Second-hand little prince

Chapter 875 Levels

Chapter 875 Levels
Qin Zixuan and his party met with Concubine Cheng. The concubine held Li Han's hand and wiped her tears. She was really scared just now. Li Han hurriedly comforted Concubine Cheng. She was very moved. To be honest, her mother-in-law really loved her. That's great, much more enlightened than those mother-in-laws from rich families.

Several people talked and got into the carriage. It was too hot outside, but the inside of the carriage was pleasantly cool, surrounded by ice buckets. This time, Qin Zixuan and Donghuang Taiye sat outside the carriage, leaving the space inside for All the women.

Under the protection of personal guards, a large group of people rushed into the city. The people on the side of the road saw that the carriage of Prince Cheng’s mansion was unstopped, and they automatically gave way. Villain, praise the general for his skill.

Some people also praised Cheng Wang for his talent, he is the number one talented person in the world, No. 1 in the past and present, he praised Qin Zixuan as a flower, and Li Han became the flower protector.

"Boy, what hidden weapon did you use before? Why is it so lethal?" Donghuang Taiye couldn't help asking.

Qin Zixuan raised his chin for a while, pointed to his head and said, "I'm smart, I designed that hidden weapon, let me tell you, even if you don't look good, you can still protect yourself when you meet a master." .”

Dongfang Taiye nodded in approval, being able to kill the eighth master of the Shangguan family, this achievement is definitely nothing to say, if someone wants to assassinate Qin Zixuan in the future, he probably has to weigh himself before doing it.

Qin Zixuan took out a pistol from his pocket and showed it to Donghuang Taiye, who was taken aback for a while, not seeing how this small pistol could have such a powerful attack power, which made a master-level expert Killed.

Qin Zixuan didn't explain, rather complacently, the two put away their pistols and chatted about the strength of the Shangguan family. The classification of warriors in this world is very simple. Those who are not in the ranks are called low-rate warriors, and those who are in the ranks are called super warriors.

After the super martial artist is the master, and after that is the saint teacher. This level is so simple that Qin Zixuan despises it. Thinking about the novels I have read, the level division is so meticulous.

One level can be divided into ten or eight levels. Looking at this group of people, it is simple and rough. As for whether the strength of each level is the same, hehe, of course it is different.

The same is a master, some people can do three by one, but some people can't even do super warriors, why is this, there is a limit of comprehension here, in simple terms, the master leads the door, and the practice is up to the individual.

Li Han's current strength belongs to super fighters, while Dongfang Taiye is a master. As for whether there is a level above the holy master, Dongfang Taiye said that there is a drop, and there is the King of Hades above the holy master. It's five o'clock.

To transform it is to hang up is the highest level, this answer made Qin Zixuan sneer hard, and directly said that if you don’t have it, it’s over, what kind of cold jokes are you playing, cold jokes are not so cold, you have to learn from your brother.

So on the way back to the city, Qin Zixuan began to tell cold jokes to Dongfang Taiye. It was colder than the air in the carriage.

The way back was safe and sound, Qin Zixuan sent people back to Prince Cheng's mansion, and went to the palace with Li Han to face the saint. They had to report the game and of course let the emperor bleed. This reward or something must be indispensable.

After this big battle, Hai Hai practiced martial arts more seriously than usual, his small fists were filled with sparks, this guy was stimulated, a stimulated genius progressed so fast that Gu Yue looked like a sunflower every day.

Of course, it also made Donghuang Taiye and Gong Liangyan very envious, wishing to snatch the sea and bring it back to the family for offering. The consequence of the jealousy of these two people is to start practicing baby.

As long as they don't beat the Yangtze River and the Yellow River, Qin Zixuan will let them do it. As for what a one-year-old child can practice, that's not Qin Zixuan's concern. Qin Zixuan's concern now is the Song family.

The Song family was about to give birth, and Qin Zixuan began to decorate his daughter's small room again. This guy was also very temperamental. Originally, the imperial physician could have diagnosed a boy or girl, but Qin Zixuan wanted to be pleasantly surprised, and the imperial physician was not allowed to tell anyone.

Concubine Cheng felt very helpless looking at her son who went crazy. Li Han gave birth to two children, and the granddaughter's small room was decorated twice, each time was more luxurious than the previous one. Now it is the third time. Concubine Cheng can only pray that she will have a granddaughter this time come out.

Prince Cheng's mansion was very busy, and Da Chu was not at peace. Qin Zisheng and his party hurried back to Da Chu. Shangguan Huai meant to let the emperor of Da Chu abdicate, give up the throne to Qin Zisheng, and then lead the soldiers of Da Chu to attack Da Qin.

The Emperor Da Chu is unwilling to this proposal, and he is arguing with Shangguan Huai. No matter how Da Chu's surname is Chu, how can Qin Zixuan become king and hegemony? They can send troops to help, but don't mention the matter of abdication.

Having suffered a great loss in Daqin, Shangguan Huai felt resentful in his heart, so Shangguan Huai beheaded the emperor of Dachu in a fit of rage, which could be regarded as stabbing a hornet's nest, and Dachu, which was already in danger, was torn apart.

Several princes made themselves kings. They didn't know the affairs of the five major families, and they didn't take the Shangguan family seriously. They either turned a blind eye to the envoys sent by the Shangguan family or killed them directly.

There were also people who used the banner to avenge the late emperor, and whoever avenged the late emperor was the orthodox one. The Shangguan family led Qin Zisheng to the opposite side of Da Chu's forces. Before launching an attack on Da Qin, they started fighting themselves.

It is easy to conquer a few people, but it is difficult to conquer the people. In order to give eye drops to the opponent, the Great Qin Emperor sent spies to spread rumors among the people of Great Chu.

That is, their wise and mighty emperor was killed by Qin Zisheng's gang. As a bloody man, how could he recognize a thief as his father, swear to repay the king's favor, avenge the late emperor, and kill Qin Zisheng to regain the great Chu country.

Some people here are sincere revenge, and some people want to be a hero from the dragon. People who revolted from all sides emerge in endlessly. Qin Zisheng sat on the throne dragging his wounds. He has never learned how to govern the world. Training, how to be a king and how to balance all these have to be learned, but it is a pity that Qin Zisheng has no one to teach.

Of course not at all, he will kill, if someone opposes, he will kill, no matter who the opponent is, he will kill, kill, kill, and even scold the people as thieves in the hall. The plan is to overthrow the Western Qin Dynasty established by Qin Zisheng.

Qin Zisheng started the battle under the guidance of the dog head army division. He wanted to subdue Dachu before attacking Daqin.

(End of this chapter)

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