Chapter 869
Qin Zixuan spent the whole morning walking around Songshan, his clothes were soaked with sweat, the hair was dripping from the heat, so he sat by the spring and poked his head in to wash it, it was getting hotter and hotter this day.

Li Han held an umbrella to shade Qin Zixuan, but she didn't feel how hot it was. People who practice martial arts are not afraid of heat or cold. Lin Xi brought a bucket of ice from a servant to Qin Zixuan's side, so it's better to pack an ice bucket.

"Let's go, let's go down the mountain." Qin Zixuan hugged the ice bucket, he couldn't stay on the mountain, it was too hot, he missed Fenglin Courtyard, and it would be cool in his own room, Li Han had no objection, so he went back home.

"Now three of the four major families have jumped out. Gongliang's family, Donghuang family and Gu Yue's family have confirmed to stand on the united front with Daqin, while Shangguan's family is standing on the opposite side with Daqin. It seems that they want to support Qin Zisheng."

"What is missing now is the Fengwu family. I don't know what their attitude is now. No one has shown up until now." Qin Zixuan lay on the carriage, counting heads with his fingers. It would be great if he could bring the Fengwu family over. .

Even if it's a master's move, I will take advantage of it. After all, four fights one. Qin Zixuan's idea is very good, but whether it can be realized is difficult. So far, no one from the Fengwu family has shown up.

Li Han suspects that the members of the Fengwu family have all gone to sea and then disappeared, so the Fengwu family does not know the situation in Yujing now, and is still waiting for the news from those people. This idea caused Qin Zixuan to laugh badly, then Some are waiting.

Then Qin Zixuan chatted about the blueprints, and asked Li Han if he had any ideas. Li Han said that it would be fine to build two houses, so why give them such a good design? It's too hot, and Li Han didn't want to tire the young man.

Qin Zixuan rubbed his chin, he didn't want to tire himself out, the emperor asked him to build the house, but he didn't say how to build it, he could ask the craftsmen to cut up the boards and stones, transport them to the mountain, and then build it himself .

This requires designing some card slots. Qin Zixuan thought of a company that built a tall building in one day in his previous life. That design concept is good and can be borrowed.

Back at Fenglin Courtyard, Qin Zixuan went to the study to start working on the design drawings, and then brought it to Donghuang Taiye to ask if he was satisfied. Donghuang Taiye listened to Qin Zixuan's introduction and suspected that this kid was a craftsman and knew a lot. .

Dahai leaned over to take a look, shouted and continued to gamble, Donghuang Taiye looked at Dahai, who was so happy with gambling, and asked Qin Zixuan if this is how he taught his children?Qin Zixuan replied, don't gamble if you can't afford to lose.

Looking at Donghuang Taiye's old red face, Dahai seriously suspected that he would drive Donghuang Taiye to death, so who would give him money, so Dahai kindly helped Donghuang Taiye calm down.

Qin Zixuan went to the craftsman with the blueprints. He had to prepare the building materials, and then he would build the house with a few clicks.

Tell the craftsman, Qin Ziming came to visit, this guy is lying in the living room enjoying his big belly, holding a big bowl of smoothies in his arms, eating big mouthfuls.

"It's so hot, why are you here?" Qin Zixuan asked.

"I'm here to care about you. Tomorrow, you will meet the challenge of the talent group. Don't you need to prepare?" Qin Ziming looked at this brother, as if he really didn't need to prepare, and he didn't even read books.

Qin Zixuan rolled his eyes, does he need to prepare?No matter how prepared he is, he knows his strength best. He can't write a poem, he can only memorize it.

"Has Boss Lu been doing anything these two days?" Qin Zixuan took the smoothie from the maid, sat down on his side, and looked at Qin Ziming.

"Boss Lu has been wandering around Yujing City for the past two days, like a prince inspecting his own territory. His attitude is so arrogant. Ordinary people are pariahs in his eyes."

"Just yesterday, a child didn't want to touch him, and he kicked the child away. If someone hadn't caught him, the unlucky child would have fallen to his death on the spot, and his internal organs would have been injured."

Qin Ziming shook his head when he said this, if Qin Zi wins the world, it must be because the people have committed too many crimes, otherwise God would not let that bastard win the world, a cold-blooded animal without love.

"That guy is just a poor guy with low self-esteem. Don't look at his arrogance on the surface, heart, ha ha." Qin Zixuan sent ha ha, and Qin Ziming nodded in agreement.

Knowing that he was lying on the tree and yelling loudly, Qin Zisheng, who was noisy, was disturbed, and walked to the yard angrily, with a few extra throwing knives in his hand, he came under the tree and shot the throwing knife at Zhizhi, the sweat on his head smoothed Roll down your cheeks.

It's too hot this day, Qin Zisheng is suffering from the heat, if there is an expert here, he will definitely send a comment: This young man is confused.

The day of the challenge came as scheduled, Qin Zixuan changed into a white robe embroidered with green bamboo pattern, held a bone fan in his hand, and stepped on boots facing the sky, Qin Zixuan looked down at the shoes, and asked again if he could change a pair?Can I change his flip flops?

This is definitely not enough, Taifei Cheng looked at her handsome and compelling son, and nodded in satisfaction. After cleaning up like this, she is a refined scholar, without any sarcasm, no matter how handsome she is, she is painful.

"I didn't expect you to look like a dog when you clean it up." Donghuang Taiye said while hugging the Yangtze River, Qin Zixuan stared at him, he looked like a dog when he didn't clean up.

"Let's go, don't be late." Concubine Cheng refused Qin Zixuan to change shoes, showing her toes was too impolite, Concubine Cheng couldn't tolerate it, Qin Zixuan had no choice but to give up, and got into the carriage with a low waist.

The venue for the competition was at Shilipo outside the city, where a high platform was set up early, in addition to literary competitions, there were also martial arts competitions, these two competitions were all completed today, Qin Zixuan challenged all the poems and essays of all the talents in the talented group.

And Li Han is a master of the talented group, although this rule is a bit unfair, but for the sake of Daqin's face, he still complied. Of course, the notoriety of the Dachu talented group has also fallen.

Qin Zixuan came to the high platform, followed by several servants, one of them was carrying a bucket of ice, Qin Zixuan was sitting on the east side of the high platform, opposite to Qin Zisheng's group.

The competition was presided over by the Great Monk Wuzhi, and Taifu Lin and four great Confucians were the judges. This guy looked more kind-hearted. Seeing Qin Zixuan standing up and saluting, this action made Qin Zisheng and his party feel bad. They felt that Wuzhi was flattering the imperial power. He really respected Qin Zixuan.

Qin Zixuan returned the gift and asked Wuzhi to come up with a question. Just as Wuzhi was about to come up with a question, Qin Zisheng came out again, that is, Wuzhi couldn't make a question, but they had to do it. Because Wuzhi is a Daqin person, who can guarantee that Wuzhi won't leak it beforehand? The question, what Qin Zixuan said meant that he wanted to beat him up.

Wuzhi recited a Buddha, and looked at Qin Zixuan a little embarrassed, Qin Zixuan sneered twice, then let the passers-by who watched the excitement come up with questions.

(End of this chapter)

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