Chapter 844
As for the reason for the population decrease, it is very simple. They were oppressed by the greedy emperor and had nowhere to go. As soon as the other four cities reached out to recruit them, people immediately defected to them. They just devoured the population of the imperial city little by little. People who attack the imperial city will also be defeated.

The bosses of the other four cities were the former county guards of Fengtian. Later, when the old emperor died, his relatives were easy to bully, and each of them established themselves as kings, neither paying tribute nor meeting the emperor.
Qin Zixuan listened to Tianyou's confession, and watched the two princes whispering to each other. He still felt that the population was too small, and he had to find a way to let these people have more children and diversify the land. It's good land.

As for Cheng Tianyou, after Li Han inquired what he wanted to hear, he had Cheng Tianyou locked up. Regarding Cheng Tianyou's desire to be a Prince of Peace, he was dreaming, and he didn't even look at his own information. Is he worthy of being a prince?

Soldiers cleaned the main hall, tidied up the rooms from all sides, and let everyone stay in. Fengtian's signboard was also taken down, and the palace became a temporary tent, which may become a county government in the future.

The soldiers cleaned the battlefield, and the civil servants performed on stage. The crown prince was busy looking around every day, and Qin Zixuan also rode around to see if the living standards of the people here were good. Of course, what he saw was not good.

Cheng Tianyou is a greedy guy. The people at the bottom of the heavy taxation are unable to live, so they sell themselves as slaves one after another. The industry and commerce have stopped at the original state. The currency is shells, or barter.

Give me a piece of meat, and I’ll give you a bowl of grain, or a piece of cloth. Of course, cloth is a high-end product that ordinary people can’t afford. Only the rich and powerful can afford it. Most of them wear animal skins. .

Winter is good, but summer is hot, so you can see naked people all over the street, with only one piece of animal skin covering their buttocks, and women have an extra piece of animal skin covering their upper two points.

It took five days to register the people here, and each person was issued a small wooden sign, which was their household registration. With these household registrations, they could receive short-term food. The food in the later period was that men would go up the mountain to dig mines and exchange their labor for food.

Hearing that labor can be exchanged for food, a group of women also rushed out to work. They also have strength. Some women even moved stones around to perform miraculous feats in order to prove their strength.

In the end, the government issued a notice, that is, men go to the mines and women open up wasteland at home. As long as they work, they can be exchanged for food. At the same time, they must study, learn the language and culture of Daqin, and if they have good academic performance, they may get an official position, and become an official. .

The benefits are also great. The name of Yingxin Island is not for nothing, and the various welfare measures are also very good. The men who go to the mine have a day off every seven days, and they go down the mountain to reunite with their families. Why do they do this, of course, to have a baby.

The pace of the army is not fast. It can be said that it is one step at a time. After laying down a piece of land, the manpower will be settled, and then continue to fight down. No matter whether it is going up the mountain to dig or open up wasteland, there will be rewards.

Most of these grains used as rewards are collected from the homes of the nobles, and the insufficient part can only be transferred from the Great Qin. To buy people's hearts.

Six days later, Li Han continued to advance with the army. Some soldiers were stationed here, and the civilian officials began to work. Li Han didn't need to worry about the work in the rear. Someone was doing it.

This plain has a size of [-] square kilometers. There are only five cities in such a large area. Apart from the fields near the city, there are more wastelands. class of small animals.

Before the army arrived, the four cities had united. Fu Lin, who kept trying to persuade the four cities to send troops to save them, was the guest of honor at this time.

The content of the talk was his credit, he persuaded Cheng Tianyou to desperately resist the army and win precious time for the four cities.

However, there are spies mixed in between the cities. Some of them are active and thoughtful, and they take the initiative to vote for the military to show their abilities. If there are any friends and relatives in which city, they take the initiative to go as spies. Inquire about the situation.

"Well, this city is too far away. If it's close, it's enough to win four cities in one day." Li Han said, Qin Zixuan was good at beating Li Han, and it floated, and floated. Cheng Tianyou is a pig, and does not represent other cities. They are all pigs, and if they were pigs, they would not become kings on their own.

Poor Li Han was scolded by Qin Zixuan again, this guy started playing with Li Han when he couldn't find a toy, Li Han listened cheerfully, she stopped floating, she just ran on the ground with Xianggong.

"Why don't you go forward, and I'll go play in the sea?" Qin Zixuan proposed to leave the team after training others, Li Han shook his head firmly, and praised Qin Zixuan for a while, implying that I feel guilty without my husband by my side, and I don't have enough confidence.

In the past, the military adviser followed, but this time the military adviser did not go out with the army. I am not good at planning. My husband, I cannot leave you for a minute. What Li Han said was sincere. He hugged Qin Zixuan and did not let go. Qin Zixuan gritted his teeth and grinned. , can't go.

Li Han has schemes, but it is true that people are prone to drifting. After all, so many battles have been fought, this small island is really no problem. When he is drifting, he will rely on Qin Zixuan to smash it down. Qin Zixuan is a little worried just turning around and leaving like this. , had no choice but to continue to advance with the army.

It’s okay to say that the first three cities are not strong enough to unite, and they don’t use their strength to speak out, but when they reached the last Lily City, their determination to resist was really strong. Never step back.

Daqin soldiers suffered the most losses in this battle, 200 people were killed and [-] were injured, and then they took the city. Although they took it, the gang of leaders ran away. On the mountain.

Qin Zixuan and his party chased to the foot of the mountain. It was not easy for the opponent to occupy a high position, so the army had to stop and adjust. Qin Zixuan asked someone to collect maps in the mountain, as well as the information of the opponent's high-ranking generals. Finally, a decent opponent appeared.

"My lord, this mountain is not bad. One man can block it and ten thousand men can't open it. If I lead 500 people up the mountain, even 10 people can't pass through here." Li Han looked at the mountain and couldn't help admiring. Due to the favorable location, I think someone inside will help.

"Hehe, not necessarily, this is an island, we can take a boat and sit behind them to fight, who said that we must fight here?" Qin Zixuan continued to look at the map with his eyes hanging down, and began to give lessons to Li Han and others.

(End of this chapter)

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