Second-hand little prince

Chapter 876 was born

Chapter 876 was born
The neighboring doors of Daqin and Dachu were closed one by one, and the friendly trade between the two countries officially came to an end. Dachu fell into the miserable years of constant wars. If someone becomes the Supreme Emperor, one can imagine how the political chaos in the Western Qin Dynasty would turn out to be.

No matter what the chaos in West Qin is, it will not affect Qin Zixuan. This guy is standing outside Song's delivery room with a look of anticipation, hoping that this baby will be a daughter. This beautiful wish was broken with a cry.

Inside, the midwife held the baby and said congratulations to the prince, he is a little prince.Qin Zixuan was full of old blood, his expectations vanished, and then he was mercilessly ridiculed by the Eastern Emperor Taiye. This old man likes to add trouble to Qin Zixuan the most.

Of course, whether it is a boy or a girl, it is fate. Qin Zixuan had to prepare the prince's room with tears in his eyes. Song Shi was very happy after giving birth to a son. Song Shi's mother also lived in the palace, and she wanted to serve Song Shi for confinement.

Qin Zixuan has no objection to this point, no matter how well others serve her, it can't replace the importance of her mother in Song's heart, let the servant girl serve her well, don't slow down the guests.

Song's father is now a fifth-rank Beijing official, and everyone lives in Yujing, so he can move around frequently, unlike before, when he was far away, he had to walk for several days to deliver a gift.

The first name of Song's child was given by Concubine Cheng, named Qin Jinyi, and nicknamed Qin Zixuan, named Huangshan. Princess, let's choose a noble name.

The daughter hasn't been born yet, and his heart is already sitting sideways. Fortunately, he didn't say the reason, otherwise he would have to be read by Concubine Cheng, because it is a child born by a concubine, even if it is named under the name of the mistress in the future, it will not be the same. Will make a fuss.

Although it is said that everyone is treated equally, but where is the actual rule? I think colleagues are the same. If you can’t be the same outside, then you will be rewarded in the palace. The reward is the same as when Dahai was born. Small fortune.

The reward in Prince Cheng’s Mansion is higher than the monthly salary in other houses. The servants in Prince Cheng’s Mansion are well-known when they go out. Of course, they are all rich, and they are definitely more than the top and the bottom. Everyone is happy.

Seeing that Qin Zixuan attached so much importance to Huangshan, Mrs. Song was very happy, and euphemistically expressed to Qin Zixuan that the Song family had just entered Beijing, and the foundation was not strong. The Song family had an older brother who hadn't worked yet, which meant that he hoped that Qin Zixuan would help and send him to the household department .

The household department is Daqin's pocketbook, and he is a fat job, but it's not easy to get into the household department. It's a hard relationship, and it's not impossible to send someone in. The problem is that Qin Zixuan doesn't want to go through the back door, so he has to take the exam himself.

As a Juren, let me get you into the household department, why don't you go to heaven!Qin Zixuan didn't complain clearly, pretended not to understand and left. Mrs. Song was not happy now, feeling that Qin Zixuan didn't value the Song family.

Complaining to Mrs. Song, she asked Mrs. Song to hand over the mask business to the Song family. After hearing this, Mrs. Song was in a dilemma. She still wanted to leave the mask business to her son, even though it was said that the prince’s family property would be divided equally among each child. , But which mother does not want to give more to her children?

Besides, the business of the mask was given to her by the lord. If he just handed it over to the Song family, what if the lord is not happy?What if the prince thinks that she is a helper demon who hates her in a fit of anger?
Mrs. Song was happy to have a son, but because Mrs. Song was in the middle of it, there was not much smile on her face, but a lot of sadness. At the beginning, she was far away and homesick for her mother, but now that she is closer, she doesn't return so much. thing.

On the other side, Bai Jing was reporting to Li Han about the affairs of Song's natal family. Song's mother was originally a concubine, but because Song was pregnant, the emperor promoted Mr. Song to a fifth-rank official.

Good guy, Mr. Song divorced his original spouse without saying a word, and raised Song's mother to the position of mistress. The speed of his actions is unbelievable. Could it be that the previous love was all an illusion?
Li Han frowned after hearing this, and didn't understand why Bai Jing reported this to her. It was Mrs. Song's family business, and it had nothing to do with him. The reaction is too slow.

"Okay, let them handle this matter, but the wedding date of the two of you is just around the corner, have you embroidered your wedding dress?" Li Han asked.

"Ah?" "What?" Bai Jing and Liu Yi looked at each other, shook their heads firmly, and said in unison: "We wear plain clothes, we don't want to embroider little hens that can lay eggs."

Pfft, the old blood in Li Han's heart almost spurted out, how could I forget this, no one mentioned this for a long time, these two bastards are really lawless, so Li Han forced them to embroider wedding dresses.

Bai Jing and Liu Yi got along very well. As soon as they went out, they forgot about embroidering the wedding dress. There was a general in front of them, so it would be better not to embroider. The two will not follow the old path of the general.

Qin Zixuan shook the dice in his hand, Li Han listened with his ears open, the two sat in the room and played a bet, Hai Hai opened the door and passed by, and when he heard that the dice could not move, he opened the door and asked to join, so the game of two people turned into three personal.

The battle was fierce, and the three of them each showed their unique skills, all trying to win the silver ticket in front of the other, when a servant girl knocked on the door, saying that Aunt Song had made a snack and sent it to the servant girl, Qin Zixuan frowned when he heard that, What kind of snacks do you make for confinement?

But it had already been delivered to the door, so it was hard to refuse. Li Han asked the maid to bring it in. Soon, Aunt Song's personal maid, Chu Xia, came in with a plate of dim sum in her hand. The style was pretty good, made of mung bean stuffing.

Seeing that Qin Zixuan was there, he quickly gave a salute. Qin Zixuan pointed to the table and asked her to put the dim sum on the table, and told Chu Xia not to let Mrs. Song make any more dim sum. The general has a cook for whatever he wants to eat, and he will take care of it no matter how bad it is. , Just let Mrs. Song take care of herself.

Chu Xia hurriedly responded, bowed and exited the room, Hai Hai continued to shake the dice, blinked his big eyes a few times, and the corners of his mouth turned up, it seemed that with the birth of his younger brother, the struggle in the backyard was about to begin.

Seeing Li Han picking up a snack to eat, Dahai threw the dice and grabbed it, Li Han didn't care, Qin Zixuan squeezed a piece into his mouth with a smile, and Dahai's strange cry sounded.

"Wow, there is actually an ingredient in it!"

What?Qin Zixuan held up the dim sum and stared at Dahai, his face became serious, Dahai spat out the dim sum in his mouth, and kept curling his lips, this little trick could fool him.

What does Li Han mean by asking Dahai?Although Dahai is small, Li Han respects Dahai quite a lot, instead of warning Dahai not to talk nonsense, because Li Han knows that Dahai has learned a lot from the little poisonous girl.

(End of this chapter)

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