Second-hand little prince

Chapter 898 2 Fools

Chapter 898 Two Fools

Because it was a woman's dress, Qin Zixuan squatted there without saying a word, Li Han asked the price, Feng Wu Chuxuan stretched out a finger, although it was just a grass, the price was [-], because it was extremely difficult to find.

Although it is useless to many people, it is enough to be useful to pregnant women. There are those who love their wives and are not short of money. Even if they spend ten thousand gold, they will not blink their eyes. Qin Zixuan is like that. He immediately took out a golden ticket and prepared to pay. .

However, before Qin Zixuan handed over the golden ticket, Shangguan Xie came to kill him again. Qin Zixuan did not point to Yuancao, but pointed to the Sanqing Stone next to him and said, "Pack it up for me."

Feng Wu Chuxuan blinked her eyes and didn't speak, picked up the Sanqing Stone, moved very slowly, glanced at Shangguanxie from the corner of her eyes, and sure enough, she saw Shangguanxie opened her mouth to bid [-] yuan, Shangguanxie saw the golden ticket in Qin Zixuan's hand, in the spirit of The principle of not being stingy made the price.

Moreover, the price of the Sanqing Stone is in the millions of gold. If you can buy the [-], you will earn money. The Sanqing Stone has many uses, and the most commonly used one is on refining tools.

"Come on, you're so stingy, you won't be generous anywhere, this is the Sanqing Stone, the asking price is ten thousand, who is a fool?" Qin Zixuan looked at Shangguan Xie with contemptuous eyes, and then Qin Zixuan offered 1000 million.

The increase was tenfold, and Qin Zixuan not only asked the price, but also took out a stack of gold tickets from his arms and threw them, every time he threw them on Shangguan Xie's face, as if he was saying that the poor can't afford the price. Well, if you can't afford the price, don't come here to embarrass yourself.

Shangguan Xie is a member of the five major families. When did he lose this person and open his mouth to bid [-] million, Qin Zixuan rolled his eyes and stopped bidding. He looked at Shangguan Xie with a smile, and waited for Shangguan Xie to pay.

"Second idiot." Qin Zixuan cursed, laughing like a pig, he was cheated out of [-] million just now, and he got scammed into another [-] million so quickly, it was too easy to fall into the pit, and he was embarrassed to dig another pit.

Feng Wu Chuxuan moved very quickly this time, and immediately handed a bag of Sanqing stones to Shangguanxie, but she knew that what Qin Zixuan wanted was not Sanqing stones, but Huiyuan grass, the difference between the two was the difference between heaven and earth.

Shangguan Xie paid the money with a dark face, and put away the Sanqing Stone in a panic, as if he had eaten shit.

Qin Zixuan took out a golden ticket and handed it to Feng Wu Chuxuan, saying, "Wrap this up for me."

"I!" Shangguan Xie opened his mouth and said "me", Qin Zixuan and the three of them all raised their heads to look at Shang Guanxie, Qin Zixuan kept the smile on his face, but his eyes were full of joy, Shangguan Xie, who was good at checking faces, felt his heart skip a beat. It won't be another pit.

"Make a bid." Qin Zixuan shouted, Feng Wu held the Huiyuan grass and stared at Shangguan Xie. Hao handed it to Li Han, and put away the golden ticket in Qin Zixuan's hand.

"Hey, I really want to buy Yuancao back." Qin Zixuan saw that the silver and goods were cleared, stood up and roared, and laughed with his hands on his hips.

Shangguan Xie staggered, and ran away quickly. All the buyers and sellers in this area were laughing together. In just a few days, he was tricked twice, and Qin Zixuan bought what he wanted to buy.

Li Han put Hui Yuancao in his backpack, thanked Feng Wu Chushun, and continued to walk around the street while holding Qin Zixuan's hand. Li Han didn't laugh like Qin Zixuan who cheated others.

Shangguanxie challenged Qin Zixuan and was completely defeated by Qin Zixuan. Afterwards, he was ashamed to appear in front of Qin Zixuan, but Qin Zixuan's side was still not quiet. No matter where he went, someone next to him would follow him to raise the price. Of course, this time the bid was very conservative, only 100% higher. two.

Qin Zixuan was very annoyed to try to stimulate them to pay a high price and scolded Shangguan's family for their cunning. Of course, Qin Zixuan was also the most popular person in the exchange venue, and he received warm hospitality wherever he went. He will take the initiative to introduce what medicinal material this is and what strange stone this is.

In order to generate revenue for these stall owners, Qin Zixuan opened his voice when asking prices, so he took out a wine gourd to drink a couple of sips, and then called for prices.It's just that the smell of the wine attracted a group of drunkards.

"Little brother, the weather is a bit cold, can you give the old man a couple?" An old man dressed plainly asked, Qin Zixuan looked at the sky, it was really cold, it was a world of ice and snow, these people were wearing thin clothes, not like himself Wear a bunch of warm and windproof clothes.

He took out the wine gourd and asked the old man to drink a few sips. Then, after the wine gourd was turned around, there was a sound of mouth smacking, and when it returned to Qin Zixuan's hand, the gourd was empty.

"This wine is good, where did you buy it?" Zhang Huaichun asked aloud, that is, the old man who asked for the wine first, Qin Zixuan told him that this wine is homemade, ordinary people can't buy it, and the supply is limited.

This is Qin Zixuan's sales method, hunger marketing. This sales method is good. The reputation of the wine has been spread, and it is extremely expensive, which is too profitable.

"Oh, what kind of wine is it called?" Zhang Huaichun asked again.

"Du Kang." As soon as Qin Zixuan uttered these two words, there was a lot of admiration. Some people had heard of it, but they had never drank it, because the wine was sold at Weijixuan, and few people would go all the way to Weiji for a sip of wine. Xuan to eat.

And you may not be able to buy it when you run away, just listen to the name and never drink it, and now you want to drink it after drinking it, one by one, they start to get close to Qin Zixuan, to the effect that the old man is not short of money, can you give it to me first?We can pay first and then pick up the goods.

As for whether Qin Zixuan will be lazy, this is really out of their scope of consideration. If you dare to throw out the money, you will have your own means to get it back. Qin Zixuan smiled and said yes, who made you all my seniors? If you don't drink it yourself, you have to drink it.

This kid has a way of doing business, and of course he won't push him out when he sees a profit. Qin Zixuan's behavior was despised by the Shangguan family, who called Qin Zixuan a lowly businessman.

It doesn't matter if the scolding is okay, the people who set up the stall are not happy about it, and they are scumbags if they sit here and set up a stall. The child sprayed until he left with red eyes, and then he stopped.

After spraying away those who were not long-sighted, Qin Zixuan bought a few more products. There were not many stalls sold today, and the high-quality products had not been brought out yet, so Qin Zixuan was exhausted from shopping, and asked to go down the mountain to eat, this guy Either play or eat.

Dahai crawled from Zhao Qingfeng's neck to Qin Zixuan's neck, and began to show off his harvest to Qin Zixuan. This one was from Grandpa Sun, this was from Sister Zhang, and that was from Uncle Wei.

Qin Zixuan was stunned as Dahai showed off one by one from the bag. These people are so rich, and every treasure is priceless. Qin Zixuan wanted to shrink into a teenager when he saw it, and then he rode it to Zhao Qingfeng turned around his neck a few times.

(End of this chapter)

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