Chapter 850 Gone
Gong Liangyan and Li Han confronted each other with a move, distanced themselves and stood on the spot with a look of vigilance, and stopped fighting. Gong Liangyan sadly discovered the fact that she couldn't beat Li Han, and of course Li Han couldn't kill her either.

"Daughter-in-law, you're great, I love you." Qin Zixuan blew a kiss, and Li Han's murderous aura immediately vented half, his tense cheeks were full of smiles, but Li Han was not careless, she knew the iceberg opposite I have always wanted to rush to Xianggong's side.

Gong Liangyan stared at Qin Zixuan and really wanted to beat him up, but what if she couldn't get past Li Han's resistance?When Qin Zixuan saw the beautiful woman looking over, he was rather shy, and screamed strangely with his hands on his chest.

"Beauty, although you look good, I'm not a casual person. I have a wife, so I don't take concubines!!!"

Pfft, Gu Yueru tilted her head to look at Qin Zixuan who had a weird voice, and found that this guy really deserves a beating. Whoever stipulates that if you look at him twice, you have a crush on him, shouldn't you want to beat him up?This obsessive narcissism is also gone.

"I don't take a concubine, beauty, I take a concubine." Dahai clapped his little hands and yelled, hanging his eyes, imitating Qin Zixuan's ruffian, seeing Gong Liangyan looking over, and even blowing a kiss.

Gong Liangyan gritted his teeth angrily, glared at Li Han and shouted, "Get out of the way, I'm going to beat them up."

"That won't work." Li Han shook his head firmly. One is a husband and the other is a son. Of course, others can't let others beat him up. Li Han can clearly distinguish between insiders and outsiders.

"Son, you're still young, it's too early to take a concubine, don't call it a concubine, listen to your father, you can take advantage of it, just don't take it home, the landlord's house doesn't have any food left." Qin Zixuan hugged Dahai and began to teach Dahai how to pick up girls.

That means that you are still young, you can see but you can’t eat, and you waste food at home. After more than ten years, there is still a lot of food. As a thrifty person, waste is shameful.
The prince couldn't listen to what he said. What are they teaching? How can anyone teach children like this? As a last resort, the prince came up to remind Qin Zixuan not to teach him anything wrong.

Everything else is easy to say, let the censor line up to visit Cheng Wang's mansion, this Qin Zixuan is a bit fluffy, those guys are like clay sculptures, you don't talk to them when you talk to them, they keep talking about the truth, and they are still Leave after speaking, and resolutely do not argue with King Cheng.

Those gang of censors have summed up their experience, that is, King Cheng is too good at speaking, and even crooked ones can be said to be straight. leave.

After being threatened by the prince, Qin Zixuan became much more honest, and stopped holding Dahai to teach him how to pick up girls. In order to cheat his father, Dahai actually snapped his fingers in front of the prince to settle accounts.

A beautiful woman eats three meals a day, one tael per meal, 1095 taels a year, and 10950 ten years. He is only four years old now, and he will be able to do things in ten years, but for the sake of the small life in the future, this has to be push back.

The reason is that daddy said that if you act too early, you will have impotence, premature ejaculation, and unattractive consequences, so Dahai decided to postpone his intercourse until after he was sixteen, so there are still 12 years left, wow, one To waste more than 1 silver ah.

And it’s just eating, so there’s also wearing and playing, wow, wearing and playing is a big project, who knows what to play, a trip to the sea costs a thousand taels of silver, a few laps a year, wow , It's all money, it's terrible, this is not taking concubines, this is burning money.

Dahai sat in Qin Zixuan's arms and kept wowing, his small mouth didn't stop, his voice was quite loud, and the surrounding was quiet, just listening to Dahai settle accounts, the prince was worried, he had come to stop it, but he still didn't stop it, this What are you teaching?
Gong Liangyan stared at Qin Zixuan with staring eyes, trying to spot Qin Zixuan, but no matter how he looked at him, he looked like a bastard. How could such a bastard win the world?Is there something wrong?

Gong Liangyan pinched her fingers and continued to count, only to find that Qin Zixuan's head was covered with fog, blocking her deduction, and she couldn't figure it out at all. This bastard is really amazing, what is his background, why can't he figure it out?

"Son, don't forget it, and the Yushi is coming." Qin Zixuan didn't care about Gong Liangyan, so he settled down the brat Dahai first, or else Qin Zixuan had already seen the long line of Yushi. Let the team come to chant scriptures in front of you.

Dahai grinned, he just wanted to see the big censors chanting scriptures in line, the chanting was very pleasant, more flavorful than what the monks chanted, the expression was vivid, the eyes were big, and the words were righteous , That's called righteousness and awe-inspiring, it's so beautiful.

"Father, it's not easy to keep a concubine. No wonder you don't take a concubine anymore. It turns out that you have no money." Dahai added another sentence after finishing the calculation, and gave him sympathetic eyes, which means that you are really poor. Even a concubine can't support her.

"Nonsense, who said I have no money, I have a lot of money, look, what is this?"

Qin Zixuan took out a stack of banknotes from his pocket and shook them in front of Dahai. Dahai's eyes lit up and he called to show me.

Pfft, there was laughter all around, they could see that Prince Cheng was hanging by the sea to play again, not only played a lot, but also robbed a sum of money, this business made a lot of money.

Qin Zixuan was furious, and didn't care about Gong Liangyan, who was pinching his fingers like a magic stick, and began to search Hai Hai's body. There was a treasure chest in his arms, and he couldn't find anything if he stuffed it into it. .

Dahai hugged Qin Zixuan's hands and cried out, not to give Qin Zixuan a chance to search, Le's big eyes turned into a line, like the Yangtze River, Qin Zixuan didn't do anything to take this son, this guy is too bad, digging holes is a series of chains pit.

Gong Liangyan calculated for a while, but still couldn't figure out Qin Zixuan's origin, but he figured out the crown prince's fate as an emperor, and combined with the recently deduced conclusion, it is suitable for the great Qin to unify the world. In this way, the Gongliang family's strategy for the Great Qin You have to change it.

As a family proficient in mental arithmetic, the Gongliang family knew the consequences of going against the sky, so they didn't want to go against the sky. After sending Gong Liangjun, they quickly realized that the kid had a bad temper and was a bit arrogant, so they sent Gong Liangyan out to find out A man of imperial destiny.

As long as this person is found and the Gongliang family can keep this person to unify the world, then the status of the Gongliang family will still be unshakable. Even if the world is unified, it will not do much harm to them, and there may be more benefits. Unification may be true unification.

Gu Yueru looked at Gong Liangyan, who was pinching her fingers. After a while, she realized that the result was not calculated. She glanced sideways at Qin Zixuan. Is this kid's life so difficult to calculate?
(End of this chapter)

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