Chapter 890
A group of people camped by the stream, Donghuang Taiye took the initiative to hunt game, let Qin Zixuan be in charge of the ingredients, don't waste time, try to get the food out as soon as possible, Qin Zixuan rolled his eyes, this is really calling himself a chef.

The camp near the water was quickly set up, and everyone took care of their duties. The preparations for a lunch officially started. Da Hai waved his small fists and began to practice martial arts. Ru also started sparring.

Under the guidance of the Zhoushan old monster, Gu Yueru also boasted to join the team of masters, and his strength was on par with Li Han again. The two liked to practice their hands very much. Advice one or two.

Dahai listened cheerfully, this old man is worthy of being a holy master, his eyesight is very poisonous, he feels that the small boxing practiced by Dahai is somewhat different from the boxing of Gu Yue's family, it seems that he has more energy, it is because someone has quietly changed the boxing style.

The old man didn't know whether it was Hai Hai or Zhao Qingfeng who changed it, but there were some things that weren't good enough, and some places were wasted due to excessive force. In the spirit of waste, it's shameful, so the old monster of Zhoushan kindly corrected him.

Dahai was already smart, and he understood the reason after a little thought. He followed Zhoushan's instructions and made adjustments. He understood his meaning so quickly. Zhoushan's old monster stared at Dahai with jealousy. How wonderful it would be to be his disciple. .

No matter how jealous he is, there's nothing he can do about it. Zhoushan's old monster can't rob people from the Gu Yue family.

Qin Zixuan didn't care what they were doing, after preparing the ingredients, he would sit there and watch Li Han and Gu Yueru practice against each other. The two of them fought really well, as if special effects had been added. .

If he had a mobile phone in his hand, Qin Zixuan might have photographed the two of them and posted it on the Internet, which would definitely attract a lot of fans, it was so exciting.Looking vigorously, Donghuang Taiye and a group of soldiers came back.

Someone was dragging a big wild boar, someone was carrying a string of pheasants, and someone was carrying a deer, and Donghuang Taiye was the best, actually dragging a big tiger. Qin Zixuan was so happy when he saw the tiger, he called out to Soak tiger penis wine for Donghuang Taiye.

Donghuang Taiye blushed when he was ridiculed, he was already old, and it was useless to drink tiger penis wine or hang a hundred catties. He could practice anywhere, but he couldn't practice there, which made Donghuang Taiye very helpless.

A dozen or so soldiers came and carried the tiger to the water to clean it up. They couldn’t make decisions about what to eat, but they could still make decisions about cleaning up. The tiger’s skin is a good thing. The tiger’s skin was not hurt. It can be peeled off to make a tiger skin cloak.

Qin Zixuan sat there thinking about the menu. Tiger meat is a good thing, so he had to work hard. Soon Qin Zixuan was busy. Donghuang Taiye was sitting not far from the Zhoushan old monster watching the sea and practicing boxing, but he didn't give any instructions. , The realm has not been reached, and there is nothing to point out.

When the fragrance dissipated, Dahai closed his fists and followed to the stream to wash his hands and face. This guy is also a clean person, very similar to Qin Zixuan. Zhoushan old monster was very happy to see Dahai loves cleanliness. He did not say that Dahai is poor and particular.

Gu Yueru and Li Han also accepted the move. Gong Liangyan's palms were itchy, and she offered to fight Li Han's move at night when she camped. Qualified to practice against her.

Li Han responded with raised eyebrows, she was not afraid of fighting, she was only afraid that the young man would ignore her, so Li Han ran to wash his hands and face, turned to Qin Zixuan to be courteous, for a while he wiped Qin Zixuan's face, and for a while passed a chopstick.

Very happy to be busy, Dahai came over to taste it, it was so delicious, he was so greedy that he salivated, Qin Zixuan immediately blew a piece of tiger meat and brought it to Dahai's mouth, Dahai opened his mouth to catch it and chewed it a few times, sending out a happy sigh Shout out, delicious!

This delicious food was an order, Zhoushan old monster and Donghuang Taiye all came together, holding chopsticks to taste, Qin Zixuan looked at the two old men dumbfounded, so he had to let them taste, fortunately he cooked a lot, There is no shortage of tiger meat either.

If the chef of the hotel cooks the dishes, it is estimated that the dishes have not been cooked yet, and they have already tasted them, so that would be really fun.

In Lanzhai, Lan Duo met the big bandit leader, who praised Qin Zixuan and his party for a while. He had never seen that big carriage before. It was very luxurious and luxurious. It could be pulled up by a single horse, and it was very fast.

Those horses are all standard war horses. Those people must be Daqin's spies. If they can snatch a wave, they will definitely make a lot of money.

Lan Duo's heart was moved, but he was also worried about making enemies with Daqin. They are the kings of the mountain here, and they have never interfered with the soldiers of Daqin, and the soldiers of Daqin will not take the initiative to attack them. If they turn against them because of this, can they keep their Lanzhai ?

Lando made up his mind for a while, and sat there in a dilemma. The big boss winked at the second boss, and the second boss came on stage and continued to lobby. The group of people were all dressed in fancy clothes, and they looked rich.

Maybe the young master of some family has never been out. Those people are not spies but bodyguards. It would be a pity if they missed it. Let’s vote. Besides, this is outside the Great Wall, not Daqin’s territory. If you can’t beat Daqin soldiers, you won’t run away. ?
As long as you have money and can't go anywhere, why bother to live in poverty, you can change your identity and live a normal life, or you can buy a dozen slaves to live a rich life.

To put it simply, there is no future for bandits and robbers, so it is better to change jobs with a lot of votes. Wouldn’t it be better to find a city with good mountains and rivers to live in seclusion, so you don’t have to worry about celebrating your birthday, and maybe you can marry a wife and have children to carry on the family line.

If you are lucky, you can send your children and grandchildren to school, transform into a farming and studying family, then transform into a scholarly family, and then transform into an official lord, wow, that is the life of a person.

What the second boss said made her heart move, wishing she could grab a piece of money and return to a normal life now, Lan Duo was moved when she heard that, although Lanzhai is the largest bandit den in the surrounding area, life is really not easy.

The landlord's family doesn't have much food left over. They can only eat two meals a day. They are hungry every day. The purpose of being a bandit is to eat and drink well. Now it's good. They can't eat enough and can't wear well. It's like a beggar.

"Master Lanzhai, I heard that ordinary people in Daqin can eat three meals a day now. If they were richer, they could still eat meat every meal. Moreover, the emperor of Daqin built schools all over the country, allowing children to study for free, alas , better than us."

The second leader wiped away his tears when he said this, the bandit is actually worse than ordinary people, it is hard, no one understands his suffering, the second leader dragged a small long voice and cried bitterly, making everyone red-eyed, They are really bitter.

(End of this chapter)

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