Second-hand little prince

Chapter 878 Investigation

Chapter 878 Investigation
Of course Mrs. Song has something to say, and she doesn't admit a word of Chu Xia's words. First of all, Chu Xia made the dim sum, and she didn't send the money. She really came to serve her daughter for confinement, and she never thought of harming the general, nor I asked for a prescription for a mask.

Mrs. Song didn't believe what she said, and her mother had read it in her ear more than once, but Mrs. Song hadn't expressed her opinion, and she was still thinking about asking the prince for a way to make money for Mrs. Song. Drug the general.

Liu Yi took her maid to Mrs. Song's room, searched a box from Mrs. Song's room, and brought a few herbs in it, brought them over and put them in front of Concubine Cheng and Qin Zixuan. It doesn't matter if you don't admit it, we will search for it certificate.

Imperial Physician Du stepped forward to check the medicinal materials, and then his face changed drastically. He looked up at Mrs. Song, and then at Mrs. Song.

"What kind of medicine?" Qin Zixuan asked with a frown, and Song Shi also raised her head from Li Han's arms, but her hands did not let go of Li Han's arm, and she still hugged it tightly. Li Han sat sideways on the bed, with the other hand lightly Patting Song on the back made her relax.

"My lord, my concubine, these few medicines are the ingredients of the Duanzi prescription, but these two medicines are not. Besides," Imperial Physician Du looked at Mrs. Song again, her eyes were full of sympathy, a woman who was abandoned by her family when she was young, really He could become a victim of the family at any time.

"And what? Old Du, can you be more happy." Qin Zixuan scratched his head, looked at Song Shi, and then at Li Han, he was better than himself to the concubine, whose concubine was it?

"The combination of these two flavors and one of them may hurt people's life and become a deadly poison. It is difficult to find out the cause of the poisoning if eaten separately." Doctor Du finally said it. Kowtow, she really didn't want to kill the general.

"Take it and send it to the official." Qin Zixuan rolled his eyes, then glanced at the nanny again, and said: "The nanny will be dismissed, and everything around Huangshan will not be sold."

"My lord, please forgive me, my lord, please forgive me. I don't have bad intentions, and I don't want to harm the general. I just don't want my aunt to be troubled, so I beg my lord to forgive me." The nanny was so frightened that she hurriedly knelt down and begged.

"Hmph, I have no bad intentions. You are servants of Prince Cheng's Mansion, but you colluded with outsiders. Let an old woman stir up trouble in the backyard of the Palace and murder the general. Do you still have the Palace in your heart? Do you know who is the master?"

Qin Zixuan gritted his teeth. He is good to his servants, but the prerequisite is that you have to be loyal, and you must be loyal to each other. I don't believe that no one knows what Mrs. Song did, not even a tip-off. This is loyalty who.

"My lord, Chu Xia is holding the mask prescription in her hand. She is Aunt Song's confidant. After the sale, I'm afraid Fang Zi's secret will not be kept." Liu Yi answered leisurely.

"Cut, who dares to steal the business of the Prince's Mansion? I'll kill him all over the house." Qin Zixuan raised his eyes, and Chu Xia was so frightened that she quickly swore that she didn't spread the word, and begged the prince to give her another chance. It was really wrong.

It is impossible for Qin Zixuan to give Chu Xia a chance, someone who can betray the palace for 100 taels of silver, and if he gives her another chance, he will take his own life to others.

"In early summer, the treatment in Prince Cheng's Mansion is not bad. You should be rewarded for helping the Song family manage the mask business. Why are you greedy for 100 taels of silver?" Dowager Cheng suddenly thought of a serious problem.

100 taels of silver is a lot to others, but it is really not much to the servants of Prince Cheng’s Mansion. Although their annual salary is not 100 taels, there are dozens of taels, plus rewards, deducting expenses, It is still possible to save 100 taels in three or two years.

"I'm afraid someone set up a series of tricks to take the general's life." Imperial Physician Du answered suddenly, attracting everyone's attention. Qin Zixuan patted his head. It's really possible. Li Han is the killing god in the Great Qin Army, prestige very high.

Then who would want to kill Li Han? The emperor would definitely not want Li Han to die. He expects Li Han to lead his troops when he expands his borders. The general has no conflict of interest with him.

So who could it be?Qin Zixuan thought about the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, but he didn't think who would attack Li Han. Now there are only Daqin's enemies left, Daqi or Dachu?Qin Zixuan frowned and looked at Mrs. Song.

Mrs. Song trembled from fright, and the room was quiet. When I asked Mrs. Song who ordered it, Mrs. Song couldn't tell the reason.

Qin Zixuan glanced at the Song family, what kind of parents are these? They just entered the capital and caused a storm. I'm afraid the enemy has been preparing for this card for a long time.

"Put everyone down so that you can watch." Dowager Cheng said, Mrs. Song and other maidservants Xiao Si put them all down, Dowager Cheng sighed when she looked at Mrs. Song, this can be regarded as she grew up watching.

"Mr. Song, you should rest well. I will make another arrangement for Huangshan's nanny. Don't cry anymore. If you don't do well in confinement, it will affect your health in the future." Concubine Cheng couldn't help but comforted her a few more words, Mrs. Song Crying and responding.

Li Han asked Mrs. Song to have a good rest. She was going to see where her husband had gone. Mrs. Song responded with a sniff, feeling remorse in her heart. If she had known earlier, she would not have let her mother stay and take care of her. All these things.

When Concubine Cheng left, she left the maid beside her, and soon brought a nanny. This nanny was not invited from outside the mansion, but a child from a family in the mansion.

It's just that the child is several months old. At that time, Qin Zixuan hated the lack of nutrition in the milk and insisted on inviting the baby who had just given birth, so he had no choice but to invite it from the outside. Now Princess Cheng thinks that it is better for the nanny to have a child at home, because she knows the basics.

Qin Zixuan left the Song family's courtyard, got into the carriage and rushed to the palace. He had to talk to the emperor about this matter, and Song Qingmin, who used to be a small county magistrate, had not been promoted for so many years, why did he suddenly get a commission? I became a member of the fifth rank.

Something happened here, Qin Zixuan felt that there was something that he didn't know about, when he arrived at the palace, Qin Zixuan explained the incident, the emperor's face immediately changed, he asked how Li Han's body was and if he had been poisoned.

Qin Zixuan didn't talk about these useless things with the emperor, so he asked the emperor who recommended Song Qingmin, why he reached the sky in one step, and the timing was so good, and Mrs. Song, a little girl, didn't have so much scheming, and there was an expert behind it.

The emperor took it seriously, and immediately issued an order to control Song Qingmin's family. At the same time, he sent people to investigate Chuxia's family. What made a little rich woman greedy for even 100 taels of silver? The emperor also told Qin Zixuan.

(End of this chapter)

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