Chapter 862
Zhou Zishou followed Qin Zisheng into the post house. The two of them were also bold and cautious. They thought it was dark under the lights. Who would have thought that the high-profile plaque smasher would collude with the group of talented scholars. The spies were searching the whole city, but they didn't search for talented people group.

What they thought in their hearts was that the talent group was under surveillance, so there shouldn't be any problems, but problems arose.Zhou Zishou didn't have a specific plan to take revenge on Qin Zixuan, but he wanted to fight Qin Zixuan face to face, life and death depended on God.

Although Zhou Zihe is so perverted, Zhou Zishou is rarely an upright person. Qin Zisheng ridiculed him for his planlessness. He only grew muscles but not brains, and he didn't look at where this place is. The method is to play yourself to death sooner or later.

Zhou Zishou blushed and had a thick neck when Qin Zisheng laughed at him, and wanted to fight Qin Zisheng angrily, but as one can imagine, he was kicked to the ground by Qin Zisheng, and Qin Zisheng walked to the basin under Zhou Zishou's surprised eyes.

I dropped a drop of potion in the water basin, and slowly cleared the back of the hand. After a while, a lightning mark appeared on the back of the hand. This mark was not purple, but light blue. Purple was the core disciple, and light blue was the inner disciple.

It is very difficult to become a core disciple, unless one is talented, or very talented, and then a member of the Shangguan family, a good seed like Qin Zisheng who came from the outside network, can become an inner disciple, which has already made many people envious up.

Looking at the lightning mark on Qin Zisheng's hand, Zhou Zishou stared at Lao Yuan, and quickly got up to apologize, knelt on the ground, with an expression of beating and scolding, but he knew that this was the master behind Liuyun Villa, He can't afford to offend the existence.

"Get up." Qin Zisheng raised his chin with a look of arrogance. This is the benefit of status. If he can become the co-lord of the world, then he might be able to surpass the Shangguan family. Of course, he does not dare to do so now. Exposed, he is afraid of death without a place to bury him.

Zhou Zishou got up, called Qin Zisheng his son, and stood beside him bent over like a loyal servant. Qin Zisheng snorted and asked Zhou Zishou to hide in the post house. He still had to think about how to deal with Qin Zixuan.

The enmity with Qin Zixuan has grown, Qin Zisheng has never been so angry at this age, if he doesn't kill Qin Zixuan, hmph, Qin Zisheng can't swallow that anger.

After walking around the room twice, Qin Zisheng wrote a memorial and arranged for someone to send it to the Great Qin Emperor. The wording in it was so fierce that he almost pointed at Qin Zixuan's nose and scolded Da Qin. Of course, there were also words to scold Da Qin. It is a coward who dare not fight.

The memorial was presented in front of the emperor, the emperor was so angry that he dropped two cups, but in the end he was so angry that he sent someone to invite Qin Zixuan. Qin Zixuan wanted to recruit Qin Zisheng for this matter, and he was going to challenge Qin Zixuan by name.

Ever since, Qin Zixuan, who was scrambling for smoothies with all the beauties at home, was invited away by the eunuch. After Qin Zixuan left, Dahai went to the laboratory to make a lot of ice, and carried the buckets of ice to his room.

Finally, it attracted the attention of Gu Yueru and others, so Dahai turned into a laborer and started ice making work. When Qin Zixuan came back from the palace, all the main courtyards of Chengwang Mansion were surrounded by ice buckets, and Fenglin courtyard felt cold all the time. Pleasant.

Concubine Cheng saw Qin Zixuan's eyes with resentment. In the past, when the child got something good, the first thing she thought of was herself, but not now. She never thought of delivering ice to her yard. Concubine Cheng was jealous.

Qin Zixuan didn't know what was going on, but he saw Gu Yueru rushing up and holding Qin Zixuan's neck to force him to ask why there were so many ices not taken out earlier, who would be enough to cool off with two buckets of ice every day?

After listening for a long time, he finally understood. Qin Zixuan snorted, didn't he just research it?Anyway, give him a little time to be embarrassed, but this time is good, Dahai has completely missed him, Qin Zixuan shouted to find Dahai to settle the score, but Dahai had already run away and disappeared.

In the end, Qin Zixuan made a promise that he would have enough ice tubes every day, and give as much as he wanted. Only then did he quell the public anger. Qin Zixuan returned to his room, looked at the ice buckets in every corner, and then nodded in satisfaction. The bear boy is still very filial.

Qin Zixuan was so easy to be satisfied, he even forgot the matter of the big leak, rolled on the bed twice, looked at Li Han and asked, "Can you beat Qin Zisheng?"

"Yes, that kid is not my opponent. Don't worry, Mr. Xiang, I promise to kill him." Li Han clenched his fist and made a clicking sound.

In the palace, Qin Zixuan discussed with the emperor a clever plan, that is, it is okay to challenge Qin Zixuan, but Wen and Wu come together, Wen Qin Zixuan will accept the challenge, and only accept the challenge of poetry, and not others, because he has amnesia, and the others are all forgotten. Can not remember.

Wu, on the other hand, asked Li Han to seize the opportunity to kill Qin Zisheng, saving him from stealing Da Qin's luck.This method was approved by the emperor, it was a good idea, it could kill Qin Zisheng in one fell swoop.

And Qin Zisheng who was in the posthouse quickly got a reply. As for the battle with Li Han, Qin Zisheng really didn't take it seriously. Superiority.

A general who grew up in the secular world is incomparable with himself, a person who has been instructed by an expert and practiced hard. At least Qin Zisheng thinks that there is no comparison, so he agreed without thinking.

In order to prevent Daqin from breaking the contract, Qin Zisheng spread the news, and within the time of a stick of incense, the news spread all over the city, and everyone knew what they should know and what they should not know, and everyone's attention once again focused on the talented group.

Of course, those who threw shit had no chance to do it anymore, because the emperor sent troops to intervene. If this continues to cause trouble, it seems to damage the image of Daqin. Although the splashing is very cool, the emperor has to let people stop it.

The best way to stop it is to find Qin Zixuan. He sent someone to get back the unspent tickets. The task was cancelled, and the shit-splashing activity naturally disappeared.

Qin Zixuan and Li Han were discussing about the match in three days time, and the people outside who were watching Qin Zixuan's movements were also quietly watching this matter, they wanted to see what this man who could win the world was capable of.

An old man came to the courtyard where the Donghuang family lived. This man had white beard and hair, but his face was as delicate as a baby's. He walked without bending his waist or trembling his legs. His voice was like a bell and his breath was long.

After this person arrives, the first concern is whether the person who went to sea has been found?Of course the answer was no, but they saw a few fragments of the big ship, maybe they were in distress, and they didn't know if it was Qin Zixuan who did it.

Moreover, none of the people who went to sea came back, and there were no bones left. It was really too difficult to find the answer, unless Qin Zixuan came out to explain.

(End of this chapter)

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