Chapter 894
Qin Zixuan and his entourage killed the seven masters of Shangguan's family, and the brigade continued to march towards Tianshan. Li Han fought Gu Yueru and Gong Liangyan while on the road, and then the old monster of Zhoushan pointed out the three of them. Will have the cheek to ask for advice.

Others would meditate and adjust their breathing during their breaks. Only Qin Zixuan would either work hard and eat or lie down and sleep soundly. Qin Zixuan also wanted to become a great master, but he couldn't do it. Three volts.

One day, a group of people were walking on the vast grassland, and heard the sound of fighting, children crying, cattle and sheep shouting and shouting. Qin Zixuan stood on the carriage and looked up, and saw two horses fighting.

"What's the situation?" Qin Zixuan asked Li Han who was beside him. He didn't understand what enmity these two waves of people had. This is true on both sides.

"In the battle between tribes, the loser is a slave, and from then on he becomes the cattle and horses of the victor, and his children and grandchildren will all become slaves." Li Han knew a little about the outside of the Great Wall, so he told Qin Zixuan these little things.

Outside the Great Wall is different from Great Qin. The ruler of Hanwai is King Hulun, who was born in the Amalon tribe. Great Qin called them the Hulun Kingdom, but the way King Hulun governs his territory is different from that of Great Qin.

The laws of Daqin have been established. If it is forcible and plundered, it is an illegal act. However, the Hulun Kingdom is different. The tribes in the territory fight as they like. That's fine.

Qin Zixuan understood, if Daqin is raising them, then King Hulun is raising them. It's hard to say whether it's better to raise them or to raise them, because raising them can cultivate their wildness and fighting power.

Because without combat power, they will soon be destroyed and become slaves. In order to survive, they will take the initiative to make themselves stronger. The disadvantage is that once their ambitions are too large, there will be rebellion, and the status of King Hulun will be provoked.

The area outside the Great Wall is sparsely populated, and the most important reason for the low population is that there is too much internal friction between them. There are constant conflicts every year, and there are few conflicts that do not kill people. Fortunately, there is a tacit understanding between them, that is, women and children will not be killed. .

If the three-light policy is implemented like little devils invading the Central Plains, Hulun Kingdom does not need others to fight, and they can play themselves to death.

Someone spotted Qin Zixuan, pointed in Qin Zixuan's direction and yelled, Qin Zixuan didn't understand what he was calling, instinctively felt that it was not a good word, stopped fighting in the direction of the battle for a while, and actually slowly surrounded Qin Zixuan and his party.

Donghuang Taiye took out a sign from his arms, held it up and shook it twice, then drank twice, and hurriedly got off his horse to salute in the direction that came up, the kneeling figure was blocked by tall weeds.

Qin Zixuan looked at the scene in front of him, thought it was so funny, couldn't help but burst out laughing, Donghuang Taiye put away the sign as he was used to, and told them to get out quickly, so as not to disturb their way.

The two sides in the battle will stop fighting, shake hands and agree, they should hurry up, or someone will come and complain to the king, and their heads will be lost. The Donghuang family has a great reputation outside the Great Wall, and they belong to the emperor. figure.

But they are a detached family, as long as King Hulun doesn't make trouble, they don't bother to care about the mess outside the Great Wall. Qin Zixuan rubbed his chin thinking about good things. If King Hulun knows that the Eastern Royal Family has abandoned them, he wonders if he will die of anger .

The abandonment of the Eastern Royal family was not to make King Hulun surrender with a knife, but to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger's head when Daqin attacked outside the Great Wall, and did not intervene in the struggle between the two countries. This condition was enough to make the Daqin Emperor excited.

Watched a play.Continue on their way. Their goal is the snowfield. Tianshan Mountain is in the north of the snowfield. If you want to climb Tianshan Mountain, you have to go through the vast snowfield.

To participate in the rare treasure exchange meeting, in addition to having money, one must also have skills. Whether one can walk to Tianshan Mountain is a test process. Only by walking through the vast snowfield to Tianshan Mountain can one be eligible to participate in the strange treasure exchange meeting.

Qin Zixuan asked Donghuang Taiye about the situation in Hulun Kingdom. Donghuang Taiye told Qin Zixuan very clearly that he didn't know much. Most of the time he was either practicing or wandering around, staying in Hulun Kingdom, the land under his feet. The time is the least.

This conclusion made Qin Zixuan speechless, just like many people who loved to travel in the previous life, the place where they grew up looked ordinary, but they were more willing to spend money to go to other Mingsheng historical sites, as if only leaving the place where they grew up was called travel.

Unexpectedly, this kind of weird thinking is also the same in this world. A person who is not even familiar with the place where he grew up knows the style of Daqin very clearly, and has been in Daqin for many years, and Daqin dialect comes out of his mouth.

If it wasn't for the Donghuang Taiye Daqin dialect being so good, Qin Zixuan wouldn't think that the people outside the Great Wall also spoke Daqin dialect, but he only knew it when he saw the tribes outside the Great Wall.

The snow field finally appeared in front of my eyes, and the vast white snow could not see the end. If you walk in the snow field for a long time, you are easy to get snow blindness, but since Gong Liangyan grew up on the snow field, there is still a way to cure the snow blindness.

Gong Liangyan took the initiative to solve this problem, Qin Zixuan ordered people to take out the boards from the car, and started to make the sled. Hai Hai had already come down from Gu Yueru's arms, and took the initiative to pack his little sled, and he wanted to run on the snow.

Gong Liangyan looked at Qin Zixuan's sleigh, and found that people who grew up on the snow field knew how to walk on the snow field better than them, so she couldn't help but look at Qin Zixuan a few more times. To a shameless.

Li Han waved his fists and shouted for Lianlian, the result was that Qin Zixuan and his gang were tidying up the sled, Li Han and Gong Liangyan got into a fight, and Gong Liangyan really didn't want to comment on Li Han's behavior of protecting his shortcomings.

Obviously it was Qin Zixuan who committed the crime, but Li Han was still protecting him like a baby. I really can't figure it out, Gong Liangyan can only look up to the sky and sigh, how can such a mighty general like the general fall in love with that bad boy.

When the sled was ready and Li Han and Gong Liangyan had finished fighting, Qin Zixuan and his party continued on their way. After walking for a day, Qin Zixuan stopped the team and laughed while pointing at the black clothes behind the snowdrift.

What does it feel like to wear black to block the road on the snowy field?It's definitely the same as wearing a red target. If the other party is wearing white clothes, maybe Qin Zixuan won't find out that it's the black clothes that betrayed them.

"Qin Zixuan, your death is coming!" Unable to stand the ruthless ridicule of Qin Zixuan and his group, a group of men in black rushed out from behind the snowdrift, Qin Zixuan looked at the people coming, his eyes sparkled.

(End of this chapter)

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