Chapter 896

The fighting finally came to Tianshan, Gong Liangyan reminded Qin Zixuan not to fight when entering the Tianshan area, even the patriarch of their Gongliang family had to abide by it here, otherwise it would cause a group attack.

Qin Zixuan understood that he could move his mouth without moving his hands, could he put his hands on his hips and scold the other party for being shameless?Gong Liangyan, who asked this question, wanted to slap him. As a great master, who would put his arms around his hips and swear like a shrew?
At the foot of Tianshan Mountain, many forces have already arrived, but there are not many people going up the mountain. The people from Qin Zixuan, the Gu Yue family and the descendants of the Donghuang family gathered together. They are all allies now, they can take care of each other when they come together.

After arranging the accompanying guards, Qin Zixuan asked if he could bring the chef up, but was kicked by Zhao Qingfeng, the brat ate wherever he went, Qin Zixuan rubbed his butt and smiled, Zhao Qingfeng kicked him, he really couldn't fight back , this is the existence that has made obeisance to the founding emperor.

Dahai followed Zhao Qingfeng's thigh and quickly climbed up to Zhao Qingfeng's neck. If he dared to hit his father, he would have to pay it back like a cow. No one would know Dahai's careful thoughts.

"Let's go, the people above have almost arrived, and the small-scale exchanges have already started, maybe we can find treasures." Zhao Qingfeng walked up the mountain with his hunchback, and Li Han came to Qin Zixuan to accompany him up the mountain.

Going down the mountain is easy and going up is difficult, one step down into a pit, Qin Zixuan was so tired that he was panting. Fortunately, they didn't hold a trade fair on the top of the mountain, otherwise Qin Zixuan would really not go up the mountain, he would be too much trouble.

I don't know how to use such a large area at the foot of the mountain, but I want to run to the mountainside. This is a blessing for everyone, and I don't know how to enjoy it. While tormenting others, I am tormenting myself.

Qin Zixuan murmured while going up the mountain, Li Han echoed in a low voice, and the Zhoushan old monsters walked in front, as if they hadn't heard the conversation between the unscrupulous couple, they saw that Qin Zixuan's farts are delicious.

"Hey, old man Zhao, you are old and not ashamed, you still have children like others at your age, quack, you are not ashamed."

A sharp voice sounded above Qin Zixuan's head, Qin Zixuan was so angry, who is this grandson who can't speak? Straightening his waist, Qin Zixuan raised his head to look in the direction of the voice, and saw a man in black with a hooked nose. elder.

The old man was not a good stubble at first glance, his eyes were not big, the size of mung beans, and at this time the small eyes were still squinted, as if a knife had been cut under the eyebrows, and he was looking at Qin Zixuan up and down.

Hey, it was Zhao Qingfeng who was talking about, but it was Qin Zixuan who was sizing up. Qin Zixuan met the other party's gaze and cursed: "Who's dog doesn't wear a chain when going out, and it's not afraid of biting people. If it gets infected with rabies, who will cure it?" ?”

"I will." Dahai responded with a small long voice.

Pfft, a group of onlookers burst out laughing, and shifted their gaze from Qin Zixuan to Dahai, this baby looks really good-looking, like a New Year picture boy.The old man was so angry that Zhao Qingfeng opened his mouth before the old man could start spraying.

"Shangguan Mung Dou, can you speak human language? If you can't speak human language, don't bark like a dog, okay? Dogs hate you." Zhao Qingfeng cursed with widened eyes, pointed to the sea on his neck and said, "This is My disciple, unlike some people, doesn’t even have a disciple, and I heard that my disciple committed suicide like others, haha!”

The few things that Shangguan Sheng hated the most were all brought in by Zhao Qingfeng in one sentence. The first thing was that his eyes were small, like a mung bean, whoever called him a nickname would kill anyone, provided he could beat him.

The second thing is that the only baby apprentice committed suicide. The reason was that the other party fell in love with the country girl. Shangguan Sheng disagreed and killed the other party's whole family. The village girl committed suicide in front of her grave.

The disciples are all dead, so naturally there is no disciple and grandson. Shangguan Sheng was stabbed hard at the pain point. He pointed at Zhao Qingfeng and yelled at him. He was so mad at Shangguan Sheng's posture.

Qin Zixuan picked his nose and rolled his eyes, and knew the identity of the other party from the conversation between the two. Seeing Zhao Qingfeng's demeanor, Qin Zixuan, who was too weak in swearing and super powerful in combat, took over the battlefield and began to slander others.

"Shangguan Mung Dou, I greet your ancestors. Before I saw you, I thought that Mung Dou's eyes were the limit of human beings. I didn't expect that a slash under the eyebrows can be called eyes! Does your mother know that your eyes are so big? You usually have them. Do you look at people through the crack of a door?"

"Your appearance really breaks through human imagination. Look at your face, it's bigger than your pelvis. Others have a plate face and a moon face. Your buttocks are broken into eight petals. Look, look, Where did you get the confidence to come out and meet people?"

"Don't think that you are rare, so we should value rare things. Let me tell you, I don't have that problem. No matter how rare or worthless, I have to throw it away!"

As soon as Qin Zixuan opened his mouth, the onlookers were stunned. They asked Zhao Qingfeng in low voices, who is this? He is too strong because of his scolding skills. There are not many people who dare to point at Shangguan Sheng and yell at him.

Zhao Qingfeng knew that Qin Zixuan was quite muddled, but he didn't expect him to be so muddled that everyone scolded him. Seeing the posture of scolding was quite enjoyable, Shangguan was trembling with anger. He didn't expect that his words would attract so many people to hate him.

"Little beast, you want to die!" Shangguan clenched his fists angrily. If it wasn't on Tianshan Mountain, he really wanted to kill Qin Zixuan with a single blow.

"Who are the animals talking about?" Qin Zixuan asked back. It doesn't matter if Shangguan Sheng was not fooled. Qin Zixuan had something to say later, "Don't think that you wear clothes like people. Some animals wear clothes like people, and some animals wear clothes like people. Clothes look like animals, you are talking about it, right?"

"You, I'll kill you." Shangguan Sheng was so angry that he wanted to tease Zhao Qingfeng. Anyway, Shangguan's family and Gu Yue's family had a falling out. Yes, it's too hateful.

"I'm afraid of you! Come on, daughter-in-law!" Qin Zixuan waved his hand, and Li Han faced Shangguan Sheng and the two fought together, but Tianshan Mountain was not allowed to use force, the two fought three moves, and law enforcement officers appeared, ordering them to stop, otherwise they will not be polite up.

Li Han and Shangguan Sheng fought each other and retreated to Qin Zixuan's side. Qin Zixuan had his arms akimbo, remembering that fights are not allowed here, so is it okay to scold?

"Okay, hmph, I don't believe you can stay in Tianshan forever." Shangguan Shengqi's beard trembled wildly, but Zhao Qingfeng looked at Li Han with a surprised face. This girl's talent is indeed very strong, and she has actually entered the realm of a master.

"Hey, little mung bean, don't worry, the master will come down the mountain after the trade fair is over, whether it's an assassination or an ambush, you can do whatever you want, anyway, you Shangguan have been shameless for a long time, and you actually sent someone to attack the king's palace. Hmph, this enmity is serious, and I will destroy you sooner or later." Qin Zixuan spit again with his hands on his hips, since it is an unsolved enmity, so offend him more.

(End of this chapter)

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