Chapter 848

Qin Zixuan didn't know about Yu Jing's affairs. He was standing on the bow of the boat watching the dolphin show. The dolphins, big and small, jumped out of the sea from time to time, spraying water and mist, and screaming endlessly, which caused bursts of applause on the boat. .

After watching the dolphin show, Qin Zixuan took out the hook to fish again. This kid has no free time, and enjoys life very much. Not far behind Qin Zixuan, Li Han and Gu Yueru are fighting. The strength of these two women They are all making rapid progress, no one will obey the other, and they will fight together.

Dahai sat cross-legged and watched the two fight, clapping his little hands from time to time and shouting cheers, cheering for Li Han and then cheering for Gu Yueru, no one knew which side he was on, neither side could offend.

If anyone on the boat was the most boring, it was the crown prince. The crown prince had a noble status, not everyone was afraid of the crown prince like Qin Zixuan, and treated the prince as an ordinary person, so naturally they didn't dare to chat with the prince casually, so the boring crown prince had to find Qin Zixuan.

The two brothers were sitting together basking in the sun, blowing the sea breeze and fishing. Occasionally the prince would be teased by Qin Zixuan and wanted to beat him up, and occasionally the prince would fight back, making Qin Zixuan stretch his neck. Whenever this happened, the prince would be in a good mood, haha laugh.

Pirate Saint is sitting next to Dahai and teaching Dakoujue. It's time to practice flying on grass. If you don't learn it, it will be difficult to return to Prince Cheng's mansion to meet again, but you don't know that Dahai didn't like Pirate Saint's flying on grass and didn't want to learn at all.

A gray harrier stopped on the deck, Lin Xi stepped forward to grab the gray harrier, took away the information on the gray harrier's legs, then ordered someone to fetch food and water to feed the gray harrier, and then sent the information to Qin Zixuan.

Qin Zixuan curled his lips after seeing it, and complained to the crown prince: "I haven't returned to Yujing yet, troubles have come to my door, and my mother's lord still blames me for causing troubles, is it me causing troubles?"

"No, someone is looking for trouble, and I don't know who it is." After the prince finished speaking, he felt a little sympathetic to Qin Zixuan. Strictly speaking, Qin Zixuan doesn't cause trouble, and he is easy to get along with, but as a member of the royal family, even if he doesn't cause trouble, he will Something got on my head.

Li Han retreated and ran over to ask what information was sent, Qin Zixuan handed over the information, Li Han looked at it and scolded: "Where is the bastard, let's see if I will tear him up."

Pfft, the prince covered his mouth, the general's tone was so vulgar, Li Han didn't care what the prince was thinking, when he exerted force on his hand, the information was turned into ashes, the prince blinked, the general's hand is so powerful, I don't know if he can It cannot be practiced.

When Li Han walked away, the crown prince pulled Qin Zixuan's arm and asked, "What strength is the general now?"

"I don't know. Anyway, I can beat her very well. I can't beat her." Qin Zixuan was honest, telling the truth, the crown prince rolled his eyes, there are not many Daqin who can beat Li Han, the general's force value That's getting stronger.

Three days later, the Falcon docked at Qianwan Wharf. This time, the big ship that went out with the Falcon was fully loaded, and the good things inside were unloaded by someone. Qin Zixuan didn't have to worry about this, Qin Zixuan was busy Go back to Beijing and beat people up.

Dare to try to dismantle Weijixuan's signboard, it means that there is no way to cut off people's wealth. This enmity has grown, seeing Qin Zixuan's appearance, the prince seriously suspected that it was Qin Zixuan who went to fight, not Li Han.

Everyone went ashore to change their horses, beat the horses and galloped to Yujing, let others escort the goods behind, Qin Zixuan didn't worry about it at all, Dahai sat in Qin Zixuan's arms, yelling, driving, driving, eyes narrowed into a line, I don't know what I'm thinking.

The news of Qin Zixuan's return quickly spread in Yujing. Many people sat up straight from their training and looked up at the direction of the pier, with expressions of shock on their faces. King Cheng returned safely, but what about the people who chased him?

The group hadn't reached Qinglong City when they encountered a stumbling block. A man dressed in white Shengxue with cold eyes, like an ice sculpture without emotion, was staring at Qin Zixuan coldly at this moment.

Qin Zixuan was also staring at the person coming up and down, what a beautiful chick, but is this chick too cold, as if she just walked out of a ten-thousand-year ice cellar, her whole body was chilling, Qin Zixuan really saw this for the first time A kind of person, no, is it still a person?

"You are Qin Zixuan?" Gong Liangyan spat out a few words coldly, the sword in his hand was buzzing, as if he couldn't wait to get out of its sheath to drink blood.

"Yes, I am, who are you?" Qin Zixuan made a harmless expression, trying to make himself as kind as possible, not wanting to frighten the ice sculpture girl, but not wanting his actions to cause Li Han's dissatisfaction and make the general jealous up.

Li Han's eyes widened, his body exuded murderous aura, and the Luoshui in his hand also hummed, because Li Han was close to Qin Zixuan, Qin Zixuan heard the humming, turned his head around to find the source of the sound, while Hai Hai held his little hands and smiled looking at mother.

"Come to fight!" Gong Liangyan shouted.

"Fight is to fight, whoever is afraid of whom!" Li Han yelled, and flew towards Gong Liangyan. The crown prince was protected in the crowd, and he stretched his head to look forward from time to time. I don't know what happened, King Cheng has so many enemies ?

"Who are you? Don't bully my wife, or I'll beat you up." Qin Zixuan sat on the horse and shouted, Dahai covered his face, can father be more serious, they are all fighting together, what do you mean? .

"Daughter-in-law, come on, I'll see you." Qin Zixuan continued to call, since Bingshan didn't respond, then cheer on daughter-in-law, you can't be idle, your mouth is itchy.

"Father, eat melon seeds." Dahai took out a bag of melon seeds from his bosom and handed it to Qin Zixuan, knowing that his father is a person who can't be idle, so Qin Zixuan stopped barking and sat on the horse watching Li Han and Gong Liangyan come and go. Make a ball.

Seeing the fierce place, Qin Zixuan would still say hello, Gu Yueru tilted his head to look at Qin Zixuan, he was speechless to this guy, he thought he was watching acrobatics, but the beauty in front of him was good at martial arts, she should be a direct descendant of the Gongliang family.

It doesn't matter how much the side line kills, but the direct line is not easy to kill, unless the other party really intends to kill, otherwise Gu Yueru is really not easy to kill, the relationship between their five big families is complicated, and it can't be cleared with a single blow .

Gong Liangyan and Li Han fought for [-] rounds, but they didn't gain the upper hand. Seeing Li Han's eyes became serious, and they fought another [-] moves. Yue Ru asked, "From the Gu Yue family?"

"Hehe, I have a good eye. I belong to the Gu Yue family, but the general is not from the Gu Yue family." Gu Yueru threw away the melon seeds in his hand, cupping his fists in salute, "The same is true of Gu Yue from a certain family."

Pfft, Qin Zixuan smiled, Wu Erlang came to mind, that guy seemed to belong to a certain family when he opened his mouth, looking at Gu Yueru's physique, this guy could not be the reincarnation of Wu Erlang, his height is quite similar.

"Gong Liangyan." Gong Liangyan returned the salute, reported his name, his eyes fell on Qin Zixuan again, looked up and down for a while, and asked, "Why do you win the world?"

Qin Zixuan spread his hands, how did he know this question?
(End of this chapter)

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