Chapter 841
Dahai and his party heard that the southern mountains had been taken, and they brought Tiancaidibao to meet Qin Zixuan. They had to get the latest map and the latest information from Qin Zixuan and Li Han.

In the evening, Dahai brought two bowls of soup to Qin Zixuan and Li Han, cheerfully saying that he was filial to the two elders. Qin Zixuan heard a burst of music, and he drank it happily, regardless of what was in the bowl, and Li Han did the same.

It's just that after drinking, Qin Zixuan felt a rush of heat running all over his body, Gu Yueru walked in to help Qin Zixuan dissolve the medicine, Li Han meditated cross-legged by himself, Dahai stared at Qin Zixuan with his chin in his hands.

"What strength is my lazy father now?" Dahai asked.

Gu Yueru was delighted when he heard it, it seemed that Qin Zixuan's laziness had penetrated deep into Hai Hai's heart, and said: "Don't worry, your lazy father will definitely become a master in the future, even if he can't beat the real strong, the weak can still bully a few down."

"Hehe, bullying the weak." Dahai looked at his father, feeling that it was possible. If his father knew that he was good enough and had beaten many young masters, he would definitely jump up and abuse him. For example, Uncle Wang, hehe, his father would definitely be happy. Come on.

Of course, for the sake of Aunt Bai, Dahai still gave Wang Rui a lot of elixir. My father would probably be a bit worried about wanting to abuse Uncle Wang. Uncle Wang is not lazy, he knows how to practice, and my father will only sleep until three in the morning.

After dispelling the power of the medicine, Qin Zixuan felt comfortable all over his body, and asked what he was eating, Hai Hai rolled his eyes, he didn't even know what he was eating, and he was still eating happily.

"Father, I gave you the laxatives, you should go to the latrine now." Dahai said seriously, Qin Zixuan opened his mouth wide, if you want to play like this, you will have no friends, Gu Yueru sits by the side and watches Dahai make up his mind Qin Zixuan didn't explain either.

"Go, go, you will pull out a lot of little black shit, hey, it's disgusting to think about it, Dad, go and disgust yourself." Dahai continued to wave, he should see his mother's strength.

It's okay if Dahai doesn't say anything, now Qin Zixuan's stomach is bulging, wondering if Dahai really gave him laxatives, but isn't laxatives the kind of weak body and weak legs?It doesn't feel like that.

Qin Zixuan scratched his head and couldn't figure it out. He ran towards the latrine with two legs. It seemed that he was really going to the latrine.

Dahai fanned the little nose, and the pit was pitted, what else could dad do, beat him?Seeing Hai Hai's little expression of indifference, Gu Yue convinced the father and son and got along like friends. It's hard to find another father and son like this in this world.

Li Han closed his eyes and took a look at the sea. This brat would play tricks on his husband and ask what kind of medicinal soup it was. The effect was really good. Gu Yueru suddenly became energetic. The medicated food that comes out can enhance the inner Qi.

The two sat together and began to discuss the benefits of medicinal food. Dahai stared at Li Han for a while. His mother was more powerful. After drinking a bowl of shit, it was okay, but his father's stomach was like a drum. This is the difference between cultivation and laziness. .

When Qin Zixuan came out of the hut, he didn't go directly to see Dahai, but went into the bathroom, washed himself from head to toe, changed into clean clothes, and then went to look for Dahai, and saw Dahai cat squinting in Li Han's arms Rest your eyes.

Qin Zixuan took Dahai from Li Han's arms and kissed Dahai a few times, and blew on Dahai's neck. Suddenly Dahai couldn't pretend anymore and laughed into a ball.

"I didn't expect this island to be so rich in resources, and it's worth our efforts to conquer it." Li Han sighed, Gu Yue was like listening to the music, how could they spend so much effort, where are those chickens and dogs? The opponent of the Daqin soldiers was completely defeated.

Qin Zixuan asked Dahai if he left a copy for the emperor?Dahai nodded, he is not a fool, of course he will leave a portion of good things for the emperor, that is the backer of Prince Cheng's mansion, you can't eat alone, Dahai understands this truth now, and is doing it now.

Of course, if it is a unique treasure in the world, the sea will still eat it alone.

"The Pioneer Battalion has been dispatched for two days. It is estimated that there will be news soon. By then, will you continue to hang out in the mountains, or follow us to the plains?"

After Li Han finished speaking, he looked at Gu Yueru. After thinking about it, Gu Yueru decided to turn around on his own. He didn't follow the army. Anyway, he didn't have any experts. Even if there were experts, they couldn't beat King Cheng's spear. More treasures, improving strength is the kingly way.

Dahai told him to go with him, he wanted to follow Gu Yue as a fool, his parents had official duties and they couldn't fool around with him, but following Gu Yue as a fool could reap a lot of benefits, Qin Zixuan was meaningless, so he ran around with Dahai.

The prince turned back from the outside and was very happy to see the sea. He missed the sea for a few days. The prince came from the pass and asked when he would march into the plain. He stood on the top of the mountain and saw the endless plain. A granary, and some people are already planting crops such as rice.

How they evolved, the prince doesn't know, but seeing the hot eyes, he wants to take it down as soon as possible.Li Han felt that he had to wait. One of their main tasks was to find more iron ore, which was what Daqin needed most in the future.

The crown prince also knows this, but the granary is also one of the things that Daqin needs. Food is essential if you want to start a war. Qin Zixuan advised the crown prince not to worry. Since he has come here, he will definitely not go back empty-handed. It is only a matter of time.

Three days later, the spies sent came back one after another. Many places on the map were marked with red dots. Dahai took the latest map to look for the little poisonous girl. The group of people was about to leave again. The prince watched Haihai disappear again. His face was black and red, and he looked at Qin Zixuan again, that guy was not worried at all, the prince was really convinced.

A city had already been built on the plain, and that city was almost as solid as the Great Qin city, and Li Han, Tang Shiqiang and others began to study the strategy of breaking the city, that is, directly bombarded their city gates with cannons and drove straight in.

The prince and Qin Zixuan are studying why these people built the city, which is similar to the city of Daqin. Did those people steal from Daqin, or did Xiao Chengming and his gang not die back then? These cities were built by them. Helping people is so much fun.

After running for more than 100 years and returning to the original point, he still could not escape the elusiveness of fate. The prince also suspected that it was Xiao Chengming's gang, because the Xiao family was powerful back then, and it was impossible for all of them to die at sea. Of course, it was also possible that Xiao Chengming died. People are his minions.

The biggest difference between civil servants and military commanders is their strength. Xiao Suiming is a minister in trouble, and he is a researcher of the loyalty value of his subordinates.

(End of this chapter)

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