Chapter 895
Qin Zixuan pointed to the opposite side and shouted: "Leave a living."

"Yes." Yang Shulin replied, and then the gunshot rang out. Lan Duo held the sword and stood there in shock. Why don't you be so aggressive? Thinking of how he led more than 100 people to rob Qin Zixuan before, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

There were waves of bandits and robbers along the way, but I didn't see these people firing their guns. Only then did I realize that the soldiers in the general's hands are all fierce men, not only strong in fighting power, but also fierce in their cards.

"Qin Zixuan, you will die badly." After the gunshot, Yang Shulin brought the victim in front of Qin Zixuan. Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows when he heard the scolding.

"Qin Zixuan, don't be complacent. Hmph, let me warn you, it's best to let me go. People from my Shangguan family are not easy to mess with."

"Yo, I've been caught, and you're still so arrogant. The corpses in this place, the Shangguan family will still die." Qin Zixuan squatted down, looked up and down the person, pretending to be a strongman like others at his age, and didn't look at him. Look at your own strength.

Li Han pulled out the long sword from Yang Shulin's waist, thrust it into the living body's legs, and asked, "How many people did the Shangguan family send to assassinate us?"

snort!His mouth was straight, but when Li Han's sword was crooked, his mouth stopped, and he told his subordinates to be merciful. Death is not terrible, but life is cut off before death. Li Han curled his lips and sneered, no matter how arrogant he is.

"It's just me and us." As soon as the words fell, Li Han's sword moved again, and he shouted again: "We sent seven before, if they miss, we will wait for you here."

"They're as dead as you are." Qin Zixuan called out, looked him up and down, rolled his eyes, and sneered at Qin Zixuan, this action was not good in Li Han's eyes.

The sword tilted and cut a hole in Huokou's thigh, and then the sword was tilted to the other side, Huokou's face changed drastically, and he asked the general to ask you something, and the gentleman would not move his mouth, but he had something to say.

"How many people have you sent?" Li Han asked again.

"A lot of people were sent." Now he didn't dare to be presumptuous, and immediately told the story of the Shangguan family's division of troops. They were only one of them, and the other two went to Yujing. palace.

It would be best if he could kill the Great Qin Emperor, but it would be fine if he couldn't, as long as the Palace of Prince Cheng was destroyed.Qin Zixuan curled his lips at the sound of the living mouth, and Gong Liangyan and Donghuang Taiye's expressions changed drastically. The heir they fancy is still in Chengwang's mansion.

"Cut, you are too naive to want to destroy the imperial palace and Prince Cheng's mansion just because of your scum, but your Shangguan family is very capable of killing people. This is good, the conflict between the Shangguan family and Daqin I'm afraid we can't reconcile."

Qin Zixuan knew Uncle Huang very well, that man was very sinister, he dared to attack him, Xiaoben must have made a note, if Qin Zixuan could let the Shangguan family go, the emperor would never let him go.

Li Han asked a few more questions, beheaded the man with a sword, and then let the soldiers clean up the battlefield. He didn't worry about accidents at home at all, and everyone gritted their teeth with that calm look. Are they really not worried about the fire in the backyard at all?

Li Han threw the sword to Yang Shulin and said, "I'm afraid the battle between Da Qin and Da Chu has already started when we go back."

"So fast?" Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows. How about going so fast? Uncle Huang has formulated a ten-year health plan. In addition to health preservation, this ten-year plan is to train soldiers and prepare weapons. Only when all aspects are fully prepared can we go to war.

"It's not fast, small countries like Yunmeng have jumped out. If they don't fight a few times, how will the world think of Daqin." Li Han sneered, "It's a matter of face."

Qin Zixuan rubbed his chin, is face so important?Thinking back to when my country lost face in order to develop the economy, it still only issued condemnation and did not go to war, and the embassy was bombed and could bear it.

Of course, it turned out that Shinobu was very successful.The economy has improved, the level of national defense has improved, all parties in the sea, land and air have improved their combat readiness and weapons, and their confidence in speaking has become more and more powerful. In the end, Qin Zixuan doesn't know who will fight whom. When he died, the world was still in chaos.

Qin Zixuan didn't comment on the emperor's decision, and he could accept it whether he fought or endured it. Of course, it would be better if he could endure it for two years, and the batch of seedlings from the Royal Military Academy would be able to graduate successfully. Unable to figure out their strength, they caught the opponent by surprise.

After cleaning the battlefield and continuing on his way, Donghuang Taiye couldn't help shouting: "Holy Master, they have dispatched the Holy Master, so you two aren't worried at all?"

Qin Zixuan nodded and said, "Don't worry, it's useless to worry."

"You, you, is this what a father and a son should say?" The Eastern Emperor was so wild that he wanted to smack Qin Zixuan, his little disciple and grandson, who he had his eye on.

"Grandpa, don't be angry, put the fire away," Hai Hai jumped onto Donghuang Taiye, and helped Donghuang Taiye with his little hands. His father's ability to be angry is getting better, and he continued to persuade: "Grandpa, don't worry, My father has made arrangements before going out, not everyone can break into Prince Cheng's mansion, including Saint Master."

Um?The tone was so loud that even the Zhoushan old monster looked at the sea, Qin Zixuan picked his nose, he dared to let his children come into the world, so he naturally has the ability to keep them safe, whoever really believes that the palace is an ordinary palace, he can really kill them .

Under Dahai's persuasion, Donghuang Taiye stopped blowing hair, and the group continued on their way, while Qin Zixuan said that if there is no strange treasure, this trip will be a big loss. This journey is over mountains and over ridges, eating too much suffering.

No one paid attention to Qin Zixuan's calls, is this also called suffering?Cut, it means you have never suffered, okay?Along the way, it was delicious, delicious, and fun. If you are happy, you can make a meal of game by yourself, but if you are not happy, a professional chef will do it.

How many people will bring several chefs with them when they go out?Qin Zixuan took it with him, and he could cook all kinds of dishes. These chefs usually hang out with everyone. They don't have to do other work, just cook. When there is a fight, they stand there with their hands clapped and yell, "Come on."

It was a month's journey, but they walked for more than two months in a daze. Seeing that the Yibao exchange meeting was coming soon, they knew how to hurry. At this time, Gong Liangyan and the others also understood why Qin Zixuan set off so early. Treasure meeting.

Others ignored Qin Zixuan's yelling, Dahai and Li Han paid attention to it, one called Mrs. Gong, you worked hard, the other called Dad, you worked hard, I will rub it for you, I will blow it for you, the sticky appearance made everyone feel goosebumps.

Gong Liangyan commented on Qin Zixuan as a spoiled dude, Donghuang Taiye said that if Li Han hadn't been talented, everyone would follow Qin Zixuan's temper, and Qin Zixuan bared his teeth, his temper is not good Well, stand aloof from the world and stand aloof from the outside world, this is the real demeanor of a master.

(End of this chapter)

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