Second-hand little prince

Chapter 860 Hit me up!

Chapter 860 Hit me up!
Gong Liangyan quietly approached Qin Zixuan, and listened to hear when Qin Zixuan would go out to sea. She also wanted to go with her to see the vastness of the sea. She had never seen the sea when she was so old.

Qin Zixuan turned to look at Gong Liangyan, grinningly called out beautiful woman, do you want to go together, Gong Liangyan snorted and turned away, continuing her coldness, Qin Zixuan touched her nose, this sister is so cold.

However, it is obviously inappropriate to go to sea now, because the mysterious man with the bamboo hat has not been found yet, and Qin Zisheng has come to Yujing, what he wants to do, whether it will be detrimental to the emperor, this has to be observed, Qin Zixuan dare not leave at this time .

In case he left and something happened to Yujing, there would be no place to buy regret medicine. Qin Zixuan is still very reliable in major matters. Gu Yueru didn't say anything when she heard that she was not going to sea recently, but ran to the tricycle. Or ride a bike to play.

In the palace, the emperor snorted coldly when he received the news that Li Han had been sent to the palace, and said that the name was weird, it turned out to have a deep meaning, Boss Lu, hehe, it wouldn’t be so fast if you named it an ordinary name Exposed, it's a pity that he pretends to be smart.

Now that people have appeared, there will naturally be [-]-degree monitoring without dead ends. The emperor immediately sent more spies, and he can see that Thunder God Cliff should be tied to Da Chu.

Qin Zisheng finally washed his body, changed his clothes, and was about to go out. After walking a few steps, he stopped and looked around. Finally, he didn't dare to go out from the gate, but jumped over the wall and left.

If Qin Zixuan was here, he would definitely shout: once bitten by a snake, ten years afraid of well ropes!He was so scared that he didn't even dare to leave the door.Of course, Qin Zisheng would not admit that he was afraid, he just didn't take the usual path.

Qin Zisheng didn't go out through the gate, and hid for a lifetime, the other talents would be miserable, as long as they went out, they would be greeted with a pot of shit, this shit is not cheap, 1000 taels of silver, many people lined up and waited at the gate.

Walking on the streets of Yujing, looking at the passers-by, Qin Zisheng's mood was very complicated. He didn't expect that his life experience would be so rough. He finally grew up, but his parents were gone. Man has taken the throne.

These should be his own people, but unfortunately no one knows him now, let alone acknowledges his existence, Qin Zisheng was so angry that he came to Prince Cheng's mansion unknowingly.

Looking at the tall gatehouse, Qin Zisheng's eyes sparkled. The reason for all this was all because of the masters who lived here. If they hadn't intervened, his lineage would not have been defeated, and it was all their fault!
Just as he was watching, he saw a pot of pungent liquid poured down from the gate tower. Qin Zisheng could only feel his anger creeping into his forehead from all directions, and his eyes turned green with anger. He didn't expect the people in Prince Cheng's Mansion to be so arrogant.

Qin Zixuan stood on the gate tower, looking at Qin Zisheng who was drenched all over, smiling like a flower, Qin Zixuan did not miss the murderous look in Qin Zisheng's eyes, and actually wanted to deal with Prince Cheng's mansion, then there was nothing to talk about, since there was nothing to talk about, why be polite.

"You, you are so courageous." Qin Zisheng wiped the urine off his face, and stared at Qin Zixuan bitterly.

"This prince has always been so courageous, did you know that?" Qin Zixuan crossed his waist, his face was full of complacency, facing the enemy he would hit hard, attacking both physically and psychologically, he couldn't believe that he couldn't beat the opponent .

"Qin Zixuan!" Qin Zisheng squeezed out three words between his teeth, he got up and wanted to jump up and attack Qin Zixuan, but he didn't want a big net to fall from the sky and catch Qin Zisheng like a fish in a net.

"Hehe, you're so brave, you dare to call me by my name, hit me!" Qin Zixuan pointed to the ground, and there were many servants around him, each holding watermelon rotten eggs, and they all greeted Qin Zisheng, annoyed Qin Zisheng screamed strangely.

Qin Zisheng didn't care about attacking Qin Zixuan, broke through the fishnet, turned around and ran, he couldn't bear the smell on his body, he couldn't bear it for a second, he wanted to suppress the discomfort and kill Qin Zixuan, but he didn't expect to receive a [-]-point critical hit.

"Quickly, clean up the bottom." Qin Zixuan didn't chase after him, but ordered his servants to clean up the front of the door quickly.

Li Han stared at Qin Zisheng's background for a while, then accompanied Qin Zixuan downstairs, and asked, "Is Qin Zisheng related to the withdrawal of Da Chu's troops?"

"It doesn't matter much. It should be because we came back safely, but none of those who chased us came back. They are just observing, wanting to see our cards, or wanting to find out how the Gu Yue family will help Daqin."

Qin Zixuan scratched his nose and thought very clearly. Da Chu should have thought that he was doomed before hoarding troops. After all, it is not easy to survive with so many forces chasing and killing. Since he came back alive and all the people who went to sea to hunt and kill disappeared, then It shows that his side is extremely strong.

They need to think about how strong they are. If they can't figure out their cards, it is definitely irrational to start a war casually, and it will also lead to extinction. Emperor Chu is not a fool, and he will not take risks easily.

"So far, only the Gongliang family has come to our door. The other forces have been very patient and have been lurking. They are more honest than before we returned to Beijing." Thinking of the recent information, Li Han felt that something was wrong.

Now that the husband is back, why those people didn't make any moves, or came to the door, but instead hid like a mouse, this is a bit interesting.

"They should still be watching, or they want to find out the whereabouts of those people. There must be an answer to whether they are dead or alive. Aren't many people going to sea recently? I guess many of them are looking for people." Qin Zixuan put his arms around Li Han's shoulders. , the two discussed in whispers.

Li Han thinks this is also possible. As long as he is not a fool, he will not act rashly. The general trend of the world cannot be reversed by manpower. Every time he makes a move, those families have to think twice. If he can kill Xianggong, it will be solved. There are so many problems. People are not killed, this is worth pondering.

In Yujing City, the spies of the Eastern Royal Family were also discussing how to deal with Qin Zixuan. Whether to kill Qin Zixuan directly or come to talk to him. They couldn't decide for a while, so they needed to write a letter to ask about this question.

As for why he should be so cautious, the main reason is Gongliangyan. The Gongliang family's magic power is the highest among the five major families.

Qin Zixuan didn't know this, and thought that those people were frightened by his own methods, and he was quite proud of it. What about the masters, if they killed them with one shot, or with one shot, this kid was a little bit flustered.

Just as Qin Zi was floating, Weijixuan's plaque was smashed again, and the visitor was an old acquaintance. This time Zhou Zishou did not run to the city wall, but to the city gate. The rampage along the way really made him run to At the gate of the city, unfortunately, I was unlucky and encountered the patrolling guards.

(End of this chapter)

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