Second-hand little prince

Chapter 879 Suicide

Chapter 879 Suicide
The promotion of Song Qingmin was indeed because someone spoke before the emperor. That person was the censor of Yushitai. A rare talent.

Qin Zixuan picked his nose, and would not speak sooner or later, but after Song's pregnancy he spoke up, Prince Cheng's mansion has always been extremely defensive, it is impossible for outsiders to inquire about news in Prince Cheng's mansion, except of course the emperor.

It was Cheng Wang's mansion who left his eyeliner on purpose, but the other family's eyeliner was not left behind, and it was cleaned up. As for trying to harm Li Han, that is even more difficult. Qin Zixuan is very careful when eating and drinking outside, not the food he brought. Boys will test drugs.

This is even the case when eating at Weijixuan. For this reason, he was often despised by the thieves, but Qin Zixuan was happy. He was afraid of death. Anyway, everything he ate had been poisoned, not only with silver needles, but also with poison. other means.

It is indeed a good opportunity for Mrs. Song to stay in Prince Cheng's mansion to take care of Mrs. Song. There is only a thousand days to be a thief. Have the opportunity.

Who designed this chain meter?And when did it start?Qin Zixuan rubbed his chin and fell into deep thought, and the emperor was also thinking deeply. The little dirty report that the emperor reported at that time was to make Qin Zixuan's backyard not so quiet.

It can be moderately lively, but I didn't expect moderately lively. If Qin Zixuan was not vigilant, Li Han would really have something wrong. This is definitely Daqin's loss. The emperor didn't say it but his heart was true I regret it.

Just when Qin Zixuan was thinking about the problem, the emperor issued several imperial decrees. Some people went to the county where Song Qingmin had been to investigate his political achievements, some people went to arrest Yu Shi Xu Xie, and some people investigated who Xu Xie had been with in the past few months. Contacted, who did Song Qingmin visit and contact with since he entered the capital.

As soon as the emperor's order came out, all the departments were running much faster than Qin Zixuan's investigation. If Li Han's spy battalion hadn't been disbanded, it could have reached the speed of the emperor. Unfortunately, the emperor doesn't allow that kind of spy battalion to exist.

Before Qin Zixuan could figure out why, Song Qingmin and Xu Xie were brought up. Song Qingmin didn't know why he was caught. When he saw the emperor and Qin Zixuan calling him wronged, Qin Zixuan rolled his eyes, not caring whether it was really wronged or not. .

"Song Qingmin, tell me the truth, why did you murder the general?" Wei Dehai stepped forward and kicked Song Qingmin, telling him to be honest and complain about injustice.

"The old minister is wronged. The old minister has never murdered the general. I beg the emperor to investigate clearly, and the prince to investigate clearly." Song Qingmin kowtowed vigorously, he didn't wear this big hat, he was afraid of death.

Qin Zixuan remained silent, watching Song Qingmin kowtow coldly, a thorn in his heart, there used to be a lot of movies and TV dramas that fought in the harem compound, but Qin Zixuan really seldom watched it and didn't like that kind of intrigue. Clean, I didn't expect it to be clean, I feel unhappy.

Seeing Qin Zixuan's gloomy face, the emperor asked Wei Dehai to punish him, and if he didn't beat him, he would tell the truth. Song Qingmin kept calling for grievances. He didn't expect his dream of getting promoted and getting rich would end so soon.

Xu Xie knelt there, looking at the unlucky Song Qingmin, and soon understood why he was brought in. This was caused by Song Qingmin. You must know that he wrote the memorial to protect Song Qingmin, and he was the one who praised Song Qingmin as a flower .

As for why, it must be beneficial. If there was no benefit, he would not have noticed a small county magistrate, but he did not expect that this small county magistrate would eventually implicate him. Xu Xie felt regretful in his heart.

It's not that the money he earned is really difficult. If the time can be restarted, Xu Xie said that he will definitely not accept this business. The loss is too big. If he thinks too much about whether he can keep his official position, he will definitely not be able to keep it. As for whether he can keep his head It's hard to say.

"Xu Xie, how did you notice Song Qingmin? I want to be honest. If you dare to lie to me, I will make you regret coming to this world." Qin Zixuan spoke suddenly, and if he wanted to break the chain, he had to find a breakthrough.

If I'm not mistaken, Xu Xie just takes people's money to do things for others. He is the easiest to break through here. Xu Xie looked at the emperor and found that the emperor was staring at him secretly. Then he looked at Qin Zixuan. This guy also had a gloomy face. Today Can this matter be passed without telling the truth?
At this moment, Li Han begged to see him, and the emperor hurriedly let Li Han in. Li Han saw the emperor and looked at Qin Zixuan timidly. Qin Zixuan turned his head and ignored this silly girl. Jing and Liu Yi, one on the left and the other on the right, made Li Hannian's head go crazy, and they also knew that they were wrong.

You shouldn't have gone to comfort Mrs. Song, the lord wanted to kill the chicken and respect the monkey, but the monkey didn't come, and it was all destroyed in his own hands. Li Han felt guilty at this moment.He quietly moved to sit next to Qin Zixuan, and tugged at Qin Zixuan's sleeve like a coward. Qin Zixuan continued to turn his head, but still ignored Li Han.

Seeing his great general turned into a little daughter-in-law, the emperor wanted to laugh again, and at the same time figured it out, just for this thick line, if he really wanted to give her a few little girls to fight, his general was no match for him.

A few sugar-coated cannonballs will blow up and the bones will be gone. Maybe they are still counting money for others after being sold. Some women are born to be masters in internal fighting, while some women are born with few strings and cannot win a fight. He will die miserably, the general is such a guy with few strings.

Song Qingmin was dragged down for torture, Xu Xie knelt there and thought for a while, thinking that he should confess, at most he would lose his official title, if the emperor found out, he would ransack his home and behead his head.

Alas, what a pity, Xu Xie let out a long sigh in his heart, and was about to tell the truth, but Wei Dehai exclaimed from outside, but it was Song Qingmin who had taken poison, and he had fangs in his mouth, what does this mean?
Xu Xie's eyes widened, which meant that he couldn't be cleansed, he was being put to death, that bastard Song Qingmin couldn't have committed suicide by taking poison if he didn't have a little secret.

Qin Zixuan and the emperor hurriedly got up to check. Song Qingmin was brought into the palace suddenly, and there was no news about it before. His suicide by taking poison only showed that Song Qingmin had always had fangs, why did a small county magistrate wear fangs.

This matter was wrong, the emperor and Qin Zixuan both found out that there was something wrong with it, it was a major matter, something they had never noticed before, Li Han followed closely behind Qin Zixuan, tugging Qin Zixuan's sleeve from time to time.

"What kind of poison?" Qin Zixuan asked.

"It's the combined toxin of Hedinghong and Hongban snake venom, and it cannot be rescued." Imperial Physician Du came to the conclusion after examination, Qin Zixuan and the emperor looked at each other, the other party was very guarded.

(End of this chapter)

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