Second-hand little prince

Chapter 842 Rumors

Chapter 842 Rumors
"The accent of the other party is a bit like our big Qinyin, but only some people can understand this kind of accent, and many people living at the bottom don't know it. The subordinates suspect that the high-level people may be the people who fled back then."

Yang Shulin sat across from Qin Zixuan and the prince, and expressed his doubts. Qin Zixuan listened with joy, and said that those people are too stupid, what kind of high-level and low-level people are doing, if they want to really subdue this place, they have to integrate. will be undefeated.

The prince also shook his head, thinking that the strategies of those people were not as good as Qin Zixuan's cultural invasion. Even after thousands of years of cultural invasion, the place has been torn apart, but the culture of the Great Qin has taken root here. This is the place where the Great Qin will never be defeated.

Dynasties can perish, but culture is undefeated. The history of the Great Qin will always be strong. If the Great Qin Empire is really built, then the history after thousands of years will definitely become the myth of each dynasty like the Fengtian Empire.

These cognitions made the prince more determined to carry out cultural education. He was determined to subdue this group of natives and turn them into Daqin people. In his heart, he would always admit that he was a citizen of the Great Qin Empire. No matter how the dynasty changed, the Great Qin Empire was a mark of history.

At this moment, the prince's calm heart began to stir, and he was even more eager to take the island as soon as possible. As an important step in Daqin's outward development, he must go out of Xintiandi, and he understood why his father asked him to go with the boat.

Qin Zixuan didn't know that the prince was thinking so much, and he was still beating Yang Shulin, talking about the living habits and clothes in the plains, etc. The prince calmed down and sat there listening to Qin Zixuan's nonsense.

This information was obtained by the gang of young men surnamed Fu with their soldiers. The local language is spoken by young men surnamed Fu, and the language of high-level people. The soldiers know how to speak Daqin dialect. Like they.

It seems that the following battles are interesting. Those people must know some tactics and battle formations. Unlike the natives in the mountains, they don’t understand anything. Fighting depends on the number of people. Winning is also a miserable victory. There is no such thing as one-sided fighting.

Qin Zixuan was analyzing the information, and Li Han was also analyzing the information. They also suspected that these people were Xiao Chengming's descendants. At the same time, they didn't understand why they didn't protect those books if they were Xiao Chengming's descendants. It really doesn't make sense.

"Tomorrow, I will lead troops to attack the city, and just blast the city gate and kill inside." Tang Shiqiang didn't have a brain, and didn't think of other ways. After hearing this, Li Han frowned and thought, killing is not the best policy, they need this group of people work.

The more people are killed, the fewer people work. This is not a good phenomenon. Li Han thought for a while and came up with a method, which is rumors, so Li Han sent people into the city again to spread rumors in the city.

That is the arrival of the Heavenly Soldiers of the Great Qin Dynasty, only the most evil ones, and no harm to the innocent. They are here to help the slaves liberate the slaves. They are good people, and they are good people who help everyone regain a new life. This army has become the army of justice.

After listening to Li Han's plan, Tang Shiqiang said in his heart that he was hypocritical. Why was it in his heart? It was because Tang Shiqiang had weak fists and did not dare to speak out in person. Tang Shiqiang was afraid that Li Han would beat him up after he heard it, so he ordered to send a younger brother with the surname Fu They went to town again.

At the same time, the army appeared outside the city, cooperating with the rumors. If there were only rumors but no soldiers, others would think it was crazy talking in sleep.Soon, rumors spread in the city, and people whispered everywhere, and some people were whispering about whether such a system really existed?Can they really be freed from slavery?
Somewhere in the city, in a place that looks like a royal palace, there is a fat man in a rhubarb robe and a bead curtain on his head, who can weigh more than 300 catties. Countermeasures.

"You said we've all hid here, so why is the Great Qin Emperor going on and on? He's driving us to a dead end. Does the family have a plan to defeat the enemy?" Cheng Tianyou rubbed his hands and asked, looking from under his hands. The generals swept over them.

"Your Majesty, in my opinion, let's lead our troops out and see who is stronger and who is weaker." The general Lu Chengfeng stepped forward and said, saying that the general had only three thousand soldiers under him, and he obviously lacked the confidence to fight out.

"Your Majesty, why don't we surrender? I heard that tens of thousands of soldiers are coming outside. How can we fight?" A man with the appearance of a civil official said, immediately arousing the contempt of the generals. Military generals look down on this group of people the most.

Cheng Tianyou continued to rub his hands. He had been the Taiping Emperor for a long time, and he had lost the blood of his ancestors. If Cheng Tianyou had kept his blood and passion, he would have led his troops south to wipe out all the tribes on the mountain.

This will see the army losing its position in a hurry, looking disappointed at the civil and military in front of them, all of them are trash, and they can't even come up with an idea.

If Qin Zixuan was here, he would die laughing, what a shame, he actually set up civil and military officials like others, the truth is that he has raised a group of guys who eat food and don't do anything.

"Your Majesty, go to other cities to transfer troops, and we will fight to the death here." Lu Chengfeng said.

"Who listens to me in the other cities?" Cheng Tianyou asked, the name is quite good, but God does not bless him, as soon as he ascended the throne, the other cities rebelled, each of them proclaimed themselves king, and none of the cities made offerings. Otherwise, could he live so aggrieved?

Lu Chengfeng looked at Cheng Tianyou and felt aggrieved. With such a master, he couldn't use it even if he had great abilities. He was afraid of death in battle and afraid of spending money in sending troops. What do you think you can expect him to do?

Originally, when those people made themselves kings, Lu Chengfeng led a large army to conquer them, but halfway through the conquest, they found that there was no food, so they sent people back to urge them, but the emperor said that there was no food, damn it, how can we fight without food?

Lu Chengfeng had no choice but to retreat back to Bingcheng, and was so angry that he didn't go to court for several months. Afterwards, Lu Chengfeng also found out that it was the kings of those cities who secretly played tricks and bought off the eunuchs to persuade Cheng Tianyou , and then the stingy emperor doesn't give them food. Do you think there is such an emperor?

Every time I think of it, Lu Chengfeng wants to beat Cheng Tianyou to death, but he is restricted by the ancestral precepts and cannot rebel against the family line. After all, Lu Chengfeng's lineage is a slave of the family, and he was freed after he made great contributions. Take it off, that is, you must be loyal to the family and never betray.

"Why don't we surrender." Cheng Tianyou said with a puffed stomach, this guy is really cowardly, he wanted to surrender before the war started, Lu Chengfeng stepped aside and didn't say anything, whatever, he was following the emperor anyway Follow your steps and vote for whoever you are afraid of.

"Your Majesty, absolutely not. Everyone here can surrender, but you can't." A civil servant walked out of the team and knelt in the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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