Chapter 845 End
Hearing Qin Zixuan's theory, the surrounding soldiers were all dumbfounded. Yes, they can go around the enemy's rear by boat, so why fight this pass so desperately?It's as if their brains are stuck in a blind alley, and they have to fight over the barriers they encounter.

Li Han stretched out his thumb and was convinced, so he called the natives who are proficient in the terrain of this place, and then discussed the plan to divide the troops. Here, keep the best soldiers for the battle. If the opponent also goes down the mountain, they will be destroyed. If they stick to it, they will go around and fight.

That night, a team of 2000 people left the team quietly, marched quickly overnight, rushed to the edge of the island, boarded a warship, and began to rest. After dark, the big ship moved to the enemy's rear.

Fu Lin and other high-level officials guarded the pass on the top of the mountain, thinking of using it as a pass to resist the enemy from going down the mountain, and then free up their hands to grab the territory in the mountain, so that they can continue to live a chic life and dominate, but they don't know that the idea is too big. Innocent.

2000 troops went ashore before dawn, went around to lurk behind the enemy, led the way by a hunter who was familiar with the terrain, and killed them on the mountain in the middle of the night. Fu Lin watched the magic soldiers descending from the sky, knowing that the big thing was over, he lay down on the ground and surrendered, not thinking about it. He was beheaded with a knife.

This person is none other than Cheng Tianbao, the lord of the four cities. Fu Lin first betrayed the emperor Cheng Tianyou, then surrendered again. Cheng Tianbao quit. He felt that Fu Lin had betrayed the royal line of the Cheng family, so he cut Fu Lin on the spot. .

As soon as he raised the knife, he was shot in the heart by an arrow. Looking at the dark head, he knew that his family was over, and it was over in the hands of their unfilial sons and grandchildren.

Li Han looked at the torches on the mountain and knew that the big event had been accomplished. After the pass was captured, they would occupy this plain and then march towards the mountains and rivers in the north. The mountains and rivers in the north are not as tall as those in the south. Down.

The army swept all the way to the north. After the prince and his gang took over the five cities and established a system, Qin Zixuan and Li Han led the army back in triumph. The tribes in the north took down one by one. Of course, the population was pitifully small.

All of them were only tens of thousands of people. In order to facilitate management, Qin Zixuan asked the soldiers to take all these people to the plains, and then arrange the positions reasonably. It is best to use them all for mining.

The prince looked at the prisoner, was stunned for a while, and asked, "Is this the end?"

"Otherwise, you think this is Da Chu, so many days of fighting in a small area is too much." Qin Zixuan waved his hands and started talking big. The crown prince looked at the fluttering Qin Zixuan, and secretly sighed that there was a general in charge of the battle.

How did you know that the two of them took turns to float, Qin Zixuan usually floated at the end of the battle, and Li Han usually floated in the middle of the battle, at this time, Qin Zixuan needed to drag people down, now how Qin Zixuan floated, Li Han didn't pull, just follow Float away with my husband.

The next step is still the same, that is to go into the mountains to investigate the mine veins, Qin Zixuan has nothing to do here, so Qin Zixuan went to find the sea, and then Li Han ordered Tang Shiqiang to accompany the prince and run away with his own soldiers.

After the battle, the two men fled without claiming or claiming merit. The crown prince had no choice but to grab Tang Shiqiang and ask about the battle. He had to discuss how to report the battle merit.

Pfft, the prince convinced the couple because they no longer care about the credit, and Daqin has nothing to claim, so let Tang Shiqiang give more credit to Tang Shiqiang, who made Tang Shiqiang and Li Han related.

Among the mountains, Dahai was lying on the ground enjoying himself. Unexpectedly, he found another gold mine after crossing a poisonous area. However, this gold mine is very hidden. No one has discovered it yet, and Dahai doesn't plan to report it.

He sucked the gold essence first, and it’s not too late to dig it if he needs money in the future. Let the gold mine sleep underground now. There are seven fairies sitting next to the sea. They wandered around this place for many days, carrying a large bag of medicinal materials on their backs. You can sell them for a good price when you take them home.

"Report, the war is over, the prince wants to join us." The soldiers following the group looked at the signal flares in the sky and reported the latest situation to Gu Yueru.

"Let them wait at the foot of the mountain. We have already checked here, and we will take them with us when we move to the next place." The little poisonous girl who was resting on the ground spoke. The visit to this area is over, and the next step is to move.

"Yes." The soldiers responded, respecting and fearing the little poisonous girl, the little poisonous girl is full of poison, no one dares to approach her casually, except of course Dahai, the baby Dahai is a quick learner, and the little poisonous girl is not would harm the sea.

"My father is free?" Dahai opened his eyes, put his hands away from the ground, sat up straight and looked at the soldiers.The soldiers hurriedly replied, I don't know why the little prince used the word "liberation", isn't the prince always quite free.

"Then eat and leave." Dahai rubbed his stomach, he was hungry again.The Seventh Fairy started cooking immediately after hearing this, and Jia Nan hugged Hai Hai for a while and kissed him. This is the child she saved with her life, and the relationship between the two is really good.

Gu Yueru waved her fist, and there was a sound in the air, which seemed to break the air. This time, after going back to her family and going to Huiying Mountain, she couldn't believe it. Gu Yueru had always had one goal in her heart, which was to go to Huiying Mountain.

People from the Gu Yue family can only go down the mountain to play freely if they have passed through Huiying Mountain. If there is no sea for Gu Yueru now, the Gu Yue family will not let her go down the mountain to play. Gu Yueru was touched by the sea. Light.

After she has passed Huiying Mountain, she will be free to go down the mountain again, and she can go down the mountain whenever she wants. The Gu Yue family will no longer restrict them. All the rules are restrictions on the weak, and the strong don't have to abide by them.

Zhao Qingfeng often made his home all over the world, and he could go wherever he wanted. Gu Yueru's goal was to be free, so he threw a few more punches. Seeing that Dahai was also making small fists, he immediately stopped his fists and watched. Yueru's favorite, so smart.

After a set of punches was finished and the meal was ready, Jia Nan helped Dahai wipe off the sweat from his face, shouting that it was time to eat, and everyone started to move.

At the foot of the mountain, Qin Zixuan drew his bow and shot the rabbit, and then sadly found that his arrow technique had missed the Ulala country. The rabbits flew away and disappeared without a trace. He had no choice but to put away the arrow and look at Li Han. He wanted to eat rabbit meat today. .

"Master is waiting." Li Han said, and rushed to the grass, and soon found the rabbit nest, directly grabbed a litter of little rabbits, and wanted to eat a few, you are welcome, there are a lot of them.

"I will treat you like this in the future. You can give me whatever you want. You can rest assured that I will always treat you the same."

Wang Rui stood next to Bai Jing and suddenly confessed, Qin Zixuan said leisurely: "There are a lot of people who want to be nice to my sister Bai, who are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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