Chapter 881 Coup
Mrs. Song recalled what her mother had done, and truly felt sorry for her. She tried her best to get resources and wealth from the Song family, but how did the Song family treat her?It's ridiculous, but after thinking about it, I still think King Cheng is cute.

There is something to be said on the bright side, saying that one is one, if you don’t coax or lie, so what if you are a concubine, you can still be raised as a son-in-law, wipe away your tears, Song will stop crying, she knows that Cheng Wang’s mansion is her home, one will not If you cheat her, you won't lie to her family.

Sad for a relative who doesn't consider herself as a relative, she really cried a lot. Song ate the dinner brought by her maid and fell asleep with Huangshan in her arms. This will be her biggest backer in the future. She will leave the best for Huangshan. He taught Huangshan to be as smart and talented as the prince.

After Mrs. Song's incident, Cheng Wang's mansion fell into silence again. What to do, Qin Zixuan, who was free, tilted his head and thought of the man in the black hat. He hadn't found it for so long. When did Yujing's spies become so weak? ?

Thinking back to when Li Han's spies wanted any news, they would get it for you in minutes. Qin Zixuan felt a pity when he thought of those spies returning home one by one.

Dahai found Qin Zixuan on short legs and told Qin Zixuan a piece of good news, that is to prepare more tickets, we will go on a long trip after Aunt Bai and Aunt Liu get married.

Qin Zixuan asked where to go?Dahai told Qin Zixuan mysteriously that he would know when the time came, and there must be something good to offer, as long as you have a lot of tickets, daddy. Qin Zixuan pinched Dahai's little nose, this kid is sure about his pocketbook.

But Bai Jingliu Yi is getting married soon, can he grind those two female men?Yaya's engagement was hidden from him, and the date of marriage was also hidden from him. All of them were so thoughtful, it must be the bad idea of ​​that old fox Wang Mingzheng.

Qin Zixuan and Dahai chatted for a while, the father and son laughed badly, and then they held hands and went to find Bai Jing. Qin Zixuan asked Dahai, do you want to see the little hen with the comb?
Dahai said I think so, Qin Zixuan said that's easy, let's let your Aunt Bai Liu embroider, so the father and son reached an agreement and found Bai Jing who was eating melons cross-legged in Li Han's room.

"Daughter-in-law, I suddenly thought of a very serious matter. Bai Jing and Liu Yi are getting married soon, and the wedding dress hasn't been embroidered yet. We are all fine today, so let's just watch them embroider the wedding dress." Qin Zixuan entered the room and said That's called seriousness.

Bai Jing's opened mouth couldn't close, what is this called? Liu Yi put down the smoothie, rolled her eyes, and called out "My Lord", Qin Zixuan's goosebumps swelled.

"My lord, have you ever seen a man embroider a wedding gown?" Liu Yi asked, Qin Zixuan shook his head, he hadn't seen it before, men in this era are all straight men, how could they touch these women's work.

"Then do you want to watch it?" Liu Yi continued to seduce, Qin Zixuan nodded, he wanted to see it, Liu Yi clapped his hands and said, "My lord, that kid Wang Rui is not honest, he is hiding such a big thing from you, Don't you want to treat him?"

"Think about it, the problem is that kid has been avoiding me and walking." Qin Zixuan was super innocent, the two boys never met him since they entered Yujing, and ran away when they saw it.

"Hey, my lord, I'll give you a trick that will definitely cure them." Liu Yi's smile was evil, Qin Zixuan's eyes widened with curiosity, what's the trick?Dahai also called out to talk, and Li Han watched the play with his chin resting, wanting to see who Liu Yi was trying to punish.

"My lord, you send someone to tell Wang Rui, tell him that my lady doesn't know how to embroider and wants to marry a bride, let him embroider a wedding dress first, and then I will get married in Wang Rui's embroidered wedding dress, hehe, Wonderful, isn't it?" Liu Yi raised her eyebrows and smirked.

Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows, I'm going to go, this little girl doesn't know who she is, she is more ruthless than herself, in order not to embroider, she actually designed Wang Rui into it, Bai Jing has followed suit, even she can't, let Wang Rui went to embroider.

Both of them were afraid of losing face, and the general was sitting in front of them. They didn't want to follow the old path of the general. If the wedding dress was not well embroidered, they could shirk the responsibility at that time. It would kill two birds with one stone.

Qin Zixuan stroked his chin and thought about it for a while, and felt that this was a coup. He immediately asked Lin Xi to post a post to invite people to Weijixuan. If he dared not come, let them know the consequences of not coming, that is, Bai Jing and Liu Yi would not marry .

Lin Xi happily ran away, this time it was really not the prince who made a move, but the woman they were going to marry was too hurtful, Lin Xi expressed that she really wanted to supervise the embroidery of the two young masters.

"You two are good, you are smarter than your general, so to avoid embarrassment, you can wait at home, I will go to meet the two bridegroom officials." Qin Zixuan puffed up his stomach, squatting happily, and another good show came on stage .

Dahai called to go together, Li Han took the initiative to escort, and the family of three went out cheerfully, Gu Yueru came over to ask what happened, and after hearing that, she also followed along to join in the fun, but Gong Liangyan scolded him for being rude.

Qin Zixuan replied that brother is serious, brother is a decent person, brother is an old driver, and brother is a good person, he put his hips on his hips and praised himself, Gong Liangyan who praised him would blush for Qin Zixuan, if Qin Zixuan was a good person, there would be no good person.

"The Alien Treasure Exchange Meeting is coming soon, get your money bags ready, I'm going to buy elixir for Huang He." Gong Liangyan didn't talk to Qin Zixuan, dropped a word and left.

"What is the strange treasure exchange meeting?" Qin Zixuan looked at Gu Yueru, Gu Yueru began to explain, and told Qin Zixuan at the same time that the general currency of the strange treasure exchange meeting is gold, and gold tickets are also acceptable, but most of them are barter things.

Exchange what you don't need for what you need, and ask Qin Zixuan to prepare some treasures that you don't need, which can be exchanged when you introduce them. Qin Zixuan's eyes lit up when he heard it, and asked Gu Yueru if there are many female masters, do you love beauty?

There must be female masters. The five major families are different from the secular world, and the discrimination against men and women is not so serious. As for beauty?Which woman does not love beauty?Qin Zixuan was right after thinking about it, and asked a nonsense question himself.

Decided to bring a mask when the time comes, Mrs. Wang's kind of gangster women are conquered by the mask, and those masters must be the same, even if there are few female masters, the little lovers of those old men still need it.

Qin Zixuan decided to make a fortune during the rare treasure exchange meeting, Dahai rolled his eyes, wondering if he should spend more money and buy more good things for backup, anyway, father is always rich, and he will always make money.

A group of people rushed to Weijixuan with their own minds, Wang Rui and Wang Rui were already waiting there, and the young daughter-in-law who didn't come to the appointment would also fail, how could these two dare not come, even if they had the guts to refuse Come on, see Qin Zixuan showing a pitiful expression.

Qin Zixuan looked at the two smiling like cats who were stealing.

(End of this chapter)

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