Second-hand little prince

Chapter 859 Discovery

Chapter 859 Discovery
Faced with Qin Zixuan's refusal to challenge, Qin Zisheng obviously didn't expect that Qin Zixuan would be so willful that he didn't even care about the title of a great talent. It was something that countless literati wanted, but Qin Zixuan actually dismissed it.

Qin Zixuan not only dismissed it, but also sent people to spread rumors, blaming Da Chu for his lack of moral integrity, forming a group to bully a person with amnesia. Disgraceful.

The rumors are fierce, the Da Chu talented group has only entered Yujing for a day, and they are so scolded by the rumors that they dare not go out. When they go out, someone throws rotten vegetables and leaves, pointing at them and scolding them for being shameless. How could they bully Prince Cheng.

Well, Qin Zixuan admitted that part of it was paid for by him. The reason was that he wanted to disgust those people. They traveled thousands of miles to bully people. If they really had the ability, they should not withdraw their troops and declare war directly, but they didn’t have the guts to declare war , and learn from other people's cultural suppression, cut it!

Just as Qin Zisheng walked out of the post house, he was greeted by a basin of excrement. The stench could spread for three miles. Far, not even a basin.

This person ran away without a trace, and then came to an alley, before he opened his mouth, he dropped a purse in front of him, opened it and looked amused, it was so easy to earn a thousand silver.

How does it feel to throw money at someone?Of course it's cool, if you can spend money on something cool and innovative, then of course it's even better. That's right, Qin Zixuan came up with this idea, and the task was also given by Qin Zixuan with a [-] silver note.

A pot of 1000 taels, anyone can take the task, if the money is not enough, make it up, the Lord is not short of money, whoever makes Qin Zixuan feel bad, Qin Zixuan will be more sad, when the pot of shit was poured on Qin Zisheng, Qin Zixuan was sitting in the Taihe Building Watching it online, it's a joyful quack.

"Brother, you are awesome, you can come up with such an idea, now those talented people don't even dare to show their faces." Qin Ziming stretched out his thumb, sincerely convinced, this guy is so bad, Qin Ziming can't keep up ah.

"It's easy to say." Qin Zixuan waved his fan cheerfully and modestly. He could think of Dahai's contribution to this trick. If Dahai didn't disgust him, Qin Zixuan would not have thought of this trick, but to be honest, the effect of this trick is really good Leverage.

Qin Zisheng wanted to walk around Yujing for a couple of times, but he didn't expect to be a bad start. The smell of his body forced him to retreat to the post house to take a shower, and retreated to the courtyard. Qin Zisheng kicked angrily and kicked the stone bench in the courtyard into several pieces.

"Yo, Lianjiazi." Li Han has been staring at Qin Zisheng, and suddenly found that Qin Zisheng is different. Although he looks gentle, this kid is definitely a Lianjiazi, a master.

What?Qin Zixuan raised his eyes and found nothing unusual, Qin Zisheng had already rushed into the bathroom, Li Han put away the binoculars, rolled his eyes and told Qin Zixuan what he saw, Qin Ziming listened and took a deep breath.

Kick the stone stool into several pieces with one foot, is that foot made of iron?Qin Ziming felt his feet hurt when he thought about it, anyway, he couldn't do it, the opponent's strength was beyond his imagination.

Qin Zixuan didn't think there was anything special about it, Li Han could do it, Yuemeizi could do it, even Bai Jing and Liu Yi could do it, so Qin Zixuan was not surprised, of course he also admitted that the other party was a master, because Qin Zixuan himself can't do it.

"What is the identity of the other party?" Qin Zixuan asked.

"The other party's surname is Lu, and his name is Boss Lu." Li Han took out the information and looked at it for a few times, and found the right one. This name doesn't look like a cultural person at all. Boss Lu, he looks like a street performer.

"Well, the fish seller on the West Street is also called Boss Lu, isn't it the same person?" Qin Ziming said, poking his head to look at the information in Li Han's hand, the writing was so clear, even the pictures.

"Boss Lu, this is a bad name, is he really a genius?" Qin Zixuan severely punished his doubts, and followed his probe to look, and saw that this person was a member of the talent group and was also on the list of challengers.

"Oh, let me go, so why don't you give yourself a nice name if you are talented, Boss Lu, big old donkey." Qin Zixuan muttered to himself, and the big old donkey hit Qin Ziming's smile for no reason, and laughed this guy straight Rub your belly.

"Qin Zisheng." Li Han suddenly said a name. Mrs. Lu's eldest son was taken away by Thunder God Cliff. If he took a pseudonym, Boss Lu, it would be more similar. Look carefully at the picture, not to mention that he really resembles Mrs. Lu.

Qin Zixuan came alive, this mysterious Qin Zisheng finally stepped onto the stage, I really want to kill him, as long as he steps up to the stage, the most feared thing is the enemy in the dark, that kind of enemy is like a poisonous snake, God knows what he is Time to light up the fangs.

"It seems that this person's mind is not very advanced, and he showed up so easily." Qin Zixuan rubbed his chin, "It's too easy to play, and he didn't even make a handsome appearance."

"There should have been a handsome appearance, but it's because you didn't cooperate," Qin Ziming interjected, "If he can step on you to make an appearance, do you think he is very handsome, and is he famous all over the world in the blink of an eye, after all, you are the most talented person in the world .”

"Yo, it's true to say that. Although I, the number one talented person, has become a thing of the past, but in the shadow of a famous tree, it's really easy to become famous by stepping on my position." Qin Zixuan patted his head and figured it out.

The emotional talent group is to cooperate with one person to become famous, hehe, since I have seen through the other party's tricks, shouldn't I cooperate with his performance?

"Sanggong, I'll blow his head and see how he becomes famous." Li Han shouted.

"Don't worry, leave this person to the emperor. Let's pour some shit on him first." Qin Zixuan put away his fan with a smile. Now that they have seen the person they want to see, they can go back home.

Qin Ziming suddenly felt a little sympathetic to that guy, he didn't come out early or late, but they came out to watch the show, he came out, he came out as soon as he came out, let people see through his cards every minute, the name is too eye-catching.

Qin Zisheng didn't know that his identity had been found out, and he was working hard to clean the bathroom. That guy had the same obsession with cleanliness as Qin Zixuan, and it was even worse than Qin Zixuan's. Qin Zixuan's condition was really much lighter after he had a child.

Back at Prince Cheng's mansion, Qin Zixuan looked at Dahai's accusing little face, hugged and screamed, Dahai was angry, and went out to play secretly again without him, it was so boring to keep him at home.

"Son, dad brought you back roasted sweet potatoes, do you want to eat them?" Qin Zixuan held a big sweet potato and handed it to Dahai.

Gu Yueru came over and asked Qin Zixuan when she would go to sea again, she likes to watch the sea, the ebb and flow of the tide can always give people a strong shock.

(End of this chapter)

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