Second-hand little prince

Chapter 870 Competition

Chapter 870 Competition
Qin Zixuan's decision disrupted Qin Zisheng's plan, but he could no longer object, because Qin Zixuan's words were also reasonable, that is, Qin Zisheng and the others were also suspected of leaking the questions, so let passersby come up with the questions.

For the sake of fairness, both sides pointed out that one person came up with the question, Qin Zixuan had no objection, and the audience was crowded. Standing in the front were talented scholars from all walks of life, as well as famous academicians. Cars and horses are parked here, and there are young ladies or old men from various families sitting in the cars to watch the game.

They were as hot as gourds of sweat, but this couldn't stop their enthusiasm. Qin Zixuan casually pointed to a scholar who was watching the excitement, and the scholar was confused when he was called, so he didn't know what question to ask.

He looked up and saw the scorching sun, so he took the sun as the topic. After hearing this, Qin Zixuan used his brains, and the topic of sunshine was within the range of Qin Zisheng's guessing questions. Qin Zisheng looked confident and immediately took a pen to write.

Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows, thinking of Li Bai's famous poem, he also picked up his pen and ink, the sun was shining on the censer, and the purple smoke was coming out, and he watched the waterfall hanging on the Qianchuan River in the distance.Flying down three thousand feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way falls nine days.

Throwing away the pen in his hand, Qin Zixuan raised his head and looked at Qin Zisheng, who also wrote the pen, with a confident smile on his face, wanting to compete with himself in poetry, hehe, throw him a few streets and alleys.

Xiaosi stepped forward to take away Qin Zixuan's work, and put it in front of Wuzhi and other five judges. At the same time, an Hanlin was copying it with a pen, wrote a large piece of paper, and hung it in front of the high platform for everyone to see King Cheng's work. poetry.

In order to prevent some people from being illiterate, some people stood by and read loudly. Qin Zisheng and others turned green when they heard this. Qin Zisheng rubbed off his poems angrily. His works are still not published, what a shame.

Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows watching the other party's actions, and he really couldn't afford to lose, so he got angry, he was angry, and he was too narrow-minded.Wuzhi and the others looked at Qin Zisheng and shook their heads for a while, this character is too bad.

Next, it was Qin Zisheng's turn to point out the question. At this time, Qin Zisheng's eyes were seen moving through the crowd, and finally pointed at a man in blue. The man was tall and burly, and he looked like a Rough old man.

The man raised his hand and laughed dryly. Qin Zixuan saw that his hands were full of calluses. This guy was not only a rough old man, but also a Lianjiazi. He just didn't know what problems a Lianjiazi would have.

"My question is worry." The man yelled loudly, and he replied quickly, unlike the previous scholar who was stunned and had to think for a while before he could think of the question. The corners of Qin Zixuan's mouth curled up. Is cheating useful?It would be a joke to meet his cheating ancestor.

Qin Zisheng and the others took a look at Qin Zixuan, and each took up a pen to write, looking confident, Qin Zixuan continued to curl his lips, there were too many poems about sorrow, and he could write several poems by just writing.

Qin Zixuan was about to write a pen, when Qin Zisheng called out, "This time, it must be a poem. There will be three poems and three poems, and each will win two out of three games."

Hehe, Qin Zixuan raised his head to look at Qin Zisheng, and gave him a sneering look. Qin Zixuan made up his mind to let Qin Zisheng rub the paper balls six times to see how he can come up with tricks. There are not many other things but poetry. China's 5000-year civilization is not Just kidding.

Qin Zixuan took up a pen to write down Li Bai's five-character name, with white hair three thousand feet long, and his fate seems to be long.I don't know where to get autumn frost in the mirror.After finishing writing, he threw another pen, and Xiaosi hurried over to take away Qin Zixuan's masterpiece, and placed it in front of Wuzhi and the others.

As soon as this poem came out, I gave it a go. Wuzhi waited for the judges to take a deep breath. This worry was too long. As soon as this poem came out, who would compete with him? Wuzhi looked up at Qin Zisheng, his eyes full of sympathy. hit it.

Soon, Hanlin copied the poem and hung it up. There was a gasp from the audience. Qin Zisheng's face turned pale when he heard others read Qin Zixuan's masterpiece. Was slapped in the face.

After rubbing his masterpiece and throwing it on the ground, Qin Zisheng knew that his work was not comparable to Qin Zixuan's, and it would be embarrassing to put it on. Then he saw the group of talented scholars of Chu Chu rub up the work like Qin Zisheng and threw it away.

Qin Zixuan stared at Qin Zisheng cheerfully. This time, the other party made a dirty trick and was slapped in the face. This face is really thick, and he hasn't been beaten to death yet. Then he continued to slap him and asked, "Boss Lu, I will choose next." People, or the judges come up with the questions?"

"You choose!" Qin Zisheng gritted his teeth. He took advantage of choosing someone himself. Qin Zixuan chose randomly, but Qin Zisheng knew that he was not. He had already arranged for his subordinates to mix in the crowd.

Qin Zixuan pursed his lips and pointed down. Another unnamed scholar was selected. This time, the other party did not panic. , So a question arises, that is the man.

After hearing this, Qin Zixuan picked up his pen and wrote it. It is still Li Bai's masterpiece: "The roc rises with the same wind in one day and soars up to [-] miles."If the wind breaks down, it can still shake the dark water.People in the world sneered at me when they saw me, and when they heard Yu's big words.Xuan's father can still be afraid of future generations, and his husband should not be young.

Qin Zisheng watched Qin Zixuan's movements, his brows twitched, and he felt bad. He couldn't lose all three games. Seeing that Xiao Si took away the poem in front of Qin Zixuan, Qin Zisheng stopped the pen in his hand and looked at the judges.

As the work unfolds, the first line is that the roc rises with the same wind in one day and soars up to [-] miles.In front of several judges, a picture scroll unfolded, with a magnificent momentum, Qi Qi raised his head to look at Qin Zisheng, and gave Qin Zisheng sympathetic little eyes, his face was really firm.

Qin Zisheng's heart was pounding uncontrollably, and soon, the excellent work was being sung, Qin Zisheng wanted to vomit blood angrily, why don't he be so embarrassing, he rubbed the half-finished product in front of him bitterly, and if he didn't write it, it would be embarrassing to write it out.

Qin Zixuan folded his hands and stared at Qin Zisheng with a smile. Not far away, Concubine Cheng and the others were sitting in the carriage. Listening to Qin Zixuan's masterpiece, Concubine Cheng wiped away tears excitedly. Even if her son loses his memory, not everyone can provoke him , A talented person is a talented person.

Donghuang Taiye was sitting outside the carriage with the Yangtze River in his arms, looking at Qin Zixuan who was in high spirits on the stage, he couldn't help sighing, this kid is slippery, and his talent is definitely first-class.

Gong Liangyan looked at Huang He in her arms, wondering if this boy would be as talented as his father when he grows up, Huang He is not interested in the bustle outside, he is interested in eating, holding Gong Liangyan's hand and chewing watermelon.

Hahaha, Qin Zixuan crossed his waist, and only asked Qin Zisheng if he was convinced, and if he refused to accept it, he would fight again. Qin Zisheng was so angry that his face was livid, his eyes searched in the crowd, and he finally appointed one person.

Qin Zisheng didn't believe that Qin Zixuan's poems were so strong, and they were all on the same theme, and he didn't believe that Qin Zixuan could always be lucky and keep writing masterpieces.

(End of this chapter)

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