Second-hand little prince

Chapter 863 Bookkeeping

Chapter 863 Bookkeeping

Donghuang Taiye frowned after hearing this. Although those who went to sea were not inner sect disciples, the strength of those people was not weak. Even if Gu Yueru did it himself, it was impossible to keep them all. The disciples of the royal family, and the other three major families, then things are interesting.

Donghuang Taiye asked his disciples to continue to investigate, and he did not live with his family disciples, but went out of the yard to continue wandering. He heard that Weijixuan had the best food and drinks along the way, so he wanted to pay for it.

Qin Zixuan stood at the counter with Dahai in his arms and spat with Pirate Saint, don’t look at the match right in front of him, Qin Zixuan didn’t worry at all, anyway, he didn’t compose poems and lyrics by himself, at worst, he just copied a few poems, and the first one was a classic , It's hard to lose.

Dahai sat on the counter and counted the banknotes for the Thief, laying them out one by one by his legs, and quietly pressed half of them with one leg, for fear of being blown away by the strong wind, the Thief chatted with Qin Zixuan while taking out the banknotes .

Thief Saint knew that his big apprentice was very greedy for money. If he guessed correctly, these banknotes were in Dahai's hands, and they would be Dahai's. At that time, he would write two sums on the account.

Qin Zixuan didn't care about these, but was still concerned about the business of those newly opened branches. Qin Zixuan wanted to launch smoothie fruit drinks in Weijixuan because Weijixuan was high-end and could be sold at a good price.

The two talked very speculatively about the business, and they were very happy. They didn't notice that an old man came in at the door of the store. After the old man came in, his eyes fell on Dahai. The old man's eyesight was good, and he saw that Dahai was a good seed , took the initiative to come over.

"Shopkeeper, I heard that your Weijixuan's food and beverages are the best in the world. I don't know if it's true?" Donghuang Taiye asked, not looking at Pirate Saint, but staring at the sea, which raised his head to Donghuang Taiye. Ye bared his teeth and continued to count votes.

"I don't dare to say if it's the first one, but I dare to assure you that you want to drink it after drinking it." The thief saint has extraordinary eyesight, and he can tell at a glance that the old man in front of him is not simple. Out of his private possession of Dukang.

Put the wine gourd on the stage, and signal the old man to taste it, and you will know if it is good or not.Donghuang Taiye tilted his head to look at the wine gourd. He didn't see the eyes of the robber, but he understood the meaning of the robber. He opened it and took a sip. Surprised on his face, he praised the good wine.

Then Donghuang Taiye put the wine gourd in his arms very naturally. Qin Zixuan looked at the old man with a surprised face. As if he didn't see it, he grabbed another handful of banknotes and handed them to Dahai.

Dahai took it cheerfully, and found that Pirate Saint really loved him. He knew what he liked, so he deliberately gave him what he could, and he didn't worry about his father scolding him at all.

Donghuang Taiye stretched out his hand to touch Haihai's calf. The child's legs are really strong. He can tell he is a trainer at a glance. It is not easy to practice like this at a young age. I am afraid that there is a famous teacher behind him.

"This little brother, what's your name?" Donghuang Taiye looked at Qin Zixuan. If he read correctly, this little brother should be the father of this baby. Donghuang Taiye looked Qin Zixuan up and down, and found that this guy is not Master, standing or standing does not sit or sit.

"Qin Zixuan." Qin Zixuan answered three words quickly, without claiming to be the king, Qin Zixuan didn't want to see an old man kneeling at his feet, and the bandit sage added a word of "Prince Cheng".

Oh, Donghuang Taiye looked at Qin Zixuan, then looked at the sea, understood, knowing that the little baby in front of him had no destiny for him, and must have been taken away by the Gu Yue family, he sighed in his heart, what a good seedling, it was too late.

"It turns out to be the owner of Weijixuan. Cough, my pocket is empty. I wonder if King Cheng can treat me to a few drinks?" Donghuang Taiye patted his pocket and asked with a smile.

"Okay, it's about a meal." Qin Zixuan glanced at Robber, and said, "Arrange a private room for the old man, and bring good wine and food, and put it on my account."

Donghuang Taiye was about to say thank you, when he saw Dahai put away the bank notes on the table, stuffed them into his bosom, and shouted, "Take it to my father's account."

"Okay." Pirate Saint responded with a smile, Qin Zixuan was dumbfounded, this bear boy is too much, that is a thick stack of bank notes, he stretched out his hand to grab it.

Dahai hugged Qin Zixuan's neck, his belly was tightly pressed against Qin Zixuan's chest, his legs were crossed, and he kissed Qin Zixuan's cheek with all his strength, calling out to love his father, to be filial to his father, to be the most filial, to be filial.

Qin Zixuan was really speechless holding the bear baby, holding Dahai's buttocks, and asked: "Son, you are a little bit big, why do you need so much money?"

"Buy things, be filial to you." Dahai pulled a small long voice, big eyes sparkling, very cute, Qin Zixuan looked at his eldest son, used his own money to buy things to be filial to himself, and he is so filial, really filial.

"This baby is so cute." Donghuang Taiye patted Dahai's head and praised him.

Qin Zixuan quietly answered, "Poor no one loves you."

"Daddy love." Dahai continued, and the diners around laughed together, Qin Zixuan didn't want to take this guy, so he carried Dahai and walked upstairs, it's better to go up and eat on the hour.

Donghuang Taiye followed behind, and Thief Saint wanted to greet Donghuang Taiye, when he heard Qin Zixuan shout: "Send all those smoothies to my private room, I want to eat ice to reduce fire, and my eldest son teased me." Fire."

"Okay." Thief Saint responded, asked the boy to communicate, left the counter and went upstairs, Donghuang Taiye didn't know what to eat in smoothies, saw Qin Zixuan entering the No. [-] private room, and followed Walking away, Thief Saint went to stop him, only to find that he lost his voice.

My god, she is indeed a master.Thief Saint stood there with his eyes wide open, admiring himself so much, the old man was too tall, and he fixed himself here before he saw the opponent make a move, but what did he want to do?
Donghuang Taiye followed Qin Zixuan into the private room, waved his hand behind him, the thief regained his freedom, and hurriedly followed, and saw Donghuang Taiye who had entered the private room stupidly there, the room was full of women and children.

Li Han is holding the Yangtze River, Gong Liangyan is holding the Yellow River, and they are sitting around the table chatting, ever since the Yellow River is in Qin Zixuan's arms, Gong Liangyan has fallen in love with the Yellow River, the reason is that she has no way to take Qin Zixuan, but Huang He has a way , Helped her vent her anger.

When Gu Yueru saw Qin Zixuan and Haihai coming in, she stretched out her arms to hug Haihai, she tilted her head and saw Donghuang Taiye coming in, her eyes widened immediately, she cupped her hands in salute, she didn't know why the old Donghuang Taiye came.

"Girl of Gu Yue's family, you're welcome." Donghuang Taiye waved his hand, intending to leave, and his eyes fell on the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. down.

(End of this chapter)

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