Second-hand little prince

Chapter 861 Smoothies

Chapter 861 Smoothies
Zhou Zishou saw that the situation was not good, turned around and ran into the city again. This time, he ran wonderfully. First, he threw away his bamboo hat, stopped acting cold, then took off his coat, and then ran all the way to grab people's clothes. Changed one after another.

After running for half of Yujing City, he escaped the catastrophe. Tired, he leaned on the wall and gasped for breath, lamenting that Yujing's troops were too strong, and they were gnawing on them.

At this time, Zhou Zishou changed from a black suit and a bamboo hat to a white suit, with nothing on his head, and he cut off a part of the tied hair, just to prevent the soldiers from recognizing him. All the little tricks have been done.

There was also a handful of black ash on his face, and he didn't know where he grabbed the black charcoal. He looked as if he had just crawled out from under the pot. After panting for a while, he began to look around. He had to find a shelter. land.

Qin Zixuan was going into the laboratory to study the method of making ice, the weather was hot, Qin Zixuan wanted to eat ice, so he began to study the food.It would be even more refreshing to have a smoothie. As time passed, the finished product appeared in front of Qin Zixuan.

So Qin Zixuan's strange laughter came from the laboratory and far away, which shocked Lin Xi who was guarding outside, thinking that the prince was crazy.

Qin Zixuan left the laboratory and left with a bucket of ice. He was going to the kitchen to eat. Lin Xi glanced at the laboratory, closed the door and ran away following Qin Zixuan's footsteps.

In the kitchen, Qin Zixuan finished the bucket of ice in one go, and came out with the finished product. Li Han, who had already smelled the smell, took the initiative to take the tray. Let her do the hard work.

The two came to the courtyard, enjoying the cool breeze, and eating the watermelon smoothie, not to mention the sourness. The two of them squinted their eyes to enjoy it, but the result was that Hai Hai complained, and they didn't know how to call him if there was something delicious.

The cry of the sea alarmed Gu Yueru and the others. They ran out of the room one after another, and surrounded them like a group of bandits. Soon the ice sand on the table disappeared, and they all stared at Qin Zixuan with wide eyes. It's because they haven't had enough yet.

Dahai even hugged Qin Zixuan's thigh and complained, that is, how can you steal it? You should think of your eldest son immediately, your eldest son is very filial, your behavior has hurt your eldest son's young heart Alright, your make up.

Qin Zixuan rubbed his nose, unable to refute Dahai's accusation, so Qin Zixuan hugged Dahai and ran to make ice. Anyway, the experiment was successful, and he had as much ice as he wanted. ice.

Dahai's eyes widened and he didn't find any loopholes. He dragged Qin Zixuan to learn. The father and son had a good time in the laboratory. After listening to the principle, Dahai stuck out his thumb.

Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows. He used to be busy running outside and didn't have time to do it. Now that he has time to do it, the sense of accomplishment is really gratifying, full of sense of accomplishment.

The two came out with two more buckets of ice, and went into the kitchen to continue working. They had to prepare smoothies for those foodies, or they would never finish. offend.

In this lively atmosphere, Qin Zixuan got the news that the plaque of Weijixuan had been smashed. Qin Zixuan was so angry that his liver hurt. Drop it, and the soldiers will come.

Then the man in the black hat turned his head and ran away without saying a word, Qin Zixuan was even angrier when he heard that, what does it mean to smash his plaque without saying a word, it was easy?Qin Zixuan decided to grab the opponent, so there was no need for a fight.

Li Han asked his soldiers to go to the Forbidden Army's camp, and informed Jiang Yunji to help with the search. As long as he didn't leave Yujing, it would be fine. Let's see where he hides this time. Everyone sympathized with Qin Zixuan while eating ice. How long has the plaque been taken away? Smashed twice, unlucky baby, deep sympathy.

Besides, Zhou Zishou, he has no relatives in Yujing, it is really not easy to find a place to live, but, Zhou Zishou is lucky, he was noticed by Qin Zisheng when he was fleeing, no, Qin Zisheng followed in Zhou Zishou's footsteps came before him.

Qin Zisheng asked Zhou Zishou who he was?What is the enmity with Prince Cheng's Mansion?Zhou Zishou looked vigilant, he didn't know whether the person facing him was an enemy or a friend, so he didn't dare to answer indiscriminately, but kept his distance and was ready to escape at any time.

All this changed after Qin Zisheng reported himself as his family. Qin Zixuan said that he was Boss Lu, a member of the Great Chu Talent Group, and he came to Yujing to challenge Qin Zixuan. It was as simple as that, and a message was sent out, that is, we have a common enemy .

Zhou Zishou is relieved. Da Chu and Da Qin cannot be friends. Even if they coexist peacefully now, they will not be friends. The current friendship is just an illusion, because Da Chu's palace was burned, and his face was too hard , this enmity cannot be resolved.

Zhou Zishou also reported his family background. After careful calculation, Zhou Zishou can be regarded as a native of Great Chu now, because he is a disciple of Liuyun Villa in Dachu. Liuyun Villa is a powerful force in the Jianghu of Dachu. In the second echelon.

Ever since Zhou Zishou entered Liuyun Villa, the Zhou family announced Zhou Zishou's death to the outside world, for no other reason than to protect himself and Zhou Zishou. If outsiders knew that Zhou Zishou entered Liuyun Villa in Dachu, it would be a crime. The taboo of the world will be wiped out.

It's just that the Zhou family was not wiped out by the forces of Jianghu, but was wiped out by the emperor of Daqin. Zhou Zishou didn't know the reason for this, but as a son of man, he had to take revenge, otherwise his face would be lost.

Qin Zisheng raised his eyebrows after hearing this. He knew that Liuyun Villa was an office of the Shangguan family in Leishenya. It helped the Shangguan family collect information about the world. There are five major families of this kind of organization. Otherwise, Gu Yueru couldn't easily arrange for someone to transport it away. So much wine.

However, not many people know about it, and these forces are usually low-key, and they belong to the masters who make a fortune in silence. Regardless of whether they are in the second echelon, if they really want to fight, they can compete with the forces in the first echelon.

After listening to Zhou Zishou's narration, Qin Zisheng knew the reason of the incident. It should be said that the death of the Zhou family was due to helping the Shangguan family. At the beginning, the Shangguan family suspected that Yingluo was dedicated to the Great Qin Emperor by the Zhao family, so they sent Zhou Meiren into the palace. Not really.

As for the destruction of the Zhou family, there was no compensation for this. What compensation would the dead need? Qin Zisheng would never make amends for the dead, and he only cared about Zhou Zishou verbally, and he didn't even reveal his identity.

Zhou Zishou didn't know why his family was wiped out by the Daqin royal family. This matter was arranged by the owner of Liuyun Villa without Zhou Zishou's consent. This fool is still kept in the dark.

(End of this chapter)

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