Chapter 893 Kill
Qin Zixuan looked at Yang Shulin's small movements and burst into a smirk, the poplar tree was about to bloom, ho ho ho ho, it turned out that the poplar tree was so coquettish after flowering, and Yang Shulin's old face turned red when Qin Zixuan looked at it, like a overcooked lobster.

Fortunately, Qin Zixuan is still a person who knows how to measure, and he didn't make any jokes. Yang Shulin fought with Li Han and finally blossomed. Qin Zixuan didn't want the flower to shrink before it fully bloomed.

With the sound of departure, Yang Shulin let out a sigh of relief, the look in the eyes of the prince just now was so terrifying, his heart was beating in shock, the scenery outside the Great Wall is completely different from that of Daqin, the endless prairie made Qin Zixuan see what it means to be a cow in the wind blowing grass sheep.

The grasslands in the previous life were severely damaged, and the beautiful scenery of the cattle could not be seen when the wind blows and the grass is low, but only patches of cattle and sheep can be seen, which made countless people feel sorry. Protecting the grassland in this life, hehe, there is no need.

The weeds grow as long as the waist, so it's hard to say who will protect who. Maybe you can lie down in the grass when the enemy is chasing you, and the weeds become a protective umbrella.Qin Zixuan staggered on his horse, with a charming smile on his face.

Along the way, Qin Zixuan and the others often encountered bandits. Because the distance from Guancheng was getting farther and farther away, Qin Zixuan did not let the bandits go to the West Camp. His death was done by his own soldiers.

On this day, Qin Zixuan was resting on Li Han's lap, and he sat up straight suddenly. The intense crisis made Qin Zixuan's hair stand on end, and Li Han also jumped from the ground, holding Luoshui tightly in his hand.

Hai Hai on Zhoushan's old monster also straightened his waist, patted Zhoushan's head, and asked, "Are you a master?"

"Never mind, a group of small fish, the sea is not afraid, there is an old man around, they can't make big waves." The Zhoushan old monster hugged the sea, he really likes this child, the little mouth is sweet, and troubles come again, the key is that he is still smart, what to teach You will learn it as soon as you learn it.

I heard that Qin Zixuan's family still has three pregnant women who are waiting to give birth. Zhoushan old man is going to take a look. Give them benefits.

Not too long ago, a group of people in black came flying over on the grass. Qin Zixuan looked at these people and was really worried about their IQ. Wearing all black in the grassland is so conspicuous. Why don't you wear a green cloth coat? , is easier to hide.

Qin Zixuan's whispered complaint fell on everyone's ears. I don't know why everyone just wanted to laugh. After thinking about it carefully, I found out that it was true. Although black clothes and hats showing eyes are standard for assassination, it is really inappropriate here.

"If we are here on a snowy field, if they wear this outfit, they will probably tie targets to their bodies." Qin Zixuan said with a smile.

Pfft, Gong Liangyan couldn't help laughing out loud, this seems to be true, she had encountered this scene when she went down the mountain to practice, and now thinking about it, she really feels ridiculous.

"Hey, the Bingshan Goddess can also laugh." Qin Zixuan turned his head and joked about Gong Liangyan again. He didn't worry about the man in black at all. There were not many other people here but a lot of experts. No matter how bad he was, he would greet them with pistols. , Qin Zixuan is really not afraid.

And the rushing black clothes stopped three feet away, and they also discovered the fact that King Cheng was not in a hurry when he saw them, which made a few masters feel guilty and wondered what was going on in this world?Someone is not afraid of assassins!
Qin Zixuan saw Gong Liangyan's stare, laughed a few times, turned his head to look at the man in black and shouted: "Shangguan's family, why are you covering your face, who doesn't know who, the vast grassland is deserted, why are you so shy? ?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned. They didn't know how Qin Zixuan could tell that they were from Shangguan's family, and the man in black was also thinking about how they showed their flaws.

"How did you find out?" the man in black asked.

"Guess." Qin Zixuan put his hips on his hips and laughed, this is really a guess, thinking that he only has so many enemies, and the strongest one is Shangguan's family, he didn't expect to guess right, this luck can buy a lottery ticket up.

The old face of the man in black who was hiding under the black veil suddenly turned red, he was so humiliated that his age was tricked by a brat, and when he looked at the group of people standing opposite, there was no surprise on his face, What confidence do they have?

"Boy, no matter how eloquent you are, you will never escape death. Today next year will be your memorial day." After the black-clothed man finished cursing, he stood up and wanted to charge. Qin Zixuan held his chin and smiled sinisterly. There are many people who say this, but I still live well.

"Well, mouse, just hide in the dark. It's a big deal. The mouse pulls the flap, it's a strong wind. Unfortunately, no matter how strong the wind is, it's not as strong as the monsoon in the grassland. Be careful when a tornado comes and throws you into the sky." Qin Zixuan's mouth was quicker than his brain, and the man in black gritted his teeth angrily.

"Kill!" The man in black finally prepared to strike.

"Kill!" Li Han waved his hand, and saw that the man in black who had just jumped up turned into a sieve with the sound of gunfire. Qin Zixuan shook his legs and smiled quite complacently. If you kill, you will kill. Who is afraid of anyone? Martial arts are not good enough. What a gun.

The beard of the old monster Zhoushan was torn off by himself, Dahai kindly helped the old monster Zhoushan rub it, and the Donghuang Taiye and the others had seen it before, so it is not surprising. It's weird.

If you want to survive, you must have a life-saving hole card. Now it seems that King Cheng's hole card is still very high. If you let them know that Qin Zixuan still has a cannon in his hand and can kill the cannon of the holy master, he probably won't have such a calm expression. .

Several personal soldiers stepped forward to tear off the veils of the men in black. Li Han stepped forward to check, but he didn't recognize any of them. Qin Zixuan retreated to Zhoushan old monster to ask the strength of these people.

The Zhoushan old monster took a breath and looked Qin Zixuan up and down, and told Qin Zixuan that these people were masters, and seven of them died at once.

"Are there many masters?" Qin Zixuan asked.

"Many, although there are not as many masters as dogs, there are not eighty or one hundred master masters in the five major families, but there are very few saint masters, and it is rare to have two in a hundred years." The Zhoushan old monster thought of the road from the master to the saint master. The road is too difficult.

Dahai is stroking the beard of Zhoushan old monster. Is the path of a saint teacher difficult?He is sure to reach the holy master before the age of ten. If the old man knows whether he will be shocked and lose the courage to live, Dahai thinks of this and makes another smirk.

When Qin Zixuan got the answer, it would be good if it could hurt the Shangguan family, but he wanted to see if the other party would continue to send people to assassinate him, one would kill one, two would kill one pair.

(End of this chapter)

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