eat.

As for the seven fairies, it's even worse, they don't even have much to eat, and the old guy, the thief, followed the group to take advantage of it, and when he got old, his strength broke through, and he followed behind with a chrysanthemum face every day to take advantage.

"Godmother, don't touch, don't touch, Dahai will be shy." Dahai twisted his small body under Gu Yueru's hands, it's okay not to say anything, but when he said that Gu Yueru was still active, the two got into a mess, and the little poisonous girl never Waking up while meditating, looking at the sea, I also feel that the sea is really magical. Qin Zixuan's kind is different.

Qin Zixuan was quite bored without Dahai Hanging himself, so he followed Li Han and called for battle. Although he divided his troops into the rear, he couldn't just do nothing. Calling for battle was a must.

It's just that the caller is a Daqin soldier, no matter how you scold him, the other party can't understand. The other party stopped babbling this time, and changed to a different dialect. The natives can understand it, but Qin Zixuan and the Daqin visitors can't understand it.

So there was a conversation between chicken and duck, the two sides were scolding very lively, no one could understand who was scolding what, Qin Zixuan realized this situation, hugged his stomach and laughed, such a beautiful scene can't be shot in such a classic movie .

The prince stood by and looked curiously, and asked Qin Zixuan what he was laughing at, Qin Zixuan told the joke, the prince lowered his head and laughed along, as if it was true, no one could understand who was cursing what, but he scolded quite vigorously.

There are soldiers who are good at scolding in the army. This group of people scolds without repetition. From the ninety-nine to the low-level, they are all in the range of scolding. Patronize.

The two sides scolded, and the soldiers returned to the camp to rest. Li Han did not order a storm, but was waiting for news. Once the troops sent out succeeded, the troops would attack here. He could continue northward after taking down the obstacles in front of him.

Li Han sat in front of the case and studied the map, Qin Zixuan leaned over and drank a little wine, it was just a decoration for Qin Zixuan that alcohol was not allowed in the army, he drank whenever he wanted, and no one cared about him.

The two sides confronted each other for two days. On the third morning, four signal flares sounded one after another. Li Han received the news and launched a fierce attack. The five tribes gathered together to fight with more than 5000 people. These people are all strong men who are good at fighting. .

It's just that when Li Han's side launched a strong attack, they realized that they were no match for the regular army, and they all fell to the ground. Of course, Qin Zixuan's side also shouted, that is, surrender and not kill. It was not the soldiers who shouted, but the former surrender faction who helped shout.

With the increase of the territory to fight, the number of troops led by Li Han is also increasing, and those boys surnamed Fu led a group of surrender factions to fight more actively than the soldiers, for no other reason than to be able to eat white noodles every day. The general has meat to eat.

The alliance between the Kejia tribe and the other four tribes quickly collapsed. Li Han sent people to take the prisoners and clean up the deserters at the same time, while the civil servants brought the younger brother named Fu to sell people's hearts.

"His Royal Highness, Prince Cheng, I feel that the mountains and rivers are wrong here. It would be better if we can build a city for defense." Du Shuo came to Qin Zixuan and the prince to speak. He was one of the accompanying civil servants and an aspiring civil servant. , has studied the terrain.

However, the crown prince and Qin Zixuan didn't express their views on whether to build a city defense here. The main reason is that the terrain to the north has not been clarified. If the north is a plain, then there is no need to build a city here without Du Shuo's advice. It is still a closed city.

If the north is not a plain, and there are mountains connected, then it is a bit anxious to build a city here. After all, the distance between the cities they want to build still needs to be calculated.

The prince told Du Shuo to check the surrounding terrain first, and Du Shuo also knew what the prince was thinking. He just wanted to occupy a city as soon as possible. In the future, he might be a county guard. If he performed well and returned to Yujing in three to five years, he would be a party. senior staff.

There is not a single fool who can be dispatched. Looking at the resources here, I know in my heart that this side will be the back garden of Daqin, the resource warehouse. This document will also be a big deal in his future career.

If there were complaints when they came here before, but now they are more ambitious, the emperor's ability to send them here is definitely a sign of trust.

As the Ke Jia tribe took it, the spies who had been cast out before also came back with a brand new map. Qin Zixuan and his gang of civil and military men gathered in front of the map to discuss the matter of building the city. The Ke Jia tribe was really good at choosing geomantic treasure lands.

Qin Zixuan gave an evaluation after seeing the terrain of Sitong, and the crown prince nodded. It seems that the city wall is really going to be built here, but this proposal was opposed by Li Han. It is a plain, where it is more suitable for living in groups.

In the past, the five tribes also lived in the plains, but they ran to the mountains when they couldn't beat them. Now they can move back to Pingyuan, and I believe they will be willing to cooperate, so this city seems tasteless. After all, who can live in a better environment? I wish the cat was in the mountains.

The two sides discussed this, and the generals had a very simple mind, that is, if it was a pass city, they would definitely send civilian officials to settle in. For them, it would be an extra person to divide power. Side chirping crooked.

The crown prince looked at Qin Zixuan, Qin Zixuan could do whatever he wanted with his hands outstretched, anyway, he is not sitting here, the reason is that the crown prince is also drunk, this irresponsible Prince Cheng is always so lazy.

In the end, the crown prince made a decision, that is, to garrison troops here, to build a city on the plain, gather tribe members from all sides, open up wasteland and farm land on the plain, and turn this place into a granary. The aborigines will do.

To win this mountain range, the next thing is to send people to check the veins, whether it is iron ore or gold, as long as it is a mine.

(End of this chapter)

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