Chapter 900

The white snow was still falling, and the mountain wind roared like a wolf, howling all night. Just after dawn, some people got up early to exercise their bodies, and some people looked around for prey, ready to eat meat for themselves.

Dahai got up from Qin Zixuan, rubbed his eyes and got ready to get up. It was time for him to do morning class. Li Han got up to help Dahai get dressed, and then got up. Qin Zixuan continued to sleep, and had no intention of getting up at all.

Hai Hai walked out of the tent, stretched his muscles, and started squatting with his little buttocks. Not long after, Li Han joined the team. The mother and son practiced very hard, unlike someone who was enthusiastic for 3 minutes.

Afterwards, more and more people came out and saw that Hai Hai had already practiced Kungfu, and sighed that he was a good seed and worked hard. There is a reason for his achievements at such a young age.

He slept until Hai Hai's morning class was over, then Qin Zixuan opened his eyes, looked around, listened to the conversation outside, Qin Zixuan sat up slowly, and was dazed for a while, then felt his clothes and put them on slowly.

The cook outside had already prepared breakfast, and when Qin Zixuan got up, Dahai ran into the tent, saw Qin Zixuan was up, turned around and ran out to bring hot water, Li Han also bid farewell to Gu Yueru and followed the tent.

Gu Yueru looked at Li Han's background and sent the word "husband and slave", Gong Liangyan curled her lips, agreeing with Gu Yueru's comment, she is indeed a husband and slave, Gu Yueru asked Yang Shulin to prepare the table, breakfast can be served.

Following Gu Yueru's yell, many people approached Gu Yueru's direction. They ate the food from Qin Zixuan's house yesterday and it tasted really good. They expressed that they didn't want to cook any more, and they could help if they needed some wild game.

Qin Zixuan came out to see people with a three-pointed smile, said hello to everyone, and of course he would receive kindness in return, and those who wanted to send ill will would not lean over at this time.

Looking at Qin Zixuan's lively atmosphere from afar, Shangguan Sheng was upset, then looked in the direction of Feng Wu's family, snorted, turned around and got into the tent, he was so angry that he couldn't eat breakfast.

A few stools were placed beside the table, some were sitting and some were standing, holding chopsticks in their hands, and some were grabbing them directly, giving out satisfied praise from time to time, the chefs in Cheng Wang Mansion are really good.

"Is there anyone still setting up a stall today?" Qin Zixuan asked Gu Yueru.

"Yes, the official exchange meeting will be three days later. Before the exchange meeting, people will go up to the mountain to set up stalls every day. Most of them are gadgets that they don't use. Good things will only appear at the official exchange meeting."

Gu Yueru explained a few more words to Qin Zixuan, suggesting that Qin Zixuan continue to go up the mountain to participate in small exchange meetings, even if the gadgets are not good, there are still suitable for Qin Zixuan, and Qin Zixuan's family has more children, so there are more suitable ones.

Yesterday, Gu Yueru bought a few medicinal materials, all of which were for Dahai and the other children. Qin Zixuan didn't know much about them, so he nodded frequently, so he might as well go and have a look. There is no game in this ice and snow place. Except for participating in the exchange meeting is just spanking, time passes too slowly.

"The number of people from Shangguan's house is not too many. I guess they really went to Yujing to attack Prince Cheng's mansion." Gu Yueru said in a low voice.

"It's okay, it's useless even if it's a holy master breaking into Cheng Wang's mansion. If you escape quickly, you can save your life, but if you escape slowly, you will become scum, you understand." Qin Zixuan blinked, Gu Yueru nodded, of course she understood Yes, Qin Zixuan has a cannon in his hand.

After breakfast, they continued to chat. Dahai held up the dice and yelled to play a few games. Qin Zixuan had no objection, and played with Dahai alone. The old monster of Zhoushan called to participate. One tael of silver.

This kid is cunning, he can afford to lose a tael of silver, and he can also steal from his teacher to learn the gambling skills of the Zhoushan old monster. The Zhoushan old monster nodded Dahai's head and laughed at the little cunning. There was no such rule in the first meeting , but the first bet did not succeed.

Zhao Qingfeng stroked his beard and looked at the sea. When he saw Gu Yueru also reached out to roll the dice, Gu Yueru got a mark on the head. Zhao Qingfeng criticized Gu Yueru for not learning well, and Gu Yueru expressed grievance Ah, why don't you say it.

Qin Zixuan gossips about Gu Yueru, don't argue with the master, you can't compete with him, the next generation, Qin Zixuan knows how close the next generation is, when he was naughty when he was a child, his father slapped him, this bad boy Qin Zixuan is like the sea, Will cheat.

That slap wasn't heavy, but Qin Zixuan had a lot of thoughts. He slapped his nose, then smeared his nosebleed all over his face, and went to find his grandparents crying. I played with my father for half a month.

Since then, his father has never dared to touch Qin Zixuan's finger. Of course, Qin Zixuan's old mother doesn't care about that. Whenever she wants to beat her son, she will beat her son. Your sons go.

So the unlucky Qin's father was too scared to go home, Qin Zixuan couldn't help laughing when he thought of the cheating incident when he was a child, Gu Yueru snorted and didn't look at Zhao Qingfeng, and didn't dare to touch the dice anymore, she was afraid that the master would punish her ah.

The table was quickly surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside, shouting big and big, and small voices rang out from time to time, even a handful of one tael of silver attracted many people to join in the fun.

Playing until it was time to set up a stall on the mountain, Dahai and his gang stopped, and then Dahai consciously climbed onto Zhao Qingfeng's neck. own apprentice.

Look at other people's disciples and grandchildren, and then look at your own, why is there such a big difference!
On the way up the mountain, Qin Zixuan and Shangguanxie met again. Shangguanxie sneered at Qin Zixuan. It is enough to suffer the same kind of loss twice. Today he will fight a beautiful turnaround, and he must defraud Qin Zixuan of his gold. Tickets, so that he can't buy what he wants to buy.

Qin Zixuan twisted his mouth at Shangguanxie, whispering "Dig a hole, dig a hole."Li Han listened to the music, wondering how many scammers would be fooled today. After they went up the mountain, some people had already set up stalls, and others were setting up stalls.

It's a stall, but it's actually very simple, just take a piece of cloth or a piece of wood and put it on the ground, then throw three or five things, squatting there to pass the time, some people really want to sell it for a good price, some people really want it Purely to pass the time.

Qin Zixuan and Li Han walked slowly holding hands, followed by Shangguanxie, Qin Zixuan didn't care, squatted down in front of the third stall, this person Qin Zixuan knew, was Feng Wu Chuxuan who sold Huiyuancao yesterday.

Today, there was no Huiyuan grass, but three things. Seeing Qin Zixuan and the two of them squatting down, Feng Wu Chuxuan immediately greeted them with a smile.Qin Zixuan made a sign of ten to Feng Wuchu, and then quietly pointed at Shangguanxie. Feng Wuchuxuan wanted to laugh when he saw the gesture.

(End of this chapter)

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