Chapter 868 Uncle
Qin Zixuan used a big sea to hit a lot of children of the Eastern Royal Family, and the doubtful life of the Eastern Emperor Taiye. quick.

After such a comparison, I found out that civil and martial arts are not as good as the sea, so why insist on taking people away, but don't take them away, Donghuang Taiye is not at ease, what if the Gu Yue family robs people?This is the territory of the Gu Yue family.

Seeing that it was hopeless to take the Yangtze River away, the emperor also persuaded Donghuang Taiye to stay in Yujing. If he was not used to living in Yujing, he could draw a hill outside the city for Donghuang Taiye to live in. That would be fine.

Qin Zixuan replied that Xiaojianshan is not bad, Donghuang Taiye gave Qin Zixuan a glance, this kid is smaller than him, is Xiaojianshan also called a mountain?However, the emperor's proposal still made Donghuang too ambitious, and he didn't want to let go, so he must make a compromise.

It would be nice if he could occupy a mountain, although it is not as quiet as the Donghuang family's territory, it is better than living in Yujing City, and he is far away from Yujing City. Poor and sincere palace is not acceptable.

Donghuang Taiye was heartbroken, and agreed to the emperor's proposal, so the emperor assigned Songshan outside the city to Donghuang Taiye to live in, and asked if he wanted to send people to repair the house, Donghuang Taiye said no, and let King Cheng build.

Qin Zixuan picked his nose, this stingy old man can really cause trouble for himself, repair it as soon as it is repaired, isn't it just a house?Whether it is European or American style or Chinese style, Qin Zixuan said that he can fix it.

The emperor agreed, and issued an order to Qin Zixuan to build the house. After the order was issued, the Eastern Emperor was overjoyed. He pointed at Qin Zixuan and said, "Boy, I heard clearly. The imperial order ordered you to repair the house. You have to do it yourself, and you can't pretend to be someone else." Hand, hehe, if you dare to ask others to help, it is disobedience."

"Oh, let me go, old man, you are not kind. Brother originally wanted to design a house with good Fengshui for you, but now I will build you a grass nest." Qin Zixuan changed his address when he got angry. With brother's self-esteem, this is cheap Accounted for.

In the past, Zhao Qingfeng was at least called an elder brother, but when he came to Donghuang Taiye, he became an elder brother. Donghuang Taiye snatched the folding fan from the emperor's hand and hit Qin Zixuan on the head a few times. Who should this kid call his elder brother?

The emperor also stared at Qin Zixuan and grinded his teeth, the child started to go crazy again, and turned his eyes to Cheng Dowager, telling her to take care of Qin Zixuan, not to let him go crazy, Cheng Dowager patted Qin Zixuan's hand, telling him to be calm.

The matter was settled like this, Donghuang Taiye finished his official business and told the emperor that the world would fight with him, the Donghuang family would not interfere, and did not care about worldly affairs. The emperor was very happy after hearing this, and respectfully sent Donghuang Taiye away.

Qin Zixuan asked if he could take back the imperial decree. Building a house by himself was too tiring and too slow, affecting the occupancy. The emperor pretended not to hear it, and signaled the virtuous king to take Qin Zixuan away. It was obvious that Donghuang Taiye deliberately punished this kid.

A tall man was respected everywhere he went, but this kid was neither big nor young, so he had to let Qin Zixuan deal with him. Anyway, he was just building a house. Of course, the emperor cooperated.

Kun'er and Dahai walked together holding hands. The two brothers had something to talk about. The old lady was relieved when she saw that the matter was settled. Fortunately, Cheng Wang Chong was on the front line. Otherwise, it would be really cool for the old lady to refuse. embarrassing.

The royal family has great kindness to the Duke's Mansion. If it wasn't for the royal family's kindness, the Duke's Mansion would be extinct. Now the royal family needs the Yangtze River to join the master's family, and I refuse to refuse it. This is a bit ungrateful. Too good at talking.

"Uncle, do you know how to gamble? Let's play a few games." Dahai shook the dice in his hand, and said this. The emperor, who was seeing off the guests side by side with Donghuang Taiye, almost knelt down. Who is this old uncle called? Woolen cloth?
Donghuang Taiye looked left and right, pointed to his nose, and asked Dahai's name by the neck, and if he would change his name. Dahai cheerfully said that he would. Why so serious.

Donghuang Taiye looked at Qin Zixuan, stroked his beard, and suddenly realized a problem, that is, he was at a disadvantage, and asked if Gu Yueru was acting as a teacher to accept apprentices, the emperor nodded, as if so.

Because Dahai recognized his godmother, if Senior Zhao accepted another apprentice, it would be a bit of a mess of seniority, so he asked Gu Yueru to accept the apprentice. Zhao Qingfeng and the rest of his life.

"Well, I am accepting apprentices on behalf of apprentices, so you have to call me grandpa, you know?" Donghuang Taiye decided not to suffer this loss with a serious face. , Who let the other party grow old?

The emperor lowered his head and wanted to laugh, it seems that the seniors also have something to worry about, that is, the seniority should not be too low, the Eastern Emperor Taiye is satisfied now, and asked Hai Hai what will happen, if there is a small ticket, don't afford to pay it at that time.

Dahai took out a stack of banknotes from his pocket and shook them a few times, with a smug face, how could he have no banknotes, with a rich father, would he be short of money?Asked: "How is it? Do you want a few? We are not short of money."

The emperor saw that Dahai was in Donghuang Taiye's hands, so he couldn't beat Dahai, so he turned around and knocked Qin Zixuan, to see how his son was taught, and to bet with whomever he saw.

Qin Zixuan rubbed his head, I really don't blame him for this, Dahai's kid is smart, what can he do, that kid can learn everything at once.

The Eastern Emperor Taiye did not go to the courtyard where the disciples of the Eastern Imperial Family lived, but actually returned to Prince Cheng's Mansion. The old man also knew where the environment was good, so Concubine Cheng immediately arranged for a courtyard to live in, and chose a courtyard with a good view and quiet Live in the East Emperor Taiye.

The old lady didn't go back to the Duke's mansion, she lived in Prince Cheng's mansion, Changjiang wanted to learn from him, so he had to let him be around, so that the relationship would be good in the future.

Kun'er didn't leave with King Xian, but stayed in Prince Cheng's mansion, and asked him to practice martial arts with Donghuang Taiye. Since he liked it, then leave it to them. At any rate, he will become a master in the future, which is also a magpie for King Xian's mansion. Annunciation shines on the lintel.

Early the next morning, Qin Zixuan took people to Songshan. They wanted to take their son as a disciple. Fan.

Maybe his son will live here in the future, Qin Zixuan said to build a thatched hut, but in fact he was thinking about how the whole noble and big yard, like that kind of chrysanthemum picking, is really good, but the living environment in the yard is not good, people Still have to enjoy the drops.

Songshan is in the east of Yuquan Mountain, about the same height as Yuquan Mountain, and it is named after the pine trees growing on it. Qin Zixuan climbed to the top of the mountain and began to conceive the design.

(End of this chapter)

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