Chapter 891
Lan Duo's heart was moved, and the head of the second village followed suit, calling for a vote. Let's sneak into Daqin together and become ordinary people. If we have money, we can buy a little wife and give birth to a baby to send to school. Maybe Ten years later, he will be the old man.

Lan Duo gathered the people in the village to discuss this matter with everyone to see if it is feasible. Is it necessary to discuss this matter?It's all bandits robbing is work, so they screamed to rob, so the two gangs merged into one and ran towards Qin Zixuan and his party.

Qin Zixuan's group didn't know the danger was approaching, and they were enjoying their food. The aroma drifted for ten miles, and they didn't have to look around for the target. They found the stream by the scent, and the big boss swallowed greedily.

"Villager, these people are too good at eating. How did they do it? It smells so good." The second village master came to Lan Duo, who was condescendingly looking at Qin Zixuan and his party, seeing that the clothes of these people didn't look alike. Simple people.

The sentry guards found something abnormal and reported it to Qin Zixuan. Qin Zixuan held up the bone and raised his head to greet the people on the mountain.

Gong Liangyan also looked up, and didn't worry about it. Qin Zixuan's personal soldiers could take care of the bunch of local chickens and dogs. She should concentrate on eating, and at the same time have a clear concept of Daqin's law and order.

That is, is the law and order in Daqin very good? They didn’t encounter bandits all the way, but they just reached the border outside the Great Wall. There were wave after wave of bandits. Gong Liangyan asked Li Han in a low voice: “Why didn’t Daqin bandit?"

"Being good." Li Han replied briefly, and then added an explanation. At the beginning, there were many bandits in Daqin, and they were killed in a wave. Then the emperor promoted a new policy to encourage bandits to go down the mountain. It also divided wasteland for them to cultivate, exempted from tax for the first three years, and provided food for the first year.

Now there are big oxen, plows and rakes for land reclamation, unlike in the past when land reclamation required one shovel to dig, so a group of bandits were attracted down the mountain, and those who died on the mountain were sent to encircle and suppress them. If they didn’t want to die, they had to work.

As long as they are not lazy and dead at home, few people are willing to be bandits. They are precarious. They don't know when they will die, and they don't even know if someone will collect the body. In this way, they should still be ordinary people.

With the comprehensive promotion of the school, the lives of ordinary people are becoming more and more hopeful. There are fewer rebels and fewer people going to the mountains, but there are more and more good people, the population is also increasing, and good things happen one after another.

After listening to Li Han's detailed explanation, Gong Liangyan nodded, the world will return to its heart, the Great Qin Emperor is capable, this is the Great Qin of Heaven, if he wants to go against the sky, he will only bring about his own destruction.

Gong Liangyan glanced at Qin Zixuan again, Qin Zixuan smiled like a ruffian, and the image in Gong Liangyan's heart immediately shifted to a negative number, it was really difficult to increase the positive number a little bit.

On the mountain, Lan Duo stared at the group of people down the mountain, are they too arrogant, they didn't respond after discovering their group, don't they know that they are bandits?

"Villager, go ahead, maybe you can get some meat to eat, if you don't rush, you will have nothing." The second village master slobbered to persuade, Lan Duo gritted his teeth, and fought for a better life in the future.

A group of people rushed down the mountain screaming, Li Han looked back at the people who rushed down, waved his hands, the soldiers put down the bowls in their hands, touched the knives at their feet, wiped their mouths and gathered them on the ground, at the foot of the mountain Team up.

One of them shouted at the top of his voice, "Hurry up, we haven't eaten, we're still waiting to finish the fight and go back to eat."

Pfft, Qin Zixuan couldn't stop laughing, put down the bowl, stood up, walked slowly a few steps, came to a stone and stood still, he wanted to see how powerful these people were, but they came here to die again, whether it was a big head or Practiced the Iron Head Kungfu.

Seeing Xianggong put down the bowl, Li Han put down the bowl immediately, holding a steamed bun in his hand, ran to Qin Zixuan and stood still, stuffing the steamed bun into his mouth while speaking inarticulately.

"Sanggong, let me tell you, we used to fight like this at the border. When the enemy came, we put down the bowl in our hand, held the steamed bun in one hand and held the knife in the other, stepped on the horse and rushed forward. Can quickly swallow steamed buns."

"Well, you guys, you are all good, you are the heroes of the Great Qin." Qin Zixuan put his arms around Li Han's shoulders, this silly girl is so cute, it makes people feel distressed when she is a man, and she doesn't know how to take care of herself.

Hearing the praise, Li Han laughed a few times, leaned his head on Qin Zixuan's shoulder, watched the bandits rushing down and began to comment, that is, the team scattered slowly, no, there was no formation, like a piece of loose sand.

When running, I don’t know how to save energy, and I don’t know how to adjust my breathing. It’s a waste of energy, and the posture of holding the knife is not correct. Swinging the knife while running can easily hurt the teammates around you.

After Li Han finished commenting, the two sides also had a close contact, and Yang Shulin yelled "kill!"The guards' aura suddenly changed, becoming murderous, and the big knife in their hand showed a bloody mouth, biting towards the invading enemy.

The four images formed, and as soon as the soldiers fought against the bandits, they saw that the bandits were as muddy, and their heads were chopped off. Qin Zixuan looked at them and sighed, no one can save him if he wants to die.

When they met for the first time, Qin Zixuan didn't hurt anyone's heart, and let them run away. Unexpectedly, this group of people came back to die for the second time. At this time, Qin Zixuan didn't make a sound.

Lan Duo and Yang Shulin fought together. Li Han watched Lan Duo's attack and commented that it was a low-level warrior. I didn't expect a bandit den to have a low-level warrior mixed in, but it was not a good mix.

It was obviously a fancy year, but she was dressed in clothes that were not even as good as the daughters of ordinary people in Daqin. The coarse cloth was covered with large patches, and it was not just a patch. How poor she was.

Qin Zixuan also looked at this group of people, and whispered to Li Han, that is, the bandits here are so poor. Liu Yi said how much gold and silver was stored on the mountain, and what they ate were delicacies from mountains and seas. On the face, all the hungry yellow muscles.

Lan Duo soon sensed that something was wrong, and only after fighting for a while, half of the more than 100 people he brought died, and if he continued to fight, the group would be wiped out, so he fought with Yang Shulin and shouted loudly: "Stop! "

The bandits were very obedient, and immediately backed away, shivering in fright, while the soldiers stared at Lan Duo with their knives, wanting to see what the little lady was trying to say.

"Who are you?" Lando asked.

"Tch, you don't even know who we are, and you dare to go down the mountain to rob, you're quite courageous." Yang Shulin smiled, and pointed at their physique, could this war horse be an ordinary person?In the army are the elite of the army.

"Little lady, didn't you report your number before going down the mountain? Why did you rob us?" Qin Zixuan asked with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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