Chapter 851
"Goddess, don't forget, we are still waiting to go, do you want to go together?"

Gu Yueru interrupted Gong Liangyan, who was still pinching her fingers, and Gong Liangyan's eyes fell on Qin Zixuan. Since she couldn't figure it out, she followed him to see what was so magical about him.

Gong Liangyan put away her sword and stepped aside, neither saying that she was going with her nor saying that she was not going with her. The prince is a shrewd person, so he immediately sent someone to bring up his spare horse and give it to Gong Liangyan. One of the family, the crown prince doesn't want to go against them.

On the contrary, Qin Zixuan was sitting on the horse and making sarcastic remarks, so he stopped beating him. He hadn't watched it yet, and Gong Liangyan was so angry that he wanted to slap this guy again, but Li Han had already returned to the horse, beside Qin Zixuan, and he couldn't beat him if he wanted to. ah.

The crown prince was worried that Qin Zixuan would say some stupid words again, so he hurried on his way, don't waste any more time, Gu Yueru invited Gong Liangyan to go with him, and Gong Liangyan rode a horse and came to Gu Yueru's side, they were all members of the five major families, chat.

The team set off again. As soon as Qin Zixuan stretched out his hand, Li Han immediately gave his own hand to Qin Zixuan to lead. As the horse rode forward, Qin Zixuan sang a little love song. The world of a family of three was full of love.

After Qin Zixuan and his party returned to Yujing, the first thing they did was to enter the palace, and Gong Liangyan also entered the palace with the team. The last time Gong Liangjun led someone to chase and kill Qin Zixuan into the sea, this matter must be explained clearly, otherwise future cooperation will be difficult. There is a rift.

If it's just an ordinary dynasty, it doesn't matter if there is a suspicion, but this one is now an ordinary dynasty, but it will be an empire in the future, a super empire. It is precisely because of the general trend of the world that the Gongliang family dare not be careless.

At the gate of Yujing City, hundreds of officials greeted each other, and the common people scattered flowers on both sides. Qin Zixuan sat on the horse and waved his hands from time to time, his eyes rolled for a while, trying to find the guy wearing the bamboo hat. How dare you smash Weijixuan.

Qin Zixuan didn't find the person he was looking for, but countless purses fell down, like it was raining, Li Han stood by and knocked one of them flying, but none of them hit Qin Zixuan.

Gu Yueru and Gong Liangyan were whispering to each other, obviously Gu Yueru was asking Gong Liangyan about something, the two of them communicated with breath voice, no one else could hear it, even Qin Zixuan who was very close to Gu Yueru couldn't hear it.

"Qin Zixuan, give me an axe." In this lively atmosphere, there was a shout from above, and an ax smashed at Qin Zixuan. Qin Zixuan looked up, but he didn't see anyone who spoke, but all he saw was an excited girl.

The ax did not land on Qin Zixuan, but was swept away by Bai Jing with a long whip. The advancing team stopped, everyone looked up and looked around, and the excited crowd fell into silence. Assassinate.

Qin Zixuan watched for a while, but he didn't see any suspicious person. He waved his hands and shouted to move on, but the voice of shouting was imprinted in his mind. Who could be making trouble for him? Alas, this trip to the shore is full of troubles.

Obviously the crown prince was by his side, each one of them didn't attack the crown prince, but caused trouble for himself, Qin Zixuan felt unbalanced, he was the only one in the world, he was useful to the world, and they were all fools with brains.

Not long after the team moved forward, before the crowd of spectators dispersed, a hunt quietly started. If you dare to assassinate the prince, it is a capital crime. , The whole family made a fortune with one meritorious service.

Directly from a poor man to a rich man, Daqin's reward system is still very powerful, the spies began to work hard, and at the same time the masters of the six doors also joined the team of hunting.

Qin Zixuan didn't know about these things, he was complaining in his arms, why those people always wanted to kill himself, he didn't snatch other people's daughter-in-laws, and he didn't harm other people's girls, all of them looked like enemies of nine generations when they met of.

Dahai hugged Qin Zixuan's head and kissed him a few times to comfort his injured father. Dahai knew in his heart that these people must have been sent by other countries. Regardless of whether the rumors are true or not, killing them first is the best choice.

The team finally arrived at the palace, and the emperor walked out of the hall to welcome him. Qin Zixuan and others greeted the emperor. The emperor cheerfully let everyone calm down, and then looked at the people around Gu Yueru. Why is the girl so impolite?
Gu Yueru looked left and right, and said that we should go to see the queen mother, the emperor understood in seconds, that he had something to tell others, he agreed immediately, and ordered the little eunuch to take Gu Yueru and Gong Liangyan to the harem to wait.Qin Zixuan looked around to see if he could slip away too.

The idea is very good, the emperor won't let it go, Hai Hai has already run away on short legs, he should go to the Xianju Hall, there is nothing interesting in the hall, it's just a group of old men robbing things, it's boring.

In the main hall, the emperor asked about the result of the trip, and the crown prince came forward and reported that the trip went well, that the entire island had been conquered, that the new order was already in operation on Yingxin Island, and that maybe next year we could see a granary with a good harvest.

The emperor was very happy when he heard it, and then there was a bunch of rewards, and then the deceased was also compensated. There are precedents for these, but it didn't take too much time. Only then did the officials in the palace know that the prince is not retreating, but going out to expand the territory up.

So who will manage the large tracts of land?Someone suggested that they seemed to want to share a piece of the pie, but it was a pity that they knew too late, the emperor had already sent his confidantes to go forward, and the officials were doomed to find no oil or water. Only then did they realize that there is no less oil and water in the sea than on land.

They looked at Qin Zixuan one by one, wondering if they should send the disciples of the family to hang out with King Cheng and go out to see the sea. Of course, there is no rush for this matter, if they are too aggressive and make the emperor unhappy, it will be troublesome.

Ask Qin Zixuan what kind of reward he wants, Qin Zixuan spread his hands and he doesn't lack anything. The emperor opened his mouth to reward some beauties, but his eyes caught Li Han, he didn't want to embarrass the general, and he expected the general to bring The army is going south and north.

Qin Zixuan stood for a while but couldn't stand anymore. Seeing the emperor chatting with the crown prince and the accompanying officials, Qin Zixuan rubbed against the corner of the palace for a while, and then sat down with his legs softened. Wei Dehai was speechless watching Qin Zixuan's small movements.

It's not over yet, Wei Dehai saw his family's general also rubbing over, and took out snacks from his arms, and the two of them sat in the corner, one bite and the other, eating very happily.

The people at Yushitai looked at the actions of these two people, and they were already making drafts in their hearts, and they decided to read a copy of them, each of them was too presumptuous, no matter what Yushitai thought, Qin Zixuan only thought that going to court was a very boring thing The matter was so boring that he wanted to sleep, but Li Han kept comforting him, and it passed after he endured it.

(End of this chapter)

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