Chapter 889
The old monster of Zhoushan stroked his beard and looked at the sea of ​​joy. It seems that he also has to travel in the world of mortals. He still lacks a good apprentice, so he has to look for it, otherwise all the good seedlings will be snatched up.

After playing for a while, Dahai crawled into Qin Zixuan's arms. He was tired from playing and wanted to sleep for a while.The small body is still growing, so it can't affect the development. Otherwise, if it doesn't grow tall, Dahai still cares about his appearance.

Qin Zixuan lay down on the grass with the sea in his arms, and roared, "The sky is the tent, the ground is the felt, and the sun, moon, stars and morning accompany me to sleep."This artistic conception is opened, that is called open-mindedness, but now the sun is shining in the sky and the stars are sleeping, it is not the occasion.

The sea moved twice, found a comfortable position to sleep, and didn't care how his father yelled, it was not too loud, one big and one small snoring sounded, Li Han looked at the father and son with his head up, couldn't help the corner of his mouth curling up. Alice.

"Do you have any children?" The Zhoushan old monster leaned over and asked with a salivating face.

"Yes, they took them away." Li Han took his chin and nodded at Gongliangyan and Donghuang Taiye. The old monster of Zhoushan gritted his teeth angrily. Hurry up.

Alas, the Zhoushan old monster was so angry that he decided not to return to the mountain after participating in the Yibao exchange meeting. He must choose a good seedling, even if it is a newborn baby, so as not to be robbed first.

"Guyue's family, when you are practicing, you should go through the dry door, withdraw the three yuan, and then charge, find out how you feel, if there are good seedlings, remember to tell the old man." Zhoushan old monster turned his head and pointed Gu Yueru to practice, Gu Yueru With great joy on his face, he immediately practiced cross-legged.

This is my own chance, this old man is a holy teacher, even better than a master, his advice is hard to come by, Gu Yueru soon fell into cultivation.

When Qin Zixuan woke up, it was already dark, and there was a snoring sound in his ears. When he looked up, he saw the old monster of Zhoushan squatting in front of the pot, his mouth was full of oil. Qin Zixuan stretched his waist, rubbed his nose and sat there. After staying for a while, I started to wash up.

The old monster of Zhoushan glanced at Qin Zixuan, and sent a sentence to Qin Zixuan, Qin Zixuan lit up his small white teeth, what's wrong with him, at least he has a mouthful of small white teeth that no one can match, unlike someone who has big yellow teeth.

Several pots of beef soup were divided up by a group of people. The Zhoushan old monster didn’t eat enough, so he slaughtered a few cows in the dark and brought them back for Qin Zixuan to continue to stew. Good stuff.

So Qin Zixuan, who had just eaten enough, started to work again, and continued to stew in the big iron pot, and the aroma was overflowing. Qin Zixuan was a little doubtful whether they could continue their journey tomorrow, and they would not leave after eating the group of bison.

Fortunately, the next day a group of people had enough to eat and drink and continued on their way, which made Qin Zixuan worry for nothing. That day, Yihuo went to the border town. This city is not big, with a population of only tens of thousands, but the gate is quite tall.

The city walls and gates of the border town are used to prevent the enemy from raiding and fighting. They are not as low as the city walls in the interior. A group of people entered the city gate and looked at the dilapidated streets. This made Qin Zixuan, who is used to the bustling streets, a little uncomfortable .

Of course, the residents of the border town were not used to the sudden appearance of such a group of people riding tall horses. They all followed from a distance as if they were watching monsters. Some soldiers stepped forward to check, and the soldiers showed the tokens of Prince Cheng’s Mansion, and the soldiers saluted immediately. back down.

Li Han rode on the horse, and said to Qin Zixuan: "After leaving the border town, it is beyond the Great Wall. My husband has been calling for seeing the scenery beyond the Great Wall. Let's have a good time this time before going back."

"Okay, that's a good idea." Qin Zixuan agreed with both hands and feet, and Gong Liangyan looked at Dahai. Don't these big-hearted parents worry about affecting Dahai's cultivation and learning?Actually swaying around with the sea.

Dahai sat in front of Qin Zixuan and clapped his little hands in applause. He also liked the idea. He could finally see the scenery beyond the Great Wall. He asked to grab some bed warming maids and go back.

But this unscrupulous personality is liked by people, the Zhoushan old monster called for help, but couldn't beat him, so he got an old and unscrupulous title.

The guard of the border town heard that the prince and the general had arrived, so he rushed over to pay respects. He didn't know why these two came to the border town. Li Han asked the other party to go back and guard the border town carefully. They just passed by.

The general was relieved, I thought the general was here to accuse him of crimes, fortunately no, pass by, respectfully send a group of people out of the closed door, the group of people in the border town are really just on the side of the road, and they left without even drinking their saliva .

The hotel in the border town looked too dirty, Qin Zixuan didn't want to get off his horse, so he might as well go out of the border town and hunt some game in the wild to cook for himself.

But before Qin Zixuan and his party found a campsite, someone rushed out of the forest to block the road and robbed him. Qin Zixuan was dumbfounded seeing the other party's group of people dressed like refugees blocking the road.

Looking at Gong Liangyan, he asked, "When did such a high-profile job as a bandit become so miserable? It's worse than my dog's clothes."

Gong Liangyan rolled her eyes and ignored this guy, but the bandit on the opposite side was not happy about it, and pointed at Qin Zixuan to speak harshly, and saw the soldiers behind Qin Zixuan showing their bows and arrows, which were definitely high-quality weapons in the army.

"Are you guys going to keep the money on your own, or should I go up and search it?" Qin Zixuan asked cheerfully. It's a good thing to be robbed, and you can make a fortune overnight.

"Boss, that's not right, this group of people seems to be soldiers, shouldn't we, should we run away quickly?" The second leader looked at the group opposite him, his heart fluttered, he must have kicked the iron plate.

"Really? It seems wrong, so what are you waiting for, let's run." The big boss turned his head and went into the mountain. Qin Zixuan rode on the horse and laughed. This is the best bandit he has ever met, before the battle begins. Frightened away, but still robbing with such courage, just dawdling.

"It's not for nothing that these people dress like this. Their eyesight is too bad." Qin Zixuan waved his hand and didn't tell the soldiers to put away their weapons. Li Han agreed with a smile, and everything Xianggong said was right.

The horse team continued to move forward, and a group of people who ran into the forest saw that there were no pursuers behind them, so they sat down on the ground and looked around to see that there were no few people. Horses are worth a lot of silver.

"Boss, do you just let them go like this?" The second boss relieved his breath, and was moved again, "It's a pity to let them go like this, why don't we cooperate with Lan Duo to beat him."

"Well, if Lan Duo is willing to do it, it's not impossible, then the girls are good at it." The big boss calmed down, stood up and was a good man again, pretending to think for a while, stomping through the mountains and forests, they I'm going to Lanzhai to discuss important matters with Lan Duo.

Qin Zixuan and his party didn't take it seriously when they let the bandits go. There are a lot of experts here, so there's really no need to worry about making small troubles.

(End of this chapter)

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