Second-hand little prince

Chapter 899 Discussion

Chapter 899 Discussion
Back at the foot of the mountain, Qin Zixuan let the sea go to the sea, and began to collect food. A group of guys who gave the sea a gift consciously smelled the fragrance and surrounded him. He couldn't believe that the majestic prince can cook.

Qin Zixuan didn't do anything else, he made a pot of soup, drinking a bowl of hot soup on a cold day, that's enjoyment, Qin Zixuan will naturally seize this opportunity to enjoy it, the aroma wafts out for miles, as for the wonderful side dishes, there are chefs to cook, Qin Zixuan doesn't need to reach out .

Dahai clapped his little hands and sang songs, making a group of old men and women laugh out loud. He was like everyone's pistachio. The cute and addicted Dahai tricked Qin Zixuan from time to time, and Qin Zixuan gritted his teeth in anger.

When it was time to eat, jars of fine wine were placed on the table, making everyone happier. Qin Zixuan sat next to Li Han, climbed into Qin Zixuan's arms smoothly in the sea, and began to direct Qin Zixuan to feed.

"Prince Cheng, you really know how to enjoy yourself when you go out." Zhang Huaichun took a big sip of wine, sighed contentedly, and couldn't help but praise Qin Zixuan, good wine, good food, life is enjoyable.

"It's fine, it's fine." Qin Zixuan raised his cup, and everyone laughed, that's fine, so what's good?Li Han brought a piece of lean meat to Qin Zixuan's mouth, Qin Zixuan opened his mouth to catch it, and Dahai followed Li Han's chopsticks with his mouth open.

Gu Yueru couldn't stand it anymore, and grabbed Hai Hai into her arms. This couple is too unscrupulous. According to their speed, Hai Hai can't be full until the food is cold.

Dahai raised his head and said to Gu Yueru, "Godmother, you love me the most, and I will be filial to you in the future, I am old."

Qin Zixuan picked his ears, he was out of his wits when he said that, he told everyone that he was a filial piety, and he was never soft when he cheated on his father.Qin Zixuan's side was lively, but the Shangguan family seemed deserted.

Except for the Fengwu family, the five major families stood on Daqin's side, and Qin Zixuan was on the left and right sides, toasting and drinking a few sips from time to time, until he got drunk and was carried into the tent by Li Han.

Shangguan Sheng stared in Qin Zixuan's direction with a gloomy face. He really wanted to rush up and chop Qin Zixuan to death. Today, he was disgraced, and behind Shangguan Sheng was Shangguan Xie. He also had an ugly face. It's hard to feel better.

In Feng Wu's family, Feng Wu Chuxuan sat obediently on a small bench. Opposite him sat several men and women in colorful clothes. The central figure they were talking about at this time was Qin Zixuan.

The people sent to Daqin have lost contact. It is said that those who went to sea, except for the boats of Prince Cheng’s Mansion, did not return, and nine out of ten died in the sea. It is not clear whether the people of Prince Cheng’s Mansion did it, because there was no witness witness.

Looking at the current formation, it is time for the Fengwu family to select a team. While they were discussing, Shangguan Sheng sent someone to send a post, and wanted to invite a few people to reminisce. At this time, Fengwu Qingkong did not want to send a post. keep the appointment.

Before the situation is clear, every step may fall into the abyss. In the historical records of the Fengwu family, every time the world changes, it is a process of reshuffle. One wrong step may lead to the collapse of the family.

From the initial contention of a hundred schools of thought to the current five major families, every change is a disaster for the ancient family. What they have to do is to lead the family members to successfully overcome the disaster.

"Although the disciples we sent at that time were all younger brothers, it was the Fengwu family who went out. No matter how bad they were, they should have sent a few words back to the family. I didn't expect them to go and never return. Except for the news that came back at the beginning, later The message is lost."

"According to the news they inquired in early spring, Qin Zixuan went to sea in May, but the last news sent back by the people we sent was March, that is to say, they didn't send back news for one to two months. Do you think this is possible? "

After Feng Wu Qingkong finished speaking, he glanced at everyone. This was a question he had been unable to figure out. If there were no accidents with the nine disciples, why didn't they send a message back to the family? At that time, they had ordered them to send back a message within three days at the latest .

"I don't think they dare not send the news back to the family, but it is possible that the news they sent was robbed." Feng Wu Qinglan said, "This is my speculation during this period of time. As for who robbed and confused, this needs to be investigated. .”

"It is said that there were several major cleansings in Yujing at that time, and the people who were cleaned up were all spies from the small kingdoms of the dynasty. None of the people from the five major families moved. This should be the girl from Gu Yue's family who reminded him to go to the Great Qin Emperor."

"So, one thing is certain is that the disciples we sent went to sea, and there were also the other three major families who went to sea at the same time. The Gu Yue family did not send anyone, because Gu Yueru was on Qin Zixuan's boat. Our focus now is to check who it is. Steal the news." Feng Wu said sunnyly.

Several people nodded. They have seen Qin Zixuan. Although he is a bit of a jerk, if you don't mess with him, he will be very friendly and generous.

"Chuxuan, you have been in contact with Qin Zixuan, who do you think he is?" Feng Wu Qingkong asked.

"He is very smart, and his mind is very fast." Feng Wu first thought of Qin Zixuan's move to get promoted to the official, and really worked out a strategy without the slightest hesitation, directly using a Sanqing Stone that he didn't like. I got a promotion from Shangguan.

"What about Li Han?" Feng Wu Qingkong asked again.

"How do you call Li Han? She is indeed a woman who loves her husband very much as in the legend, and she is also very kind to the concubine at home. After hearing the usefulness of Huiyuan grass, she bought it without any hesitation. .”

Feng Wu Chuxuan recounted what she saw and heard at the time, but she still felt that these two people were not as bastards as in the legend. According to the legend, these two people were the bullies of Yujing City. Like ah.

The Fengwu family did not make an appointment to go to Shangguan's house, but sat together to discuss Qin Zixuan and Daqin's affairs. They had to discuss a good conclusion for the future of the family. The final conclusion was to observe and observe to see if Daqin was worth it. They bet, and then see if there will be a dark horse that suddenly emerges.

And Shangguan Sheng smashed his cup and flipped the table angrily in his tent, and had resentment towards Feng Wu's family, but he couldn't expel this resentment, he had to bear it now.

The saint master sent to Yujing has not come yet, Shangguan Sheng has no confidence in his heart now, only when the saint master of Shangguan's family arrives, can he deal with others with confidence.

Dahai got in between Qin Zixuan and Li Han, squeezed out a little space, he wanted to sleep in the middle, this is his place, Li Han rubbed Dahai's head, this baby is really worrying, Dahai grinned Laughing, he can save people's worries, just now he deducted another jade pendant from Zhao Qingfeng, and the gifts after returning home are all in order.

(End of this chapter)

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