Second-hand little prince

Chapter 843 Run away

Chapter 843 Run away
The civil servant kneeling on the ground is Zuo Xiang Fu Lin. He walked out of his desk and kowtowed on the ground, stating the reason why Tianyou could not surrender. In simple words, you are the emperor, you cannot surrender, you have to fight, because you are You have to die even if you surrender, who made you the emperor.

Hearing Fu Lin's words, Cheng Tianyou was sweating all over his head, no matter how he surrendered, he would die. This day can't be passed, Cheng Tianyou's face turned pale with fright, and Lu Chengfeng stood up again to advocate war. Cheng Tianyou this time Follow the advice and decide the battle.

Of course, Fu Lin still has something to say, that is union. In order to convince other small kings and kings in various cities who are self-proclaimed kings, he decided to go on an envoy himself and use his lotus tongue to impress the other party, as long as the emperor can persist for a while and give him time.

This suggestion was approved again, Lu Chengfeng stared at Fu Lin, is this old guy so good?I wondered in my heart that I didn't say anything, whether it is good to see the effect, whether it is really as good as Fu Lin said, and I will know in two days.

So Cheng Tianyou announced his preparations for the war, and officials of all sizes got busy. The soldiers of Daqin did not besiege the city on all sides, but only blocked the south gate, and the other three gates were free to enter and exit. Stay alive.

As soon as the high-level people leave, the people below will be able to subdue them. As for whether the high-level people will escape, there is really no need to worry about that. Li Han has his own plan. Qin Zixuan sat next to Li Han with his legs crossed, listening to Li Han and the soldiers assigning tasks. Snoring.

"Report! General." Qin Zixuan was awakened by the report, and quickly sat up straight to wipe off his saliva, thinking whether he would go to hang out with the sea for a few days, it was too boring.

"Speak!" Li Han looked at the soldiers who reported the news with a dark face, and the soldiers quickly reported the latest situation, that is, the spies saw the fugitives with their families at the gate of the city, and asked if they should take them down, Li Han raised his eyebrows, This is escaped, very good, you can go to war.

"Boom it!" Li Han waved his hand, and the soldiers took orders. The cannon was set up at the gate of the city. With the sound of the cannon, the gate was blown to pieces. Qin Zixuan nodded frequently seeing the power of the cannon, and the soldiers of Daqin rushed towards the gate with howls.

The soldiers guarding the gate were dumbfounded. Why don't you go so fast? At least give them some time to prepare. How can you just say bang? Lu Chengfeng rushed over with the soldiers, and saw a large number of soldiers pouring in before they reached the city gate. Yang Tianchang sighed, the sky is going to destroy Fengtian.

"The first emperor, I will go with you. God will not bless me, Fengtian." Lu Chengfeng raised his sword and killed himself. Qin Zixuan, who was with the soldiers, was shocked when he saw it, so he just broke the city gate. Is this the case?However, the name of the dynasty is quite cool.

"Feng Tian, ​​Feng Wu Jiu Tian, ​​this ambition is so lofty, but it's a pity that it didn't fly. It's too fat to flap its wings. It's a pity that it's such a good name." Qin Zixuan was riding on the horse, and the people next to him laughed after hearing it. Shivering.

"Everyone in the Lingtian Dynasty is sick, and they slay themselves as soon as they break the city gate." Li Han said next to him, Qin Zixuan deeply agreed, and the crown prince nodded frequently. It was true, as if they would draw their swords and slay themselves whenever they encountered a desperate situation. , or else just find a trouser belt to hang yourself, it's too fucked.

The general killed himself, and the other soldiers were dumbfounded. They should fight or flee. It is better to turn around and flee. Qin Zixuan and his party were shocked. Is this really a century-old kingdom?This is a plate of loose sand.

"Grab your tongue and ask, this situation is not quite right." Qin Zixuan shouted, Li Han nodded, the soldiers rushed and shouted to surrender and not to kill, so a group of people lay on the side of the road, and those who had no place to lie on them directly lay on top of them, Stacked into an Arhat.

Qin Zixuan sat on the horse and couldn't straighten his waist with joy. This was the most fun battle he fought. It was like playing house. The soldiers quickly took control of the whole city, and the prisoners were taken to a place to be guarded. Civil servants are brainwashed to assign tasks.

Why is there no resistance at all?My plan to break the city.Li Han looked at the palace in front of her, she was speechless, she seemed to be very stupid in this battle, if she knew what kind of rumors she was setting up, she might as well have led troops in to kill as Tang Shiqiang said.

"General, Cheng Tianyou, the emperor of Fengtian, has brought you here." A group of soldiers came over with a big fat man. Cheng Tianyou took off half of his dragon robe, and was taken off by the soldiers before he finished taking it off. There were not many people around him. The faithful guard.

"Why is the resistance so weak? Where are your soldiers?" Li Han looked at the fat man lying on the ground in front of her, and gritted her teeth angrily. Having such an opponent is a stain in her life. The prince looked at Li Han, and then at Cheng Tianyou , the general is angry.

"Bing, the soldier has escaped." Cheng Tianyou replied trembling.

"Why did you run away?" Li Han asked again.

"Half, I haven't paid my salary for half a year." Cheng Tianyou replied quickly, but as soon as the words came out, the soldiers who came out afterward widened their eyes. A fool would not run away if he didn't get paid for half a year, but the money in the emperor's hand is not enough. Little, why not pay wages.

"What are you carrying?" Li Han asked.

"Back to the general, gold and silver, and various utensils, it looks like something from the previous dynasty." The soldier opened the box and asked everyone to look at it. Qin Zixuan's eyes widened, no, it was obvious that the shells were circulating between them, why did this happen? The fat man has gold in his hand.

Qin Zixuan asked a question, and Cheng Tianyou gave the answer. After hearing this, Qin Zixuan felt that Fengtian's high-level executives were really fucked up. They actually thought of using shells to fool people. In exchange for prey from various tribes in the mountains, or in exchange for grain, gold and silver are never within the scope of exchange.

But gold and silver are not within the scope of exchange, so gold and silver are dead things. What's the use of collecting a pile of dead things?Qin Zixuan couldn't figure out what these fat guys were thinking, he couldn't figure it out, they actually let them build a country.

The prince looked at Cheng Tianyou, and then looked at the officials who were captured, all of them were eating meat. This is probably the vampire that Brother Xuan said. If the king does not love the people, why the people love the king, so the battle is about to be defeated. .

Either lie down on the ground and surrender, or turn around and flee. There are not many people who stand up to protect the monarch. Then this kind of country is really not far from death. Even if there is no Daqin army today, someone else will conquer them in the future.

"Can you please spare your life? I don't want to die." Cheng Tianyou stared at mung bean eyes and begged. He really didn't want to die, and he even proposed to let him be a prince of peace, or else he would be raised by a county town. He can do it, or he can be a rich man.

Li Han gritted his teeth and asked about the situation in the cities in the plain area, why no one came to rescue him, Cheng Tianyou almost cried when he heard it, it would be better if they didn't beat him, if it wasn't for Lu Chengfeng's protection, those guys would have died Fire was fired at him.

There are five cities in this plain, and each city has 5 to [-] residents. The Fengtian imperial city in front of you used to have the largest population, about [-] people, but now it has the smallest population, which is [-] to [-] people. .

(End of this chapter)

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