Second-hand little prince

Chapter 867 Debate

Chapter 867 Debate
Of the forty or fifty little kids, only one fell into the eyes of the Eastern Emperor Taiye, and he had to climb up from the lowest point. It doesn't matter if he can climb up or not. He only provides a chance, and this is still a face of kindness .

"Hey, there are men all over the place, and there is no little girl participating? You guys who are patriarchal, what a nice daughter, caring little padded jacket, you don't give little padded jacket a chance, I despise you."

Qin Zixuan looked around, but didn't see the girl, immediately curled his lips and made sarcastic remarks, offending a group of people, of course the emperor offended the most, the order was given by the emperor, he didn't think about the girl at the time .

"You can talk poorly." The crown prince stabbed Qin Zixuan once to tell him to shut up, and he didn't look at the occasion when he was joking. Donghuang Taiye seized the opportunity to retort, which means that you love your daughter so much, you take her out and give her to you. I take a look.

These words touched Qin Zixuan's sore spot. He loves his daughter so much, but he has no daughter until now. Isn't this a needle in a painful spot?Qin Zixuan rolled his sleeves, stretched his neck and loudly talked to Donghuang Taiye.

That is, you wait for me, and I told me that my family still has a concubine and three-way house waiting for delivery. There must be a daughter in it. When my daughter is born, I will let you look at it. The little old man is learning art.

After finishing speaking, he snorted, with his arms crossed and his face full of pride, the emperor looked at Qin Zixuan, then at Donghuang Taiye, and finally sighed, people are incomparable, his nephew is a guy who is soft on the outside but hard on the inside , Alas, it’s incomparable, if you don’t want to be strong.

"Hehe, no daughter, hehe!" Donghuang Taiye immediately grasped Qin Zixuan's shortcoming. It turns out that King Cheng has no daughter, and then sent a big blessing, that is, there are many children and grandchildren, no daughter, and Qin Zixuan jumped in anger. , To make gestures with Donghuang Taiye.

Donghuang Taiye took advantage of it, his smiling eyes became slits, and he ran to the Yangtze River to play with the Yangtze River, he didn't care how Qin Zixuan jumped.

The emperor waved his hand and asked the others to leave with the children. Kun'er and King Xian stayed behind, and invited a few people into the room for a meeting. It's time to talk about business. Qin Zixuan twisted his neck and didn't look at Donghuang Taiye. He was angry, and he But I have been looking forward to the birth of my daughter, that bastard old man is too bad at talking.

"Old lady, do you see Changjiang?" The emperor looked at the old lady, and decided to start with the old lady. Li Han was afraid that grandma would make things difficult, and said that Changjiang could not leave the Duke's mansion, and he had to be filial to grandma at home. Want to beat Li Han.

"Old man, don't stare. You said that you live so remote that you have to walk down the mountain for a few days. You let my son suffer with you, cut." I can't bear my son to suffer.

"Is that suffering? That's cultivation." Donghuang Taiye shouted.

"Dahai, give the old man a boxing set, let the old man know what cultivation is, even if he can practice in Yujing." Li Han nodded his chin, and Haihai jumped out of Concubine Cheng's arms, came to the field, clasped his fists with both hands, and gave a loud shout , dancing with small fists.

They have not been idle all the way, Donghuang Taiye wants to take people away, and Qin Zixuan's family wants to keep people, so they have to come up with some facts and be able to convince each other, so they show up in the sea, that is to fight with strength. Face.

Donghuang Taiye stared at the sea with envy and hatred, what a talent, he was snatched away by the Gu Yue family, if he knew he would have gone down the mountain earlier, and snatched him away, what a pity.

At this time, Donghuang Taiye didn't know that Dahai had been spotted by Zhao Qingfeng only a few days after he was born, because Gu Yueru was Dahai's godmother, so Gu Yueru took his place as an apprentice. .

"How about it, old man, don't talk too much, are you convinced? Your family doesn't have the strength at the same age, right?" Qin Zixuan turned his neck back to stop being angry, and started to sneer again, pointing at the sea with a proud face, this is his big brother Son, double the face.

"That's because he has good talent." Donghuang Taiye gritted his teeth. This family is really good at it, and they actually discussed the countermeasures.

"All my talents are good." Qin Zixuan became more proud than his thumb. The virtuous king looked down at his toes. He couldn't get in the way of this matter. The emperor beat Qin Zixuan on the head angrily. This child can't speak. That's an expert, an old man with one mouthful.

"Father, you are the best." Dahai was the most supportive, and he praised Qin Zixuan with his thumbs up. Qin Zixuan opened his arms, and Dahai jumped into Qin Zixuan's arms. There was nothing to say about the good relationship between father and son.

Donghuang Taiye cast his eyes on the emperor, but he didn't want his jaw to hurt, and his beard was torn off by the sea, "Old man, don't think about it, just stay, Yujing is very lively, there are beautiful women on both sides of the flower street, I will pay for it oh."

Pfft, there was a fluttering sound in the hall, everyone lowered their heads and did not look at the emperor, the appearance of Hai Hai was really funny, I couldn't help it.

"Yes, if you stay here, you'll get full board and lodging, and enough wine, even if you can go wolf seven times a night, we can still afford the night bill." Qin Zixuan agreed, and followed Dahai's words, and the emperor was so angry Kick him, will he talk?

"You bastard has nothing good to say." Donghuang Taiye rubbed his chin, this brat was really ruthless, his eyes swept around, and found that the two families had reached an agreement, that is to advance and retreat together.

"Yangtze River, come here to meet your master. If your master stays, we will kowtow. If he leaves, we will save our heads and stop kowtowing." Qin Zixuan added another sentence. As a man, he has to rush to the front line, and he can't let his mother go up. My lord, the old lady, and the emperor, let's go against each other.

What?Donghuang Taiye stopped looking at the emperor, and started confronting Qin Zixuan, what does it mean not to kowtow, even if he takes people away, he is still a master, and he is still a master with food and lodging, so why not kowtow?

The two started a round of debate. Qin Zixuan used family affection as a means of attack, accusing Donghuang Taiye of being impersonal. How could he let Changjiang leave his parents' wings at a young age? People learn to learn and see how good Yuemei is.

In order to teach Dahai, he took the initiative to go down the mountain and lived in the Chengwang Mansion. Why don’t you learn something when you are old? The contempt on Qin Zixuan’s face when he said this made Donghuang Taiye almost think that he had made some big mistake. .

Donghuang Taiye also did not show weakness, and talked about the benefits of practicing on the mountain, that is, to be quiet and concentrate, and there are peers who are better than each other, which can promote Changjiang's enterprising spirit.

These words aroused Qin Zixuan's dissatisfaction, he rolled his small mouth to the base of his ears, and pushed Haihai out again, are your peers' grades higher than Dahai's?If not, it would be nonsense, this Eastern Emperor Taiye was embarrassed, this one is really not as good as Dahai's.

"My family, Dahai, is talented in both civil and military affairs. Now he has learned the Book of Songs. Do your children learn it?" Qin Zixuan continued to be stunned, Dahai raised his eyebrows, with a smug expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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