Second-hand little prince

Chapter 882 Embroidered Wedding Dress

Chapter 882 Embroidered Wedding Dress

Pirate Saint first entertained a few people with a table of good wine and food, and then moved a small bench to sit by the side to watch the play. He felt that there would be a good big play today. down to business.

The moods of Wang Rui and the others were up and down, and they stared at Qin Zixuan, wondering what kind of tricks Lord Cheng had come up with to punish them. It was really too difficult to be the brother-in-law of King Cheng.

"Hey, you two, you're going to get married in a while, so let me congratulate you both first." Qin Zixuan cupped his hands, laughing like a chicken thief and laughing like Wang Rui.Of course, his mouth was not idle, he kept thanking Cheng Wang Chengquan.

Qin Zixuan rolled his eyes when he heard that, he was a fool, and they worked hard behind his back. If they weren't behind his back, they would still be torturing these two guys, two thieves, thieves who specialize in stealing daughters' hearts.

"The two incompetent girls of my family have been in the military camp all year round. There is nothing to say about martial arts, and they can be regarded as small masters. But, female red handicrafts are not satisfactory. You don't mind that?" Qin Zixuan Feng Yancheng line, and looked at Wang Rui and Wang Rui with scrutiny.

Wang Rui and the two hurriedly expressed that they didn't mind, they already knew this, how dare they mind, it was only through coaxing and cheating to get it, if they dared to mind, those two guys would really dare to call off the engagement.

As long as you don't mind, Qin Zixuan immediately put on a smiling face, patted Wang Rui on the shoulder, and looked at Wang Rui, full of sympathy for the two. He didn't come up with this trick, he was just the executor.

"Well, since you don't mind that the two of them don't know how to be famous, I will leave the wedding dress to the two of you. When you finish embroidering the wedding dress, how about getting married?" Qin Zixuan's words fell, Wang The two of Rui's eyes widened. If they didn't play like this, they would have no friends.

Li Han rested his chin and looked at it with gusto, Dahai clapped his little hands and applauded, and added by the way, that is to show sincerity that he had to embroider it by himself, Dahai said he would supervise.

The master thief shuddered and tore off a few beards, and breathed in pain. This master really knows how to play. How can a man embroider a wedding dress, even the one who inserted the door has never embroidered a wedding dress. Can Wang Rui and the other agree?
Gu Yueru shouted from the side: "You guys should go ahead, no matter how ugly it is, it's not as ugly as the general's embroidery. The pullets embroidered by the general can all have combs."

Pfft, Thief Saint took a sip of water and sprayed it, Li Han glared at Gu Yueru, what's wrong with her here, why did she get hurt, Gu Yueru smiled very unscrupulously, the general's black history can't be wiped away myself.

"Embroider, let's embroider, the two uncles can embroider a little rooster, crowing." Dahai clapped his little hands and cried, this is really not too big a deal to watch the excitement, and it perfectly shows the side of the people who eat melons.

Wang Rui and Wang Rui exchanged glances, and then discussed in a low voice, asking if it would be okay to embroider?It's okay to wear a plain wedding dress, they didn't ask for it, and they still resisted this proposal in their hearts, they are masculine men.

Of course this won’t work, Qin Zixuan said, of course her daughter’s wedding dress should be beautiful, how can anyone wear a plain wedding dress, his general’s thick hands embroidered a little hen, and Bai Jing’s There must be flowers and plants in the wedding dress.

If they don't embroider, then he will let the two of them learn how to be a female celebrity, and when they learn how to marry, if they can't learn it in this life, then they won't marry. Cheng Wangfu is very big and can support them for a lifetime. Wang Rui is so angry The two have black faces, this is a threat.

Facing the threat, Wang Rui and the two discussed again in a low voice, that is, do you think your little lady is a female celebrity?Do you still need to think about this?Certainly not!The two exchanged voices, while Qin Zixuan and his party listened with their ears open.

The thief sage is stroking his beard and eating melons. He has lived to his age, and the picture is a scene of excitement. It feels like Prince Cheng will make trouble.Qin Zixuan ignored the two people's breathless discussion, but ate the fruit for a while. It was too hot, and he really couldn't eat much except fruit for dinner.

In the end, both Wang Rui and Wang Rui nodded in unison. In order to get married smoothly, they also risked everything. They just begged the prince not to make any more fuss. Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows. It really was true love.

If Bai Jing and Wang Rui met on a blind date, the other party would definitely not accept the condition I raised. For men in this era, it would not only embarrass them, but also humiliate them.

Of course, Qin Zixuan didn't mean that, he just wanted to torment them, who set the date of marriage behind his back, Qin Zixuan was unhappy, so naturally the two of them were also unhappy.

This time, Wang Rui and Wang Rui confessed, they only wanted to get married smoothly, seeing the two cooperate so well, and they really like Bai Jing and the two, Qin Zixuan could not continue to torment the two of them, Dahai told him to have a small house , can serve as an embroidery room for two people.

Both Wang Rui and Wang Rui expressed their thanks in unison, I thank you for coming, little prince.

Dahai cheerfully waved his hand, no thanks, he will visit when he has time, Wang Rui and his wife have ten thousand sheep-like animals running past, what can they say, each of them has a different taste.

The meal was not good, so the two of them ate it too. Qin Zixuan patted the shoulders of the two of them and asked them to finish their wedding dresses early. There are still two at home waiting to be tried on. Of course, Qin Zixuan also explained later After a while.

That is the wedding dress embroidered by yourself and worn on the body of the woman you love the most. Think about how it feels. When you ask such a question, Wang Rui actually shows a silly smile, and Qin Zixuan pats his forehead. This wife slave is so stupid before getting married up.

Others are pregnant for three years and he is married for a lifetime.After Qin Zixuan finished talking about the business, he asked Saint Pirates if he had found the person who smashed the signboard. This time it was really embarrassing for Saint Pirates, because he couldn't find it either.

The strength of the other party was above him, and he followed and lost, and then he didn't show up again, Qin Zixuan was so depressed, I hope that bastard has the guts to smash it again, but the bastard has no guts, lurking in Yujing and can't come out .

Li Han rubbed her brows, too many things happened during this time, she was so busy that she didn't have time to spare, after thinking for a while, she asked the soldiers to notify Jiang Yunji, and then conduct a dragnet check on the population of Yujing, as long as the household registration is not correct , take them all down, and she has to personally identify them one by one.

Li Han doesn't have much interest in other things, but he is addicted to spoiling his husband. Seeing Qin Zixuan getting angry in a hurry, she also got angry. Since the husband is determined to find him, then use the power of the state machine to come to him once. Great census.

Everyone in the room had no objection, and Qin Zixuan even had no objection. The other party smashed the signboard twice. Qin Zixuan's petty temper can't bear this anger, and he must take revenge. people.

So a huge census was settled in this small private room, and many spies were dropped.

(End of this chapter)

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