Chapter 892
"Lan Duo, the owner of the Lanzhai village, what do you call the young master?" Lan Duo asked, not daring to do anything again, so he should keep his head down and admit defeat.

"Your Majesty King Qin Zixuan, little lady, have you heard of it?" Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows, wondering if his name had spread outside the pass.

Lan Duo stared at Qin Zixuan with wide eyes, and then looked at the people standing beside Qin Zixuan. If he wanted to beat the big boss to death, he must have been blind. He actually tricked them into robbing the general. No wonder these people are so vicious, the general Do you have weak soldiers?
Qin Zixuan hugged Li Han and stared at the face-changing Lan Duo with a smile, and felt infinitely sympathetic to this girl, she must have been fooled, look at the way she looked at the big boss, she wished to eat the big boss raw.

And the big boss was also dumbfounded, he escaped from the killing god, but he still tried to die and bumped into him again, the big boss kneeled softly, and threw the broken knife in his hand aside, and knocked a few times first Let's talk again.

As the big boss knelt down, the rest of the bandits knelt down. Lan Duo threw away the long sword in his hand, stepped forward and knelt down and begged Qin Zixuan and the general to let them go. wash your hands in a golden basin.

Unexpectedly, Jinpen didn't look at it, and his head was about to disappear. Lan Duo was so regretful. At that time, he should have retreated decisively when he saw the huge crowd at the bottom of the mountain. Alas, he didn't practice iron head skills, and his head was about to burst.

Tell me why you robbed us.Qin Zixuan asked.

Lan Duo didn't dare to hide it, and revealed the plan discussed by several people on the mountain. Qin Zixuan didn't expect Daqin to have such a great influence in the surrounding area, even the bandits outside the Great Wall wanted to sneak into Daqin Congliang. rise up.

Daqin has what it is today, and he is also responsible for the credit behind it. He proposed those ideas, and then the emperor and his staff discussed and integrated the most suitable policies for Daqin. This is how Daqin is prosperous today.

The emperor wanted to let Daqin recuperate and restore productivity and population, so he came up with various coups, and now it seems that these coups are really good.Qin Zixuan who was in a good mood immediately spared the bandits from the death penalty.

"Well, Lan Duo, right? I think you're pretty strong, so I'll stay and obey. I'll arrange a job for you when I return to Yujing later. You'd better stop blocking this bandit leader, who ruined his good martial arts. "

After hearing this, Lan Duo quickly knelt down and thanked her. With a word from the prince, Lan Duo knew that she would not have to go hungry, and she would definitely have a good job when she returned to Daqin.

The other bandits looked envious, and then stared at Qin Zixuan, they also wanted to hang out with the prince, but the strength of this gang of bandits could not catch Qin Zixuan's eyes, Qin Zixuan looked at Li Han, the two discussed for a while, and decided to let the gang People go to open up wasteland.

That is, there is a piece of wasteland under development in Xidaying, a border city.It really needs manpower. If you do it well, you might be able to get a criminal official's daughter to be your daughter-in-law. As soon as this remark came out, the bandit looked fascinated. The official's daughter, even a criminal official, was born as a young lady.

"You go to the border town to look for guards and show your sincerity. If you do a good job and have money, you can marry a pretty widow if you can't marry a girl with yellow flowers." Qin Zixuan looked at the dozens of bandits in front of him. But it's all about productivity.

The bandit quickly knelt down and thanked him, as long as he didn't die, he could work as long as he worked, so that he could have enough to eat.

Qin Zixuan's face darkened afterward, and he shouted again: "If you let me know who is not working hard, and reverts to the old business to harass the people of our Great Qin, hmph, this king will definitely issue an order to chase and kill thousands of miles away. Even if you flee to the ends of the world, you will not escape death. Understand!"

"Understood, understood, the villain dare not, dare not." The bandit hurriedly cursed and vowed not to be a bad person again. The Wanli Chasing and Killing Order is the most poisonous kind of reward in the world, because the bounty is rich, and a reward can attract a large number of masters. To carry out the task, some people fight alone, some people form a group to take the task.

It is too difficult to escape from the Thousand Miles Pursuing Killing Order. No one knows how big the organization of the Gorefiend is and who is a member of the Gorefiend. It is also reported that two-thirds of the people in the Jianghu are members of the Gorefiend. member.

Anyway, money is tight, and you have good skills, you can register with Gorefiend at any time, become a member of Gorefiend, and then accept tasks if you have any, and the money will come quickly.Qin Zixuan is very familiar with the task, and often does it.

Qin Zixuan, who is not short of money, will find the Blood Demon organization when he meets someone who wants to do it but is not easy to do it blatantly. It's really loud, someone's head is bleeding.

Qin Zixuan waved his hand and told these people to leave quickly. He was still waiting to eat. The big boss and the second village master looked at Lan Duo affectionately one by one. Use it.

It's a pity that Lan Duo didn't have a firm position himself, so he couldn't recommend them. In the end, he was disappointed. They should pack up and vote for Daqin. Anyway, they are alive anyway, and they still have a full meal when they go to Daqin.

After dismissing all the bandits, Qin Zixuan went back to the pot and continued to eat, and asked Lan Duo to wash his hands and join the food team. While eating, Qin Zixuan inquired about what was in the cottage, and if he wanted to clean it up.

Lan Duo smiled wryly, and told Qin Zixuan that there was nothing in the village except a few bags of grain, and those bags of grain would be their food for the next few days. As for the gold, silver and jewels, they really didn't have them. To change food.

Outside the Great Wall, sincerity of gold, silver and jewelry is not very important. If possible, what they hope most is to rob a few carts of food, so that they can be full. Qin Zixuan sent a sentence to embarrass the bandits, saying that Lan Duo lowered his head and ate it.

It's a good thing that Liu Yi is not here, otherwise that guy must have despised Lan Duo from head to toe, what kind of village owner, he is dressed worse than a country girl, so he has the nerve to call himself the village owner.

Since there is nothing to clean up, then go with the team. Qin Zixuan is also curious about how Lan Duo got into the mountain and became the village owner. Lan Duo is very helpless. This village owner was passed down to him by his father. She didn't even know about the village owner.

I only know that my father seems to be from Daqin, who violated the law and was a sinner, and then ran out of Daqin and became a bandit outside the Great Wall. I don't know what he committed, and my father didn't tell me in detail. It was all passed down to her by her father.

If you say it, you don't say it. Let's investigate this matter later. There are still a lot of criminals these days. People break the law every day. It is not popular in this era to paint the ground as a prison. As long as there is a chance, they will drag their families and flee for their lives.

After dinner, the group continued on their way. Yang Shulin was kind to Lan Duo, and offered to give Lan Duo his spare horse to ride, and also gave Lan Duo his water bag, for fear that Lan Duo would be thirsty.

(End of this chapter)

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