Chapter 913
Qin Zixuan focused on inquiring about the living standards of the people in West Qin. Qin Zixuan was relieved after hearing this. Qin Zisheng was trying to kill himself. From the moment he scolded the untouchables, Qin Zixuan had not been optimistic about Qin Zixuan. Unexpectedly, Qin Zisheng's performance fell below Qin Zixuan's cognition.

Qin Zixuan finished chatting with Pirate Saint, and then gave the gift he bought to Pirate Saint. The joyful Pirate Saint jumped on the spot, asking himself that his value was far less than Qin Zixuan's gift, but Qin Zixuan gave it away. Seeing his own cognition, he finally classified himself as a core member of Prince Cheng's Mansion.

Coming out of Weijixuan, Qin Zixuan went to visit the Duke’s Mansion, Lin Mansion, and Prince Xian’s Mansion, and gave them the presents he brought. Qin Zixuan only visited relatives. Qin Zixuan met Lin Wenhao in the Lin Mansion, and then listened to Mrs. Lin After reading Lin Wenhao for a while, Qin Zixuan couldn't help laughing.

Lin Wenhao used to like Zhang Ting, but unfortunately Zhang Ting didn't like him and was using him all the time. Later, Zhang Ting angered Concubine Cheng, and was assigned to a servant by Mrs. Zhang. Lin Wenhao has not come out yet, and is still a bachelor.

Mrs. Lin looked anxiously at her son. Qin Zixuan was younger than him and would run all over the street at a young age. Look at her son, where can she find a suitable person?

Qin Zixuan looked at Lin Wenhao, this nerd is not without merits, it would be great if he can combine with Yunqing, but I don't know if Lin Wenhao has stepped out of Zhang Ting's shadow, Qin Zixuan smiled and walked to the corner with Lin Wenhao's shoulders to chat.

Mrs. Lin was curious about their movements, but he couldn't run over to listen to the corner. Fortunately, the girl next to Mrs. Lin was smart and quietly followed.

Qin Zixuan whispered: "Cousin, I didn't mean you, Zhang Ting is really not good enough for you, can you still not forget her?"

Lin Wenhao sighed helplessly, cast a sideways glance at Qin Zixuan, and said angrily, "I've forgotten about her a long time ago, but you made a point of mentioning her for no reason."

"Really?" Qin Zixuan looked Lin Wenhao up and down with a small long voice, seeing Lin Wenhao's black face, and he continued after a while, "Since you have forgotten her long ago, why are you still unwilling to start a family?"

"Didn't you say that if you want to marry, marry the woman you love the most? I haven't found the woman I love the most, where can I marry?" Lin Wenhao rolled his eyes, facing Qin Zixuan, Lin Wenhao's expression was much more vivid, and Qin Zixuan forced him out .

Every time when Lin Wenhao had a dead face, Qin Zixuan would try his best to tease him, and Lin Wenhao jumped his feet in anger, his expression gradually became richer, and the little white eyes gave him a smooth expression.

"If you're still learning how to fall in love at an early age, wouldn't you get married first and then fall in love?" Qin Zixuan didn't recruit this second idiot, he was too honest, and he really couldn't see the light in his heart.

Lin Wenhao said nothing, feeling very helpless, he also wanted to get married, so as not to be read by his mother, but the target is hard to find, he is already old, the young one is too tender, like an old cow eating tender grass, the big one is not ,what else can we do.

"Cousin, let me introduce someone." Qin Zixuan whispered, rolled his eyes a few times, saw Lin Wenhao looking up at him, and then continued: "The person I introduced is not low-status, he is a princess. , who can you think of?"

"Who is it?" Lin Wenhao asked, seeing Qin Zixuan's disgusted expression, Lin Wenhao became angry, "There are eighty princesses in the imperial family, if you don't tell me who it is, how would I know."

"Yo yo, what makes you anxious is my fault, it's my fault, okay, let me tell you the truth, that person is my cousin, Princess Yunqing." Qin Zixuan looked at Lin Wenhao with a smile, doubting that he had a clue. The power to drive people crazy.

"Yunqing." Lin Wenhao said three words without any further words. He was thinking that Yunqing's age is appropriate. He is not a few years younger than himself. He is the only seedling in his family and was born as a general. Like Li Han, he can't beat him.

Thinking of Li Han, Lin Wenhao had doubts on his face. Li Han's fist was so big, it seemed that he had never beaten his cousin, so marrying a daughter-in-law who could beat him would not necessarily result in a beating, but he wondered if Yun Qing could take a fancy to him?
"What's wrong with Yun Qing, that's my cousin, capable of writing and martial arts, can go to the hall and enter the kitchen, why isn't she good enough for you?" Qin Zixuan didn't know what was going on in Lin Wenhao's heart, and frowned in displeasure.

Yun Qing has kept filial piety for three years, and she is almost twenty now. In this era, she is a standard leftover woman, because she has no family to support her, and the marriage has not yet been settled. Qin Zixuan looked around but did not find a suitable person.

Similar to Yun Qingnian, who had been married long ago, Yun Qing could only be a concubine or a concubine when he married those people, which made Qin Zixuan unhappy. When he met Lin Wenhao today, Qin Zixuan felt that the two of them were quite suitable, both of them were of a very old age.

Lin Wenhao is already 26 years old. In his previous life, he was considered a late marriage, but in this life he is a fighter among leftover men. It is very likely that he will grow old as a bachelor. It is not without reason that Mrs. Lin is anxious. Lin Wenhao is really worrying.

"I didn't say I wasn't good enough for me." Seeing that Qin Zixuan was in a hurry, Lin Wenhao quickly explained that this cousin was good at everything except to protect his weaknesses. Lin Wenhao didn't want to be targeted by Qin Zixuan, this kid had a lot of tricks on him.

"That's about the same. If you have no objection, I'll tell my aunt to find a matchmaker to go to Yunfu to propose marriage." After Qin Zixuan finished speaking, he turned around to look for Mrs. Lin. Lin Wenhao grabbed Qin Zixuan, feeling that the matter was a bit urgent.

Lin Wenhao discussed with Qin Zixuan to let him think about it for a while, Qin Zixuan continued to despise him, thinking about his age, he finally got a suitable one to marry, and if he thought about it again, maybe Yunqing would be favored by others.

Don't look at the decline of the Yun Mansion, she is still a princess anyway, if there is someone who wants to climb high and ask someone to propose a marriage, hmph, Qin Zixuan feels that when Lin Wenhao cries, to be honest, Yun Qing has a good temper, capable of both literature and martial arts, where will this kind of girl go? try to find.

The servant girl trotted all the way to Mrs. Lin, and whispered the conversation between Qin Zixuan and Lin Wenhao to Mrs. Lin. Mrs. Lin was moved when she heard it.

As Qin Zixuan said, age is not eligible for selection, and Mrs. Lin's conditions have been relaxed again and again, but it is a pity that Lin Wenhao, the person involved, does not nod, and it is useless for her to worry. She does not want to force her son to go to Xiangguo Temple.

These days, when young people are in a hurry, they either run away from home or go to Xiangguo Temple to become a monk. Mrs. Lin is worried that Lin Wenhao will also end up doing this. After all, the Lin family has produced such unfilial sons before, so they can only plan slowly. I can persuade this bastard boy.

Qin Zixuan didn't know that the pressure on his body was so great, and he continued to talk about Luo Lin Wenhao, saying that Yun Qing was not good enough for you?If you like to give a sentence or not, think about it, Lin Wenhao gritted his teeth in anger.

(End of this chapter)

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