Second-hand little prince

Chapter 849 Too dirty

Chapter 849 Too dirty

"Sister, can we talk about our conscience? I'm just an idle prince. You're asking with hidden murderous intentions. Your heart is not pure. You want to frame me. You, you, tell me clearly why you treat me like this ?”

Qin Zixuan rolled his eyes and shouted, "It is said that the one who wins Qin Zixuan wins the world. I don't know how the world is won, but I know that my meat is very delicious now. Do you want to pay me a few bites?"

Pfft, Dahai covered his mouth and snickered, the old driver, father, drove again, and drove again!I don't know if the iceberg on the other side understands, Dahai suspects that the other party doesn't understand.

Sure enough, Gong Liangyan didn't understand, so she yelled, who wants to eat Qin Zixuan's meat, she was just curious why there were such rumors, since she couldn't ask, Gong Liangyan had no choice but to ask the next question.

"Qin Zixuan, let me ask you, what about the members of my Gongliang family who went to sea? Why did they not come back when you came back?"

"Hey, from what you asked, I can tell that you have never seen the sea. Why don't you go around the sea first and see how big the sea is?" Qin Zixuan's pippi made Gong Liangyan grind his teeth, and Li Han provoked She looked at Gong Liangyan with her eyes, and stood in front of Qin Zixuan.

"The sea is so big, how do I know where they went? Maybe they met a mermaid on the sea. They were fascinated by the mermaid's singing, and then followed the mermaid to be a door-to-door son-in-law." Qin Zixuan was talking nonsense seriously, and a group of people behind him It makes me want to laugh.

Bah, Gong Liangyan gave a bah, I really didn't see how outstanding this bastard was, he actually spread such rumors, his eyes wandered through the crowd, and finally fixed on the prince, his fingers twitched, and he muttered something.

"No, your fate is the emperor, why is it rumored that Qin Zixuan will win the world?" Gong Liangyan pointed at the prince and asked, the prince was inexplicably asked, but what Gong Liangyan said made the prince secretly happy.

If I am qualified to be an emperor, doesn't that mean that I will definitely become the emperor in the future, and Daqin will also become the Daqin Empire!Thinking of this, the prince couldn't suppress the joy on his face.

"Beauty, the brain is a good thing. If you have less brains, you can read more. It is rumored that whoever wins Qin Zixuan wins the world, and it is not said that Qin Zixuan wins the world. It hurts your mind to ask this question." Qin Zixuan's voice sounded, and there was nothing good in his mouth.

"Shut up!" Gong Liangyan understood this, and Qin Zixuan was scolding himself for being stupid.

Gu Yueru gasped, thinking of Gong Liangyan's identity, the Snow Mountain Goddess, unexpectedly, the Gongliang family would go so hard and send out all the Snow Mountain Goddesses, what do they want to do?
"Let me ask you, where did the members of my Gongliang family who went to sea go?" Gong Liangyan ignored Qin Zixuan, stared at the prince and asked, Gong Liangyan felt that Qin Zixuan was not telling the truth, and didn't want to say more to Qin Zixuan.

"Wow, don't you think you have a crush on my prince brother? You actually ignore a handsome guy like me and only talk to my prince brother. I can warn you, there is nothing wrong with liking my prince brother, but You can only be a side concubine, the crown prince already has someone."

"You, you're looking for a beating!" Gong Liangyan didn't care about waiting for the crown prince to answer, so she decided to beat this kid first. Her words were really annoying. She is a snow mountain goddess, a goddess!The goddess who will never marry in this life!

As soon as Gong Liangyan moved, Li Han went up to meet them, and the two of them fought again, Qin Zixuan continued to eat melons, Gu Yueru looked at Qin Zixuan, and then at the angry Gong Liangyan, who could make the Snow Mountain Goddess jump to her feet in anger, King Cheng's anger The kung fu is really powerful.

The prince looked at Li Han and Li Han who were fighting together, and he had already realized that no matter whether it was a member of the Gongliang family or members of the other three major families, they couldn't tell the truth, and they never met each other!The sea is so big that I want to find someone to find it by myself.

"Hit her nose! Hit her nose." Seeing that Gong Liangyan was at a disadvantage, Qin Zixuan yelled to hit Gong Liangyan's nose. As for why he hit her nose, it was mainly because Qin Zixuan saw that the other's nose was too high and suspected it was a fake nose. One punch and you'll know if it's true.

Li Han was moved when he heard this, and actually looked for an opportunity to hit Gong Liangyan on the nose. Fortunately, Gong Liangyan was not given for nothing, and her skills were not in vain, so her nose escaped a catastrophe.

"Goddess, let's have a truce, you can't beat the general." Gu Yueru yelled on the horse, these words were obviously to persuade people to truce, but it sounded wrong to my ears, it sounded like admonishing people to go all out.

At least Gong Liangyan felt uncomfortable when she heard it, so she used her housekeeping skills to challenge Li Han, and Li Han also had to put up a lot of energy to fight. Qin Zixuan watched the figures flickering in front of him, and couldn't tell which one was Li Han. Han, who is Gong Liangyan, finally shut up.

The prince swallowed quietly, the two people's kung fu is so powerful, the prince compared quietly, and felt that he would definitely be killed in seconds, this comparison hurts, but the prince had to admit it.

"Goddess, you can pinch and count. You should know that some things are predestined by nature, and manpower cannot overcome the sky. It's better to truce and make peace. Isn't that why your Gongliang family sent you out?" Gu Yueru persuaded again.

"It's a magic stick that can be pinched and counted. Wow, I actually saw a goddess stick." Qin Zixuan opened his mouth and shouted, showing him again. Dahai happily watched his father make trouble. A sound of magic stick added another fire.

Gong Liangyan, who wanted a truce, was suffering from liver pain. Could this bastard speak? Her many years of qi cultivation would be broken by this bastard. It's so hateful!Gong Liangyan wanted to break through Li Han's block and beat Qin Zixuan, but she couldn't.

Li Han was like a wall, standing in front of Qin Zixuan, it was not easy to get past Zhenxin, at least Gong Liangyan couldn't do it, the two could only continue fighting.

"Daughter-in-law, it's great. You'll be rewarded with a sausage when you go home." Qin Zixuan couldn't stop himself from being dirty. Li Han, who understood what a sausage meant, was full of energy, and started beating Gong Liangyan.

"What's a sausage?" The prince didn't know when he came up and asked in a low voice. Qin Zixuan bared his teeth and hooked his fingers. The prince put his ears together, and Dahai began to cover his face. The shameless father is too dirty.

Qin Zixuan explained to the prince what a sausage is, and then he saw the prince blushing and took a step back, distanced himself from Qin Zixuan, this bastard was dirty regardless of the occasion, it was too dirty, the prince didn't want to know this bastard.

But some people don't feel dirty, but they are very active in fighting, and their whole body is full of energy. Gong Liangyan backs up frequently. Gong Liangyan really wants to stop the sword in his hand and ask what the sausage is.

"You two, let's have a truce. Let's talk if we have something to say, so don't hurt your peace." Gu Yueru yelled again, and didn't intend to separate the two of them. The smile on her face was similar to Qin Zixuan's. It is the people who eat melons.

(End of this chapter)

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