Second-hand little prince

Chapter 846 City Construction

Chapter 846 City Construction
Wang Rui looked at Qin Zixuan happily and wanted to reply: I'm your brother-in-law!But Wang Rui didn't dare to say it, he was afraid of being exposed, God knows what Prince Cheng would do to him, so it's better to pretend to be stupid.

"Sir, do you want braised or steamed?" Li Han asked.

"Braised." Qin Zixuan made a choice, and the accompanying chef started immediately. The prince said that they would never dare to steam it.

In the evening, Dahai and his group came to the foot of the mountain, and when they saw Qin Zixuan, they were so affectionate. Qin Zixuan looked at Dahai, a small black charcoal, and screamed to throw it into the fire. Dahai rubbed Qin Zixuan's face, but his father didn't How much whiter than him.

"My lord, I have almost finished visiting the mountains in the south. Is there anything special about the mountains in the north?" the little poisonous girl asked with a smile.

"I'm not sure about that. The mountains there aren't too high. Let's go for a stroll and go back to Yujing after we're done. It's time for Mrs. Song to have a baby." Qin Zixuan counted the time and came out for another two or three months Yes, I have to read it again when I go back.

"Alright, then let's just stroll around casually. This trip has yielded a lot of rewards. Remember to let me know next time the lord goes out to sea." The little poisonous girl touched the poison in her waist and added a few more copies. The sect master must be happy to bring these back.

"There's no problem, leave it to me." Before Qin Zixuan could reply, Dahai responded first. Qin Zixuan squeezed Dahai's little black face. Now this guy can be compared to Bao Heizi, and his stepmother will have another heartache when he goes back to the adults.

"Put some facial mask on your little face at night." Qin Zixuan persuaded, Dahai shook his head, what is he doing with such a big man, he doesn't want a lady's, it's very dark.

"Sister-in-law, leave him alone, let him go, as long as the husband is beautiful." Li Han walked over with the braised rabbit, Hai Hai squinted, his mother is the president of the Appearance Association, or a senior president.

The next day, a group of people rode back to the city, preparing to go to the northern mountains and rivers. Wherever they passed, the people passing by would kneel down and thank them, thanking the general and prince for liberating them and giving them a new life.

Every time this happens, Qin Zixuan will feel a pain in the ass, this feeling is indescribable, if you really rob someone's territory, you have to accept their gratitude, this feeling is indescribable, it's pretty fucked.

A group of people met with the crown prince in Hope City, and the crown prince was still inspecting governance issues. Qin Zixuan proposed to build a city emperor temple, empress temple, and a set of everything from the Great Qin Dynasty outside the city. The ideological sustenance must not be missing.

The prince nodded. This proposal is good. I thought it was missing something before, but now that I think about it, it is a temple. There is no temple here. I asked Qin Zixuan if he would come to a temple. People don't need temples, and it's okay not to build them.

Of course, if you want to facilitate management, building a temple is a good choice. The human spirit must have somewhere to rest, otherwise it will cause trouble.

The prince did not make a decision to build the temple immediately, but the Chenghuang Temple and the Niangniang Temple immediately issued an order that all cities should be built. If conditions permit, a small one can be built in the town. First, it is convenient for passers-by. The spread of culture.

Qin Zixuan was forcibly left by the prince to inspect the construction of the city. If there is anything that needs to be improved, just mention it. The prince knows that this kid has something in his stomach, so he will not let it go easily. Before, there was no way, Qin Zixuan ran away first, and he didn't catch anyone.

In desperation, Qin Zixuan hugged the sea and walked around with the prince for a day. He really found several problems. One was the city defense, and the other was the place where the common people lived. Manpower, the big deal is to spend some food to feed them a few meals.

It needs to be built in a unified style and looks good, and the road needs to be widened. Nowadays, many people don’t think that when it develops in the future, the road will be congested. It’s better to plan the road once and save it. It was built and demolished, and I don't know whose money was wasted.

Qin Zixuan thought of a golden finger in his previous life. That would really waste the money of the party and the country. Daqin is in a period of rapid development. This kind of wasteful behavior must be eradicated from the source.

That night, Qin Zixuan drew a city planning map, which indicated the road width and housing area. In order to cope with the future population increase, Qin Zixuan designed yards that could be covered with wing rooms. into the yard.

It depends on their population development and financial situation in the future, and they can play freely. Looking at this design, the prince sighed that he had kept people right. If he hadn't forced them to stay, King Cheng would have already slept in the mountains. .

In order to facilitate the subsequent construction, the crown prince still did not let him go the next day, so he dragged Qin Zixuan to explain to the artisans of the Ministry of Industry that the design was good, but if he wanted to build it, he had to let the artisans understand.

So Qin Zixuan wasted another day. Fortunately, the craftsmen were very smart and understood all the meaning Qin Zixuan wanted to express. After that, they would just direct the people to build the city.

On the third day, the prince had no reason to keep the people. Qin Zixuan led a large group of people into the mountains to play.

Da Qin Yujing, Qin Zixuan left, the spies from all sides were quiet for a while, and then became restless, because none of the spies they went to sea came back, and they bought small boats and went to sea one after another. As for why they didn’t buy big boats, it was because they didn’t have enough money. .

Of course, the boat was not bought in King Cheng's shipyard. That girl's heart is too dark, and the price is very expensive. She bought the boat from an ordinary boatman. If you drive such an ordinary boat to sea, the consequences can be imagined. The animals in the sea are blessed.

When the news reached the emperor's ears, the emperor just sneered. If the Falcon was so easy to take down, his little nephew, who was afraid of death, would never call out to sea. That guy is dying.

But what worried the emperor was the sudden movement of Da Chu, who actually sent troops to the border. This is the rhythm of the war, and I don't know what kind of confidence Thunder God Cliff gave Da Chu, so he dared to take the initiative to start the war.

The emperor couldn't figure it out after much deliberation. Now he can only wait for the return of the prince and King Cheng, and see what surprises they can bring. Counting the time, they will be back soon.

Thinking that Mrs. Song is about to give birth, the emperor asked the eunuch to send some tonics to Prince Cheng's mansion. Although Mrs. Song is a concubine, who would let her marry well? After thinking about it again, I think it is better to mention Mrs. Song's father to the capital Bar.

So an imperial decree set out from Yujing, Wei Dehai earnestly carried out the emperor's order, and did not ask the emperor why he did so, and the emperor would not explain why he did so. When the news reached Prince Cheng's mansion, Princess Cheng frowned. , don't give her a cocky tail.

(End of this chapter)

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