Second-hand little prince

Chapter 858 3 Wheeler

Chapter 858 Tricycle

No matter how Qin Zixuan yelled, they couldn't stop the Great Chu Talented Group. They had already passed Qinglong Pass and were rushing towards Yujing. Qin Zixuan was grinding his teeth, what could he do?

Qin Zixuan couldn't stop the Great Chu Talented Group, and he wasn't in the mood to do so. After complaining for a while, Qin Zixuan put the matter behind him, and began to think about whether to improve the car. It would be nice if he could make a tricycle.

Even if it's a tricycle, with a canopy on it, you won't be afraid of the wind and rain, riding a small car to travel around the world, Qin Zixuan sang a jingle, and ran into the team of craftsmen.

The principles of the two vehicles are similar. With a bicycle, it is not difficult to transform a tricycle. In order to save time, Qin Zixuan directly made three wheels and made a carriage out of wood, let alone being able to ride it.

In order to make the car more attractive and practical, Qin Zixuan set up a movable canopy on it. Suddenly, Qin Zixuan patted his head. He forgot one of the most important things, that is the mirror.

This kid has been using copper mirrors all the time, and he doesn't think it's bad. He also thinks that the high-end atmosphere is high-end, so he never thought of researching the glass. This will design a car, and he thought of the usefulness of the glass.

So, Qin Zixuan began to think about the method of making glass. Qin Zixuan patted his head and recalled the production methods he saw on the Internet. They needed quartz sand, washing soda and other things. Research.

Qin Zixuan thought that after the advent of glass, many ladies would be fascinated by the clear mirror, so, hehe, another way to make money came, and his small money continued to flow, haha, brother is the big god of wealth.

Looking at the smirking husband with his hips crossed, Li Han put on a curious face, asking Qin Zixuan why he was smiling and what good things he could tell. Qin Zixuan hugged Li Han and gnawed a couple of bites, continuing his research.

Then take a tricycle with an unobstructed front, which is good for pulling things and as a mobile stall. The craftsman began to work under Qin Zixuan's command.

In the morning, the tricycle appeared in front of everyone. Qin Zixuan rode the tricycle for a ride around Prince Cheng's mansion. Originally, only Li Han sat on it, but at the end of the round, it was full of people, even Princess Cheng sat on it.

Gong Liangyan didn't sit on it, but she followed behind on a bicycle, her eyes were full of curiosity, she really couldn't figure out how King Cheng came up with it, and many of the designs were so humane, the canopy was actually movable.

It can be pulled up on rainy days, and can be pulled down on sunny days. If you are going out for an outing, you can pull down the awning and sit in the car to enjoy the scenery. How did you come up with this idea?It seems that King Cheng is not as idiotic as he appears.

Qin Zixuan's idea is very simple. He just thought of Ferrari. The hood on that guy was raised, and the sports car was blowing in the wind. Touched a Ferrari.

In order to satisfy his own preferences, Qin Zixuan, a master, designed one himself. Although it is a bit tiring to pedal with both feet, it is a car after all. It is a top-end car in this era, and it is more advanced than a Ferrari. Qin Zixuan is very excited. .

"Father, give me a ride." Dahai's eyes were hot, he stood on the car and patted Qin Zixuan's back, he wanted to ride, Qin Zixuan turned around and hugged Dahai in his arms, jokingly called Dahai's short legs, it's fine if he wants to ride, but he doesn't have enough legs Growth is a big problem, and the sea of ​​anger is screaming.

This father and son are uncomfortable if they don't make trouble for a while. You hurt me and I hurt you, and you hurt your true feelings.Seeing that Qin Zixuan's riding is very convenient, Gu Yueru told her to ride, it should be easier than a bicycle, Qin Zixuan smirked after hearing this.

For the sake of safety, Qin Zixuan asked everyone in the car to get off, and let Gu Yueru ride alone. Qin Zixuan knew that although the design was similar, there was still a problem with the balance control.

I saw Gu Yueru sitting on the car and starting to ride, then turned the front of the car to the side, and couldn't get away, like a snake biting its tail and spinning around, making the people around laugh into a ball, everyone couldn't figure it out. Simple things, why does Gu Yueru look so clumsy.

Qin Zixuan didn't tell them the reason, and let these guys figure it out. Anyway, he can find a way by riding a horse. He'd better sit on a high place and watch the jokes. Qin Zixuan has a little devil in his heart, and he likes to eat melons and watch plays the most.

Li Han and his gang lined up to test ride, each of them tilted their bodies to find the feeling, the more they searched, the more wrong it became, and finally even Gong Liangyan let go of the bike, curious, is it so difficult to ride?It's quite easy for King Cheng to ride.

"Father, you are naughty, tell me the reason." Dahai crawled into Qin Zixuan's arms to ask for advice, and Qin Zixuan began to explain the principle to Dahai. Convinced, I really understand a lot.

"Beauty, I've been eavesdropping for so long, shouldn't I pay the fee?" After Qin Zixuan finished speaking, he looked at Gong Liangyan. Gong Liangyan blushed and snorted. I was so curious that I was dying, but I still pretended to be indifferent, the woman really had a needle in her heart.

When everyone was showing off their bicycles, Qin Zixuan rode a tricycle and began to show off. In the future, he will design a four-wheeled one. It would be even better if he could find oil. Qin Zixuan rode a tricycle and pulled Li Han and Haihai to the palace. .

Of course, Qin Zixuan went to the palace to watch another good show, so he was satisfied to leave the tricycle behind. There are not many people who can see the emperor crookedly riding a tricycle. Qin Zixuan said that I saw it with my own eyes, and even guided him from the side. It's so smart to say a few words.

The application of carts in Daqin will only become more and more widespread. Qin Zixuan can even imagine that with the development of rubber, it may be possible to send military rations to the border by manpower on tricycles instead of ox carts and horse carts in the future, which will save a lot of trouble.

Just when Qin Zixuan was playing crazy, Da Chu's talent group also arrived, and challenged Qin Zixuan as soon as they arrived, Qin Zixuan picked his nose and ignored them, and scolded them for bullying a person with amnesia, is it interesting?Qin Zixuan made up his mind not to fight, no one can force him.

Anyway, I can't fight anymore, I can do whatever I like, Qin Zixuan can handle it by composing poems and lyrics, but Qin Zixuan really can't play chess, and he can't play the piano, he can't learn this, he hasn't learned it before, Qin Zixuan has a needle in his butt at all I can't sit still, and naturally I don't want to learn these things.

Qin Zisheng sat in the post house, looking in the direction of the palace, his eyes were gloomy and cold, he would take back what should be his, and his parents would not die in vain.That's right, Qin Zisheng is leading the team, and he's here for revenge.

(End of this chapter)

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